Thousand Blades of Death

: Eighty-nine · mourning

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Want to be killed by the courtier?

Kwai couldn't ask such words, and despair was deeply rooted in her heart.

Aoi lowered her head and hugged Rin in her arms tightly. If you want to escape the cruel reality, you can only do this now.

Close the eyes of Kwai's ears, thinking of Yan Ye's soft and painful voice.

"One day, we can still play here as before. Rin and Sakura will also be the same as before. Be a good sister... So, Aoi, don't cry anymore."

"Yan Ye, wait—"

But Yan Ye didn't respond to the last call. He dragged his left leg slowly away. Aoi did not have the courage to catch up. Now she can only hold her daughter and weep alone.

The mother's tears dripped on the sleepy face.

In the dark, several Assassins walked silently, rushing to report all the things they had discovered.

"Is it right for Tosaka Tosaka's daughter to be left like this?"

"--It's okay, let's monitor Berserker's Master."


Although it should be resolved, but what role this surveillance can play in the holy grail war, no one can think of Assassin.

Since yesterday. Strange conditions were added to Master Qili's order. That is, Assassins who asked to monitor the hostile five Masters should also carefully observe the Master’s private life, interests, looks, etc. and report it. Therefore, the monitoring density of Assassins who are now scattered throughout Dongmu must be greatly strengthened. Now in the darkness of this night, there must be hidden Hassan who is listening to Master's intentions everywhere.

In short, since it is a command to obey, it is not troublesome even though it is troublesome, so there is nothing to refute.

Assassin was running in the night, and continued to trace the night of Tong Yan-


The night fell again in the forest of Einzberen.

The night was still dark and quiet, but the traces of fierce fighting scattered around were still clearly visible.

Deliberately brought the maid to clean up the castle from the home country, also in the Wei Palace cut heir and Rhodes. Alumire was hit hard in the battle. Even if you want to make repairs, the maids who can do chores have already returned home. Alice Phil sighed across the corridor, trying to ignore the ruined scene.

Fortunately, there are a few bedrooms that have not encountered poisonous hands, and Jiuyu Mai is resting in one of them. Although Alice Phil has applied a healing magic to her, Ainz Belen’s healing magic was originally a considerable burden for the wounded because it evolved from alchemy, not the wounded. The flesh is regenerated, but transplanted into new tissues by magic.

Now this is the only way. If the other person is an artificial person, there is no problem, but now it is to treat humans. According to modern medicine, it is equivalent to a major operation like organ transplantation.

The exhausted Mai Mai is in a lethargic state, and it takes quite a long time to regain conscious freedom to move the body.

When she thought that she was protected by Saber and Ma Yuan, Alice Phil felt very sad about Mai Mi, who was seriously injured. But considering its importance in the Holy Grail War, there is no doubt that one must be protected first. This is an indisputable fact. You will feel heartache because your partner is seriously injured, but you must say that this is your childish sadness.

After cutting off the wounded Mai, he immediately left, and has not yet returned. He didn't even tell Alice Phil where she was-I'm afraid to chase the fled Kenes. Aqipolud. The reason for not succeeding in killing the enemy magician is Saber, which Alice Phil has already noticed. But Cheir was not angry or blamed Saber, but left her coldly and left. I don’t know if he didn’t want to hurt Saber’s self-esteem, but in short the gap between the two is growing and it’s hard to make up for it.

Of course, in these complex relationships, only Ma Yuan was transcendent, not only because he did not show his desire for the Holy Grail but just wanted to fight the gods and heroes of various eras, but also because of his absolute independence.

He is the only one who can consolidate and clearly see all the interpersonal relationships and complex conditions now, perhaps because of his personality. He hasn't made any excessive interference with anyone's behavior so far.

Like, a watcher.

Alice Phil, who was troubled by the relationship between Chedi and the Knight King, sighed deeply. Suddenly a roar rang in her ears. Not only that, the roar of the torn night caused a huge burden on her magic circuit, and the dizziness almost made Alice Phil fall under the corridor.

The roar came from a close range of thunder, and the ensuing magical impact meant that the enchantment in the forest outside the city had been attacked. Although the enchantment is not so easy to destroy, the spell has been destroyed. "What's going on... a positive breakthrough?"

A pair of powerful arms supported Alice Phil's shoulders, which were Saber's arms that appeared beside her for the first time after the change was discovered.

"Are you all right? Alice Phil."

"Well, I was just taken aback. I didn't expect such a mess of guests to visit."

"I'll go out to meet you, stay with me."

Alice Phil nodded. Staying next to Saber who is going to meet her means that she must also face the enemy herself. But the battlefield is the safest place for Alice Phil, because the strongest Servant is by his side.

Alice Phil stepped up behind Saber, and the two dashed across the terrible castle, aiming directly at the terrace outside the entrance. Since the opponent is attacking from the front, he should be able to meet him there.

"Thunder just now, and this unsuccessful tactic... the other party should be Rider."

"I think so."

Alice Phil recalled the mighty power of the "Shenwei Wheel" that she witnessed on Warehouse Street a few days ago. The **** cow chariot entangled with thunder and lightning-once the full power of that kind of military treasure is released, I am afraid that it can easily destroy the magical points set in the forest. If the enchantment was originally intact, the enchantment could not be recovered from the damage at that time due to the attacks of Caster and Kenes a few days ago.

"Hey, Knight King! I will meet you specifically, come out soon, ah?"

This voice came from the lobby, it seems that the other party has stepped into the main entrance. There is no doubt that the enemy is to conquer the king Iskandar, listening to his breathless shouts, the tone does not look like a warrior about to fight.

But Saber did not dare to slack off. She ran and materialized the silver armor.

Alice Phil and Saber finally walked through the hallway to the terrace... However, when the two saw the enemies Servant standing tall in the hall through the moonlight through the skylight, they suddenly didn't know what to say.

"...", ...

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