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"Right, Qi Li. The gap between Rider and Archer's combat power... what do you think?"

"I think. The point is whether Rider has any more powerful trump cards than "Shenwei Wheel"."


That's the problem. Compared with the other four Servants, only Rider disturbed them the most.

The Master, who dominates Berserker, has consumed a great deal of power. Caster is facing threats from all sides and even the workshop has been destroyed. These two groups of people can wait for them to die.

Gilgamesh will not lose to the injured Saber. Although Lancer is still unscathed, his original Master withdraws due to serious injuries. He was no longer afraid of being directed by a next magician.

In other words, the four groups of people except Rider have no need to send Assassin to monitor.

"...Now, we still have to try that."

"It turns out that. I see."

Needless to say, Qi Li on the side of the communication machine already understood the intention of the minister.

In order to master precious information, Assassin can now be sent to try.

Rider and his Master are unprepared for a banquet now is a very good chance to raid. At this time, what is important is not victory, but the poor fighting strength of the enemy and the enemy. It would be best if Rider could be solved smoothly, even if not, if he could be forced into desperation and forced to use the strongest trick, that would be enough.

"If you want all Assassin to gather, I am afraid it will take about ten minutes."

"Very good, order it. Although this is a big gamble, fortunately we have nothing to lose even if we fail."

Assassin is only one of the methods used by the officials to seize the Holy Grail. It is a prop thrown after being used. This understanding is also fully reflected in his disciple Yan Feng Qili.

When Shi Chen finished speaking, he changed his sitting posture and poured another cup of tea into the cup. He sniffed the fragrance of black tea happily, waiting for the result of the actions he ordered.

After Saber resolutely finished, the people were silent for a long time.

It was Saber himself who was the first to be puzzled in the silence.

Even if her words are full of momentum, but the other party is not easy to bow his head. Even though this remark is unexpected, it is also very easy to understand.

Clearly, there is nothing strange. This is the way of her king. Whether it is praise or rebuttal, someone should immediately raise it. But-no one spoke.

"--I said, Knight King, wouldn't I have heard it wrong."

Rider finally broke the silence, somehow, his face full of doubts.

"You mean to "change destiny"? That is to subvert history?"

"Yes. No matter how difficult it is to achieve, as long as you have the Almighty Holy Grail, you will be able to achieve it—"

Saber asserted proudly. So far Saber finally knows why the atmosphere between these two people is so wonderful-the scene suddenly cooled down.

"Ah, Saber? I want to confirm... that the destruction of Britain should have been your era, was it when you ruled?"

"Yes! So I can't forgive myself."

Saber heard the words, and his tone became firmer.

"So I am very reluctant and want to change that ending! Because I led to that ending..."

Inadvertently, some people laughed out loud. It was a vulgar laugh without any understanding, and this laugh came from the mouth of Archer exuding golden brilliance.

Faced with this huge humiliation, Saber's face was full of anger. Her most cherished thing was mocked by Archer.

"...Archer, what's so funny."

Without minding Saber's anger, the golden hero replied intermittently with a smile:

"——I claim to be a king-praised by all peoples-such a person, will actually be "unwilling"? Ha! How can this make people not laugh? Masterpiece! Saber, you are the best clown!"

Next to the smiling Archer, Rider frowned, staring at Saber with some displeasure.

"Wait-you wait for the Knight King first, do you want to deny the history you created?"

Saber, who has never had any doubts about ideals, will naturally not be questioned by him at this moment.

"Exactly. Was it surprised? Was it ridiculous? As a king, the country I dedicated to was destroyed. I mourn, what's wrong?"

Answering her was another burst of laughter from Archer.

"Hello, did you hear Rider! This little girl who claims to be a cavalier king... actually said "Sacrifice for the country"!"

The answer to Archer was Rider's deep silence. For Saber. It is the same insult as being laughed at. "I don't know anything funny. As a king, you should naturally stand up. Work hard for the prosperity of your country!"

"you are wrong."

Rider denied her words firmly and seriously.

"It's not Wang Xiansheng, but the country and the people devoted everything to Wang. Don't be wrong about this."

"what did you say--"

Saber couldn't contain her anger anymore, she shouted loudly.

"--Isn't that the tyrant! Rider, Archer, it's a big mistake for you to be king like this!"

"Yes. But we are not only tyrants, but also heroes."

Rider replied calmly, without even moving his eyebrows.

"So Saber, if a king is dissatisfied with the results of his ruling country, it can only mean that he is a faint monarch, worse than a tyrant."

Unlike Archer who kept mocking Saber, Rider fundamentally denied her. Saber closed his eyebrows and retorted in a sharp tone:

"Iskandar, you... The empire you created was eventually divided into four parts. Isn't there really anything you can't be reconciled about? Don't you want to do it again. Save the country?"

"I don't want to."

The Conqueror replied immediately, holding his chest straight, staring straight at the knight's stern gaze.

"If my decision and my courtiers lead to such a result, then destruction is inevitable. I will mourn and cry, but I will never regret it."

"how come……"

"Not to mention attempting to subvert history! This stupid act is an insult to all humans in the era I constructed!"

Regarding Rider's proud words, Saber denied:

"You say this just based on the glory of the warrior. The people don't think so, they need to save."

"You mean they want the king's salvation?"

Rider shrugged and laughed silently.

"I don't understand! Does this kind of thing make any sense?"

"This is Wang's duty!"

This time Saber spoke proudly:

"Correct rule, correct order, this is what all subjects expect."

"Then are you the "right" slave?"

"You have to say that. Devoting yourself to the ideal is the king."

Without any doubt, the young cavalier nodded.

"People can understand the law and order through the king. What the king embodies should not be something that will disappear with the death of the king, but a more noble thing."

Looking at Saber, who was still determined, Rider shook his head as if pitying her.

"This is not the survival path that people will choose."

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