Thousand Blades of Death

: Eighty-eight Essence

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At that time, the young Rin realized the essence of the devil through this experience.

The whole body couldn't move, and even the cry couldn't be heard. The horror that ordinary people cannot bear is enough to defeat such a young girl.

Marvelous tinnitus started in her ears, and Rin thought it was caused by the cold, desperate feeling pressed against her heart. Your own thinking is beginning to destroy the five senses.

A buzzing sounded, monotonous but frantic, as if a large group of fly flies were attacking themselves...

Then, a louder sound than tinnitus approached.

For a moment, something like black mist that had been covering the rinsing head rushed in.

The thing passed through the top of Rin like a turbid current, and instantly penetrated into the darkness.

Subsequently. The outrageous screams rang continuously, as if they were screaming when the cat was put into the pot alive-but it was definitely not the cat's voice.

This is already the limit that Rin can bear.

His eyes started to turn black, and his footsteps gradually became unstable. At the moment when he was about to fall, someone caught himself.

In front of him was a monster who could only see the left half of his face.

The ugly face was embedded with turbid eyes.

But his right eye showed deep loneliness and sorrow.

As if I've seen this look before—

Rin thought of this before losing consciousness.

It was only an hour after Yuan Ban Kwai discovered that her daughter was gone.

Perhaps it was the fear of the mother’s scolding. The child placed a note beside the bed, which said that she was going to find the music of her classmates who had no whereabouts.

Kwai suddenly regretted it. Rin mentioned the sound of the piano at dinner and asked Kwai about the status of Dongmu.

At that time, Kwai thought that he should not hide something, so he told her plainly-you forgot this friend.

She should be told-but this thought was immediately suppressed by her reason.

Aoi can't do magic, but she is the wife of a magician after all. She knew that now her husband had no time to worry about this for her daughter. The husband is still on the battlefield and has put his life and all his energy into the battle.

The only one who can protect Rin is now himself.

Kwai ran out of the Chancheng mansion in her home uniform and drove on the national road at night.

Since she didn't know where Rin had gone, she could only guess her range of action and find out where she might go one by one.

If you want to take the tram from home, the first thing you must go to is Dongmu Station in Xindu, and then walk for 30 minutes with the children's foot strength. The approximate range is...

Aoi first thought of the public park in Kawabe.

The quiet park late at night is easily reminiscent of a cemetery.

In the deserted square, the dim lights of the street lights set off the darkness and stillness a bit appalling.

At night, the air in Dongmu City has obviously deteriorated. Kwai, who lives with magicians and is accustomed to many strange phenomena, immediately discovered this.

Aoi glanced at the benches she usually sat on when she usually took Rin to play. This can only be said to be a sense of emptiness.

However, the little figure in a red coat he was looking for was there.


Kwai shouted silently and threw over. Rin lost consciousness and was lying motionless on the bench at the moment.

Kwai hugged her and felt her even breathing and warm body temperature. From the outside, she did not look traumatized, and she seemed to be asleep. Aoi finally shed tears of peace.


Who should I thank? Aoi, who was filled with joy in his mind, finally calmed down. Suddenly she found someone staring at her. Looking around, someone on the back of the plant behind the bench was looking at the mother and daughter.

"Who is there?"

Aoi shouted in a harsh tone. Contrary to what she expected, the figure stood in the light of the streetlight.

It was a man wearing a fat winter jacket and covering his face with a turban. His left leg seemed to be injured, and he didn't walk very easily.

"If I want to be here, I will be able to wait for you."

The mysterious man finally whispered. He seemed to be a patient with advanced lung cancer who even felt painful breathing, and gave a heavy gasp. But the tone is unexpectedly elegant and soft.

Although his voice has been ruined, Kwai feels familiar with it.

"...Yan Ye..."

The figure stood still, and after a moment of hesitation, he finally took off his headscarf to reveal his true colors.

Lifeless withered white hair, the left half of the face is stiff and expressionless, this is a very scary face.

Although Kwai wanted to suppress her cowardly sorrow, she failed. Yan Ye smiled miserably with a face on the right half that was free to move.

"This is the magic of Jian Tong. It is necessary to consecrate the body and corrode life... Only at this price is the ultimate magic path."

"What? What's going on? Why are you here?"

Aoi asked in confusion as he faced his green plume in front of him. But Yan Ye did not answer any question, but followed the topic just now with a gentle tone.

"But Sakura is fine. Before she becomes like this...I must rescue her."


This is a taboo vocabulary that has never been mentioned by Yuanban's family for a year. The uncontrollable pain of parting hits Kwai's heart at this moment.

Sakura-the daughter of Tosaka who was sent to the family of Jiatong.

But to put it this way, wasn't the last time Yan Ye met with Kwai and others before, exactly one year ago?

"All the dirty inkstones want is the Holy Grail, he promised me that if I help him get the Holy Grail, he will let go of Sakura."

The "Holy Grail" in Yan Ye's mouth made Kui feel an unexplained chill.

God blessed him by mistake, Kwai prayed earnestly, but Yan Ye extended his right hand as if betraying Kwai's heart. On the back of the hand, the three spells were clearly engraved.

"So, I will definitely...don't worry, my Servant is the strongest and will not lose to anyone."


Horror, sorrow, and most of the confusion make Kwai's words completely lost.

Yan Ye returned to Jiantong's house and led Servant to participate in the Holy Grail War.

This means that her husband and friends of Qingmeizhuma are about to start an unusually **** fight.


Yan Ye ignored Kwai's lament, he misunderstood the meaning of tears in her eyes.

"Now Sakura doesn't even want to have hope. have to replace the child. Aoi, you have to believe for her and pray for her. Pray for my victory and Sakura's future."

The deceased's empty left eye gazed at Kwai with a curse.

The gentle old friend's right eye stared at Kwai with begging.

"Yan Ye, you..."

Do you want to die?

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