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"Futon? Bedding in this country, then trouble you."

"Haha, people who have been in bed may feel uncomfortable at first. Although we stayed in Japan for a long time, we were also surprised at this when we first came."

"This may be the so-called exotic, I like to try something unknown. Asia will always surprise me no matter what age."

For his weird statement, the second elder still smiled and nodded.

"Ah, then I'll cook, and Webber will sit down quickly."

The old woman got up quickly, and Webber sat quietly in her chair. The seated chair became uncomfortable somehow.

Although today's supper is different from usual, it is already close to the banquet, but Weber has always been silent. Sitting next to Rider, who was smiling thoughtlessly, he only felt that all the dishes tasted like chewing wax.

"--What the **** do you want to do?"

After eating, Rider returned to the house with the bedding borrowed from the owner. Weber asked with an open mouth.

"What...I just want to enter the entrance through the entrance like ordinary people, it's not okay not to lie."

"I said! Enter and exit the door to be spiritualized! You didn't even care about it!!"

Looking at Webber, who was close to madness and was about to cry, even Rider was depressed.

"But the spirit can't come in with this thing."

In the hands of the giant man was a small handbag brought into the door by him under the pretext of luggage.

"Although I don't know what's inside, but I went out for this today. I got a pair of pants for it. But the devil ordered you."

"So... you can hide it somewhere, and then I will find out."

"But now that it's not a province, when you bring it back, do they have to ask the question again-I said, what the **** is inside."

Webber, who was still not relieved, took the bag from Rider and then opened it.

A total of twenty-four test tubes stuffed with cork were placed inside, with a handwritten English alphabet label attached to them. In the test tube, a colorless and transparent liquid is sealed.

"It's rare that I have such a pair of pants, and I knew I should go to some good places to wander around-why did my conqueror want to go to the wild mountains and fields to fetch water."

"It makes more sense than watching TV while eating pancakes."

After Webber packed up the table, he put the experimental equipment brought from the small student dormitory in London on the table, and then began to prepare for the experiment.

Various medicine bottles filled with ores and reagents, alcohol lamps, tweezers... looked at these strange props on the table. Conquer Wang frowned.

"What is this? Do you want to simulate alchemy?"

"It's not simulation, it's real alchemy, fool."

Weber answered sullenly, arranging the test tubes brought back by Rider one by one according to the order on the label, and then after selecting the reagents, they began to reconcile. This is just to repeat the basic knowledge learned in the clock tower. Regarding the amount of reagent, just use visual inspection.

"I have one more question, you did get it from the place marked on the map."

"Are you despising me, kid? How can I be wrong about this?"

Rider mumbled and handed over the neatly folded map to Webber. That's the whole picture of Dongmu City. Near the upper estuary of the Weiyuanchuan River, several places were marked in English.

The mark on the map is the same as the symbol on the label of the test tube brought back by Rider. The liquid in the test tube is a sample of water drawn from different river sections in Yuanchuan. See Rider wants to go out as an entity anyway. Weber had to prepare clothes for him, and then ordered him to take water samples. Although I do not know whether this task is helpful to myself. But compared to the boring exercise of asking him to take a walk, it should be a useful task.

Weber, who silently prepared reagents, felt as if he had returned to the elementary section of the clock tower, suddenly passing a trace of discomfort in his heart. As a Master who has Servant to participate in the Holy Grail War, why do you need to do this kind of boring repetitive work here.

Sighed melancholy. Weber dropped the prepared reagent into the test tube marked with A label.


The reaction was unexpected, and rusty turbidity suddenly appeared in the colorless and transparent water.

"what is this?"

Rider stood behind Weber with interest, observing the progress of the demonstration, as if enjoying a video that had just begun. It would take too much time to explain them one by one, but Weber was afraid that he would ask him to disturb himself to do experiments later, so he had to answer.

"The traces of surgical residues are the traces of magic left in the water."

The water in the A label is taken from the estuary, and such a position can still have such a large response. Explain that the situation is abnormal.

"Upstream of the river-that is, close to the mouth of the river, it seems that someone has done magic. As long as you go upstream, you should be able to grasp the specific location."

"...Ghost, did you think the river was turbidly abnormal from the beginning?"

"How is it possible, but it happens that there are tributaries of the river in the city. It is reasonable to start the investigation from the water."

Investigating "water" is a shortcut to master the magician's position, because "water" follows the absolute principle of "water flowing down". If you judge by the wind direction, you must spend time investigating the mountains. Compared to this, finding the downstream of the water vein is the easiest way. The same holds true for land with rivers.

In the case of many investigation methods, it is natural to start with the simplest method... but it seems that Weber has taken the right path, and it seems that the goddess of luck is on her side.

He then added reagents to the river water in the test tubes in order. The closer to the upstream, the stronger the reaction. Weber was stunned by this conclusion, which almost meant that someone had set up a workshop in the river and unknowingly drained the water into the river. That kind of magician is hardly influential-but such an idiot magician does exist. After Weber was called to the Dongmu Church this morning, he learned the details from the priest as the supervisor.

"But even using this method to reach a conclusion... I am not happy at all."

Guess the enemy's actions and compete with each other-this is the "magic contest" in Weber's imagination. But now he is investigating one by one like a policeman. This is something that incompetent mortals do. Although he had mastered the results, Weber still left a lingering sense of humiliation in his mind.

The water in the "P" test tube is already like ink. If the color of the water sample is more intense afterwards, it can easily make a conclusion.

But first, we must analyze the water sample in the "Q" test tube.

"...", ...

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