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This possibility is close to zero. The spirit of Ying Ling Di Lumu will be reborn.

What Dilumuto asked for was only to be able to regain the glory of the past and complete the mission that he failed to accomplish.

He wanted to be loyal in the name of a knight, not fulfilling his previous life.

This time, we must take the road of loyalty to the end——

Put victory and faith in both hands--

So for Lancer, he didn't need the Holy Grail at all. While standing with the owner on the battlefield named Dongmu, his wish was half done.

The remaining half is to win. Returning to the master with the Holy Grail. It was when he showed his achievements of loyalty, that is, when he was satisfied.

This was originally the case, and he shouldn't have other extravagant expectations.

Dilumudo's front was shrouded in ominous dark clouds. His appearance planted a seed of distrust in the heart of his new owner, Kenes.

If Sola could notice that she was just bewildered by his magical appearance, she could avoid the deterioration of the situation.

But if she is willing to become the second Grania-can she refuse her altogether at this time?

This is the war he used to atone, and he did not want to repeat the tragedy.

But what should I do?

In the silent night, Lancer could not find the answer, and could only look up at the moon silently.

The sound of waves surged.

Perhaps it was almost dawn, and the faint light shining on the shore was covered with a soft mist.

The beach stretched to both sides, with no end in sight. The sea was shrouded in white fog, and I couldn't see the other side. What is there on the sea, is it land, is it a distant horizon, or is there nothing?

In addition to the sound of the waves that never stop, there is silence around.

There were no clouds in the air, no wind on the ground, and from the shore, there were several people blurred.

Going eastward, throwing everything in the world far to the west—then finally came to this quiet coast.

So there must be nothing behind that fog.

So far, the world has been unable to move forward. Here is the sea at the end of the world.

Close your eyes and listen to the waves.

That can only be appreciated by those who have reached the end of the world, the melody of the distant Haitao——

It seemed to fall asleep on the table.

After being shook his shoulder suddenly, Weber felt a paralysis in his arm, and he raised his head while moaning.

It seemed that I had some strange dreams, strange but clear dreams, as if I was peering into the memories of others.

It's already dark, I should have wasted a lot of time. Weber thought helplessly. Now, time is the most important thing.

All the masters are competing for the first level of Caster, and the winners will be paid for additional spells... must be successful. For Weber, who is in charge of Iskandar as if he were a fierce horse, the compulsory authority of the mantra is a necessary guarantee. He will not give this great opportunity to other Masters.

No matter what kind of hero the opponent is, judging from the rank of Caster, it should be a Servant who is good at using magic tricks. To deal with such an opponent, you can directly rush forward to solve it with brute force. I am afraid that you must have a rank like Saber. The Rider rank other than the three knight ranks can only be dealt with by strategy, because Iskandar's anti-magic ability is judged to be D level... nothing can be done except defense.

So the best way to deal with Caster is to try to make him meet Saber, but then you won't get a valuable additional spell. Allied with Saber to attack Caster is the best strategy. But if you consider the future Holy Grail war, you must act before others.

One day after the announcement of Dongmu Church. Weber asked Rider to investigate and think about his strategy at home... but he didn't expect to fall asleep, and the Servant would laugh at himself somehow.

No, it's okay if it's just ridicule-remembering the finger that made me suffer so many times, Weber unconsciously covered his forehead. That's so annoying, what if the skull cracks.

He was thinking, and suddenly heard the footsteps of the stairs under the corridor, so he quickly sat upright. By the way, it is almost time for supper now, it is the old lady who came to call him.

Looking around, the suspicious items in the house now-okay, no.

After gently knocking on the door, the lady's voice sounded. But the content is completely different from Weber's expectations.

"Webber, Mr. Alex is here."


Who? He asked, a bad hunch flashed in his mind.


When he hadn't responded, there was a burst of rude laughter in the living room under the gallery.

"……and many more!"

Webber, whose face changed greatly, rushed out of the room and ran downstairs toward the restaurant in a half-roll attitude.

The TV screen is still those messy programs, and the old man is eating food and drinking beer at the table. Everything is normal, except for a huge foreign object.

Servant tucked himself into the crumbling guest chair, greeted Webber easily with a hand, and then sipped the beer from the glass.

"Ah, it's so refreshing."

Gulan, who was holding a bottle of wine to persuade him, seemed to be happy to meet a drinker from the bottom of his heart. "When my Weber came back from the UK, I also expected him to become able to drink some wine, but he is not good now, but I have been bored until now." "Hahaha, he did not know the fun Ah, I often say to him that in life, happiness is victory."

The old man and the conquered king talked and laughed. Watching this is obviously a prank. Weber was speechless.

Upon seeing this, the lady patted Weber's shoulder with confusion: "That's not okay. Since there are guests coming, why don't you let me know in advance, I didn't have time to prepare."


Seeing Weber's doubts, Rider said without concern.

"No need, don't worry, ma'am. This casual home-cooked meal is the most delicious."

"Ah, you really speak."

The lady laughed, as if the laughter had been infected by Rider's rudeness. It seems that Weber is the only one who can't understand this situation.

"You also know that my Weber has such a temper. Although he didn't have to worry about it in England at the time. But I didn't expect him to make such a reliable confidant to you. It's really bothering you."

"No, I didn't bother him. I think he bought these pants for me too. It looks great."

Because he asked him to go out to investigate, Weber bought him this pair of jeans, and Rider was proud of it. Although I don't know how these people got together, but from the mouth of the Mackay couple. He already knew the image of "Mr. Alex" in their hearts.

The old couple was magically implied that Weber was their grandson returned from studying in the UK, and Rider pretended to be a friend before he went abroad, so he was invited into the house and sat at the dinner table.

Although it is puzzling that the old couple would believe so to a stranger, it is more than this. Rider who convinced them also seemed to have considerable skills. Weber, who has been trying to hide the existence of Servant, has witnessed the scene of three people talking and laughing, and he has no idea what to say.

"How long does Mr. Alex intend to stay in Japan?"

"Ah, after some things are done, maybe about a week."

"If you wish, it would be better to stay in our house. Although there is no room, the Webber room is covered with futons to sleep alone. Is it Webber?"

"...", ...

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