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In fact, at that time, Rin was only a half-knowledge, and his thoughts were not yet mature.

I don’t know if it’s a sense of obligation or a so-called condemnation of conscience. Without knowing it, she was taken into an area that she could never set foot in. She didn't realize it at the time.

Compared to the distantly enshrouded mansion, it’s too easy to slip out of Chancheng’s room.

Climb out the bedroom window, slide along the patio pillar into the courtyard, and then drill out of the wall through the small door.

It took less than five minutes to run out, but when I came back, I couldn't use the same route. It is troublesome to simply climb up if you want to slide off the patio pillar.

When I thought of going out privately tonight, I couldn’t hide it, and when my parents would criticize myself severely, Rin said to myself that he secretly slipped out not for shameful things, but because he was a member of the Tosaka family. made. When you go back, be sure to go back with the piano. At that time, no matter how parents scolded themselves, they must still be proud of themselves.

There are three kinds of equipment.

The most dependable is the magic pointer sent by my father on my birthday. Regardless of the shape or structure, this is just a common north arrow, but it will not point north, but will point to the direction of the strong magic. Rin once experimented that neither wind nor water can change the movement of some subtle magic. If there is anything unusual, this thing is undoubtedly the most useful.

The rest are two crystal wafers refined by Rin in the practice of gem magic. She picked the best two of the finished products she made. If the magic filled in it is released together-although she has never tried such a dangerous thing-there should be a small explosion. In case of danger, it can be used as a self-defense weapon.

With equipment and her own strength, Rin believes that she will be able to find the piano sound and bring her back.

If someone asks, no problem, I will nod myself.

If someone asks, is it really okay? Then he may nod himself somewhat depressed.

And if someone asks, can you really guarantee that there will be no mistakes? I guess I dare not answer at that time.

This question is actually meaningless to Rin. If someone really wants to ask, then the first question should be Qin Yin. Isn't it possible that if Qin Yin can't come to school anymore, can Rin sustain it? If it's such a question, she will be able to answer it immediately without hesitation.

With courage and self-esteem, Rin told himself that he was not a timid ordinary child. She drove away the cowardice in her heart and walked towards the nearest station. Dongmuxin arrived in just one stop, and the change in his hand was enough to pay the fare.

The air in Dongmu's night is really long gone, and the cold breath in winter just cools down the skin like fire.

Rin thought innocently, it would be nice if he could find the piano tone before the last train. But in that case, there are only two hours left, and the time is not enough.

In short, investigate the new capital first. If you go to the deep mountain town, the magic pointer will only point to the Yuan Sakadi, and if you go there, it is likely to be discovered by your father.

By adult standards, it is not yet late at night, but there are very few people on the street. When I go home on weekdays, the road is full of busy office workers, even if the streets are still crowded at night.

After opening the magic pointer cover, Rin was stunned by the pointer's reaction.

"...What's going on?"

At the moment, the needle, which just wobbled slightly, was spinning fast. She saw this phenomenon for the first time. The needle behaved as if it were a small animal, causing a sudden shadow on Rin's heart.

However, standing alone is not the way. Several adults who have just passed by have cast a surprised look on the lonely one, so let's go and talk first.

People in the distance are scarce. Is this really the usual winter wood city? Rin felt a faint chill hit his body.

In fact, Dongmu City has issued a curfew. Recently, there have been continuous murders and kidnappings. A series of terrorist bombings occurred in Xindu and the Bay Area yesterday. The police urged citizens to reduce their night outs, and the smart people all followed this instruction.

However, even if there is no curfew, I am afraid that there are not many people who like night tours. Nowadays, something bad is hidden in the night in the new capital, and human instincts should be aware of this.

"--Ah, sure enough." The red police light was on in front of him, and he was horrified and hid in the shadow of a building. The patrol police car slowly drove to find out if there were any citizens walking alone on the street. If you see yourself, the police will not let it go. In that case, you can't save the piano.

Watching the light gradually go away, Rin was finally relieved—


-Rin swallowed the exclamation that almost came out.

The sound just came from the depths of the hidden house corridor, probably when the wild cat bumped into the canister or the like while turning the trash. But it is difficult to tell if there is anyone.

Looking down at the magic pointer in his hand, Rin gasped.

The pointer is motionless. It seems to be frozen and generally points to the direction of the sound.

There is something there, something that gives off magic.


Isn't this what I was looking for?

It was a good start to find the clue so quickly. Rin intends to search the suspicious locations in Xindu and confirm the position of the piano sounds one by one. The first place here has been found by myself.

Okay, then go ahead and see what is there.


Perhaps there are clues related to the piano tone, or the piano tone is there.


There is no reason to hesitate, otherwise you should not come here at all. Rin doesn’t want to leave her friends behind, and as a member of the Yuanban family, she must use courage to prove that she is eligible to become his father’s heir in the future.

"Don't don't don't absolutely don't don't..."

There was something breathing from the depths of the corridor, as if there was a damp breath.

Rin finally realized that this exploration journey to find a good friend was by no means so simple.

There is no figure in the deep darkness. Even if she is inside, she should not be the same as before.

If you really want to find something today, perhaps Rin's goal should not be Qin Yin but her body.


In fact, Rin Tosaka has an extremely good magician qualification.

She had never seen a demon and had never touched it, but by feeling she could know she was in danger now.

To learn magic, you must first learn to accept and recognize death-this is the first lesson for every trainee magician.

The feeling of "death" that can't escape, can't think, is simply desperate. ,, ..

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