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The water was still clear, and no matter how Weber shook it, there was no response.

Weber unfolded the map and pointed to the places marked with P and Q.

"Rider, do you see anything here or here? Drains or water spouts."

"Oh. I saw an oversized thing."

"By the way, as long as you follow that, you should be able to find Caster's workshop."


Rider stared at Webber with a strange, serious expression.

"Hey, kid, are you a very good magician?"

This was a surprise, so Weber only used his words as a mockery of himself and turned his head away with a snort.

"This is not the method used by good magicians, it is just a method that cannot be taken. You are laughing at me."

"What do you say, if you can get the best results by using the next strategy, then the so-called best strategy is no big deal. I am praising you, my Servant is not much when praising others."

He smiled heartily and patted the short Master's shoulder. Weber became more and more unhappy. He just wanted to return a few words to him, and he was afraid that this Servant would have to learn the secret of magic, so he had to swallow his breath.

"Very well, I even found his hiding place. Imp, let's just rush over and beat him."

"Wait for you. But the enemy is Caster, which fool would rush past in a daze."

For the magician, Kobo can be said to be the place where his magic is mastered. Therefore, before entering the workshop, you must be fully prepared.

In particular, Caster, known as the hero of the magic road, also has rank stunts, and the ability to "make positions" has increased. Since the opponent can maximize the terrain regardless of the terrain in the shortest possible time, in terms of defense, Caster can be said to be the most important opponent of the seven Servants. Therefore, from the front, this kind of attack on the Kobo, unless it is Saber, is tantamount to suicide.

The above reason Weber has said to Rider, but this giant does not seem to have carefully considered it. I don't know when he has made the sword of Alexandria modernized, and tapped the scabbard on the shoulder together.

"I said that the formation is constantly changing during the battle. If you don't rush forward to solve the enemy quickly, it will be too late until he escapes and regrets."

"...How are you so active today."

"Of course, my Master finally let me see a decent result. Then of course I have to pay back the enemy's first level. This is just a little bit of Servant's intention."


Hearing this, Weber lost all room for rebuttal. Perhaps understanding his silence as acquiescence, Rider nodded with his hand on Master's shoulder with a broad smile.

"Don't give up before you start. In short, try it first, maybe you can gain something?"


Did the soldiers who conquered the king hit the end of eastern Asia in the same way? Weber thought so, and couldn't help feeling sympathy for the ancient soldiers.

--At last. They did gain something.

Deep in the sewer that Weber found was a world of extraterrestrial magic. Aquatic monsters with countless tentacles lived in narrow pipes, waiting to strangle the poor intruders.

Of course, even in the face of this terrible situation, there is only one countermeasure to conquer King Iskandar.


The "Shenwei Wheel" ran away in the sewer pipe as if torn by monsters with a thunder shovel. The crushed and burned monster fragments filled the sewer with body fluids, and Weber could hardly tell the difference.

If it wasn't for the ride that was shared with Rider, the protective force field wrapped up, and Weber must have been choked by the monster's blood foam at the moment. But even so, he protected his breathing organs with magic, and even blocked his sense of smell, otherwise the foul odor in the sewers would definitely stun him.

After a complicated defensive array, I thought I had arrived at Caster's Lair-I didn't expect them to be greeted by a large number of envoys, but otherwise, there was nothing like magic disguise or traps. According to the magician's benchmark, this is just a workshop. Even if it is protected by many guards, this is just a "surrounding circle".

These large numbers of miscellaneous soldiers are just a piece of cake for the Servant with the treasure. It seemed to Rider that eliminating them was as simple as clapping hands.

"Hello kid, is it so boring to attack the magician's workshop?"

"...No, it's strange, this time Caster may not be a real magician."

"Ah? What does this mean?"

"For example-he inherited the name of the devil from birth, or what kind of devil book he holds, but I don’t know much about magic, but it is just like that. If the magician summons such a hero , Then his ability should also be limited."

After being stunned by the screams of the monsters for a few minutes, Weber finally analyzed Rider aloud with a sound that could cover those noises.

"In short, if this is really a workshop, then that kind of waste will not be discharged indiscriminately so unpreparedly. A real magician would not make such a mistake."

"Um, so... um? Almost there?"

The density of the monster's meat wall blocking the direction of progress has weakened, and finally, they jumped into a wide space. It was still dark around, and the air seemed to show no signs of flowing. But there is no sense of oppression in a narrow space.

"--Well, it seems that Caster doesn't happen to be."

Servant, who can still see normally even in the dark, muttered, as if lowering his voice to blame Weber for letting the enemy away, but Weber didn't notice it.

"What is this? The water tank or something..."

What he wanted to use for lighting, but then thought about it, in case there is an ambush in the dark, does this just let the other party know his position? Now use magic to enhance the vision.

"...Ah, devil, you still don't think it's good."

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