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"Of course. But I can't let the guy who took my treasure away. This is a matter of principle."

"That means--"

Rider emptied the glass of wine.

"That means what? Is there any reason?"

"It's the law."

Archer replied immediately.

"The rules I made as a king."


Rider seemed to understand his words and sighed deeply.

"It's the perfect king who can implement the rules I set. But I still want the Holy Grail. My approach is to grab it if I want, because I Iskandar is the conquering king."

"Not necessarily. I will be able to sanction as long as you commit crimes. There is no room for negotiation."

"Then we can only see you on the battlefield."

Archer nodded solemnly with Rider.

"--But Archer, in short, let's drink the bar first, let's talk about the battle later."

"Of course, unless you don't look down on the wine I brought."

"Just kidding, how come I don't want to drink wine right now."

At this moment, Archer and Rider had made Saber unable to distinguish between enemy and friend. She had to sit silently and watch the two. After a moment, she finally opened her mouth to Rider.

"Conquer the King, since you have admitted that the Holy Grail is the possession of others, would you still use force to seize it?"

"--Well? This is of course. My belief is to "conquer"...that is, to "take" and "aggression"."

Saber restrained his anger and asked:

"So why do you want the Holy Grail?"

Rider smiled a little embarrassedly, he took a sip and replied:

"Want to be human."

This was a surprising answer, and even Weber shouted in a frantic tone after "ah".

"Oh, you! Do you still want to conquer this world-wow!"

After forcing Master to calm down with his fingers, Rider shrugged.

"Fool, how can you conquer the world in this life? Conquest is your dream, and you can only entrust this first step to the Holy Grail."

"Hybrid... actually challenged me for this boring thing?"

Even Archer was helpless, but Rider said seriously:

"I said, even if it appears in the realm with magic power, we are only Servant in the end, originally did not exist in this world-although it feels a little ridiculous, but are you really satisfied?"

"I'm not satisfied. I want to reincarnate in this world and live like a human being."


Recall that Weber originally thought that it was Rider's quirk to dislike spiritualization and insist on appearing as an entity. Indeed, although Servant can speak, dress, eat, and so on like a human, its essence is similar to that of a ghost.

"Why...so want the flesh?"

"Because this is the basis of'conquest'."

Iskandar murmured as he watched his clenched fists.

"Having a body, advancing towards the world and carrying out my conquest-that is my way of king. But now I don't have a body, this is not possible. Without this, I can't start. I don't fear anything, I I just feel that I must have the flesh."

Archer seemed to be listening carefully to Rider's words, only drinking silently from beginning to end. After careful observation, it can be seen that at this time he showed a strange expression different from the past. The words described with laughter may be a bit far-fetched, but compared with his usual mocking expression, the smile at this time contains a layer of yin. ruthless.

"Decided-Rider, I will kill you with my own hands."

"Oh, I still say this kind of thing now. You have to realize it as soon as possible, not only the Holy Grail, but I also plan to rob your treasure trove. This great wine let the Conquering King drink it, you are so careless."

Rider laughed rudely. But there was still one person at this time, although he had participated in the banquet but had not shown a smile.

Saber, who attended the banquet, never found room for interruption in the conversation between Archer and Rider. The king's way of talking between the two was far from what she believed in, so she couldn't talk to them at all.

Only according to his own will——

This is not what Wang should have. Saber, who believes in being clean, believes that Archer and Rider are just tyrants.

No matter how strong the opponent is, Saber's heart is burning with unyielding fighting spirit.

Only these two are opponents who cannot lose. The Holy Grail must never be given to them. Archer's words make no sense at all, and Rider's wishes can only be regarded as the wishes of a warrior. Moreover, that is just the beginning of all human desires. Compared with their wishes, the wishes in Saber's chest must be more noble than theirs.

"--Hey, I said Saber, you also want to talk about your wishes."

Rider finally turned to Saber. At any time, the desire in her heart never wavered.

My way of king is my pride. Still raising his head, the cavalier king looked directly at the two heroes.

"I want to save my hometown. I want to change the fate of Britain's demise."

"Actually drinking together..."

Tosaka Tosaka, who was sitting alone in the underground workshop, sighed again at the strange behavior of Rider.

"Is it really okay to leave Archer?"

The magic channel communication machine brought Yan Fengqili's slightly stiff words, and the minister smiled bitterly:

"no way".

"Since it is the meeting of the kings, how can he ignore those questions that are directed at himself?"

As long as they haven't figured out the true strength of the hero king Gilgamesh then it's ok. Fortunately, tonight they are always fighting on the wine table. As long as you don’t draw a sword to go to war, Archer will not easily show up the “Treasure of the King”

The ability to grasp the situation of the distant Einzbelen in his workshop is naturally attributed to the Assassin report hiding there, and then through the transfer of Qili, the officials can understand so clearly. After Rider destroyed the forest enchantment, Assassin also successfully penetrated into the city with the atmosphere blocked.

The holy grail war has entered the fourth night, and Shichen has not yet stepped out of the mansion in the deep mountain town. He has stayed in his mansion for several days to inquire about the situation of the Holy Grail war. The situation of some temporarily hidden Masters has already been investigated.

His current concern is that Rider conquered the king Iskandar, and his master Weber. Velvet.

The two have not yet fought against other Servants. Little is known about their intelligence. What's more serious is that, because Assassin's miss, exposed the fact that Yanfeng Qili and Assassin are still alive.

So Qi Li takes care of Assassin not to approach Rider easily. However, even if you use the breath cut skill, the effect is still limited. Don't look at Rider's careless look, in fact he feels more sensitive than other Servants. When eavesdropping on the conversation of the three people this time, Qi Li also specifically told Assassin not to be discovered by Rider. ,, ..

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