Thousand Blades of Death

: Eighty-five cruel

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The bold Rider said in a rare, cautious tone, of course, Weber got angry at once.

"What are you talking about! Since Caster is not here, at least you have to look for clues here."

"That being said, forget it, devil, you are not his opponent."


Webber sulked from the bridge to the ground to launch the technique of dark vision, and his eyes suddenly brightened like clouds and sunrise. The scene that was originally shrouded in darkness gradually became clear.

Until he understood the situation around him, Weber had forgotten that he had blocked his sense of smell in the sewer battle. When stepping on the ground, the sound of the water from the soles of his shoes was also regarded as ordinary sewage.


Weber. Velvet is a magician. Because of this, he is always ready to look straight at all the weird scenes.

He knew that the holy grail war he was participating in was a brutal killing, and he had no time to feel any sadness. If you are not prepared to face the corpses of the mountains, you have no hope of victory.

So Weber decided that he should never be shaken no matter what kind of death he faced. Dongmu is the battlefield, and it is normal to see dead bodies.

Even if the body is huge. Even if the corpse was destroyed to be inhuman form-but that was nothing more than a corpse. He did not allow himself to grieve or frown when facing such scenes.

In Weber's imagination, the corpse turned into wreckage at most, and was destroyed to the most. And the situation now in front of him is far beyond his imagination.

For example, this is like a grocery store.

There are furniture, clothing, musical instruments and tableware, and there are some pictures-like things that can't see the purpose. Through those works, we can see the author's original style and passion.

The producers of these works must be very passionate about these materials and the production process.

The author must advocate violence. Although the murderers who carried the **** debt also advocated violence, the corpses in this **** space did not seem to be left by the murderers.

No one here is a "destroyed wreckage", all are works, works of art. Both human life and human body are discarded meaninglessly in the process of processing-this is the killing that happened here.

This unique style of killing and death-making works far exceeds Weber's acceptance. He couldn't even stand, and fell to the ground covered with blood all at once.

Rider got off the chariot and stood next to Weber with a deep sigh.

"I told you to stop watching."

"To shut up!"

In the whisper of giant Servant, his frustrated restraint finally vanished.

There was a rage in his chest, there was no reason to be angry. He knelt on the spot and hated his cowardice. And this cowardice just displayed in front of his Servant, is the most unforgivable humiliation.

"Animal--actually playing me--animal!"

"Now it's not time for you to play hard, fool."

Rider said with a sigh, but instead of blaming Webber, he continued in a calm tone.

"Okay, let's stop here. If you see this thing, if anyone can even frown, then I'll beat him. But your judgment is still commendable, devil. Leave Caster and his Master to It’s actually the right decision to resolve it later. I don’t want to meet them at all now, and it’s disgusting to think about it.”


Even if Rider said so, Weber couldn't make himself happy. The reason he targeted Caster was because he wanted to get the additional mantra that the priest said. Of course, Rider didn't know about it, and no Servant would be happy because of the increase in the spell that bound him.

In all the words that Rider said just now, there is no hint of malice to Weber. But Weber still felt extremely disgusted and feared by this Servant.

He has no respect for Master from other Servant, but always regards himself as an idiot. If this is the case, it is even more unforgivable that this man who rarely praises Weber seems to have misunderstood something at the moment.

"Beating...what beating! Fool! You are not yourself... standing there casually! Who is ashamed of me except me!"

After Webber finished vomiting, he scolded loudly, and saw his expression of clenching his teeth. Rider grinned confusedly.

"Me, I just think it is not the time to be afraid, because my Master is in danger."


Before Webber had time to doubt his ears, Rider launched his action among the electric flint. His huge body was galloping like a raptor, slashing hard against the darkness with his blade.

The sound of tearing the flesh and the screaming sounded simultaneously.

Weber stared incredulously at the man in black.

When did the attacker sneak up behind Webber-and when did Rider detect it. Rider's first shot shot down the short knife the enemy was shooting at Weber. Probably because of this short knife, Rider found the enemy's accurate position. This water tank had become a battlefield before Weber knew it.

What makes Weber look even more is the face of the enemy that Rider knocked down, wearing a white skull mask.

"Assassin... how is this possible?"

This is too strange. Webber used to confirm that the assassin Servant had been killed by the eyes of the angel.

"This is not the time for you to be surprised, imp."

Rider admonished cautiously while still holding his weapon in a fighting position. As if confronting him protecting Weber, two ghost masks appeared in the darkness.

"To do what, why... why are there four Assassins?!"

"It doesn't matter why it is now."

Even in the face of this unusual situation, Rider's attitude is still calm and unreasonable. No matter how suspicious the whole thing is, he is probably only concerned about fighting now.

"One thing is certain-the guys who think they are dead have been cheated."

Regardless of Weber, the Rider who protected him was not surprised at the moment. When the two Assassins saw it, they just gritted their teeth.

In fact, the development of this matter is an irrefutable failure for their Assassin.

Originally sent to monitor Caster and his Master Ryunosuke, in addition to the two Assassins who never returned before, there were also these three people who were patrolling outside the workshop.

If possible, they wanted to enter the workshop secretly, but because they didn't know what was going on in the workshop, they must be careful. At this time, the Rider who suddenly appeared actually made a surprise attack from the front. The three thought that this was a wonderful opportunity, so they followed them all the way to find out the defense status of this workshop.

However, what they did not expect was that Rider broke into the interior so easily, which means that Assassins invaded Caster's nest. One of them immediately felt good and was stunned by utilitarianism when facing the unguarded Rider's Master. ,, ..

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