Thousand Blades of Death

: 94. Domineering

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"Yes. If you are born king, you can't expect to live an ordinary life."

In order to become a perfect monarch and an ideal embodiment, she is willing to abandon her body and throw away her personal feelings. The life of the girl named Altolia changed completely the moment she pulled that sword out of the rock. Since then, she has become synonymous with undefeated legends, hymns and dreams.

There has been pain and trouble, but it contains the glory of victory. The belief that never changes, so far supports her arm holding the sword.

"Conquer the king. People like you who don't understand me will understand my conviction. You are just a tyrant who is blinded by desire!"

Saber shouted sharply. The scolded Rider immediately opened his eyes.

"A king without desire is not as good as a vase."

Rider's anger and his huge body made him feel even more terrifying.

"Saber, you just said'dedicate yourself to your ideals." Indeed, in the past you were an incorruptible saint who was holy to no one else. But who is willing to look forward to martyrdom for ideals? And who would think about the so-called saint day and night It can only soothe the people, but it cannot guide the people. Only by showing the desire and the glorious glory can we lead the country and the people on the right path."

After drinking the wine from the glass, the conquered king corrected it.

"As a king, you must have a stronger desire than anyone, more bold than anyone, and more irritable than anyone. He should be a human being that contains both clarity and turbidity, and is more real than anyone. Only then Only then can the courtier be subdued by the king, and the people's heart will have the vision of'If I were the king'!"

"Such governance... so where is justice?"

"No. There is no justice for the way of the king, so there is no remorse."


He asserted too simply, and Saber was already outraged.

Both take the happiness of the people as the basic criterion, but their ideas are far from each other.

On one side is prayer for peace.

On one side is hope for prosperity.

The idea of ​​suppressing a troubled king and a war-fighting king cannot be the same.

Rider smiled and said heartily.

"A king in the name of a knight. Your justice and ideals may have saved the country and the people for a while, so your name will be extolled to this day. But what is the result of the rescued guys, You don’t know it."

"what did you say?"

Blood-stained sunset

The scene was revived in Saber's brain again.

"You blindly "save" your subjects, but you never "guided" them. They don't know what the "wang's desire" is. You have left the lost subjects, but you are in a divine attitude for yourself An intoxicated ideal of being a little boyish.

So you are not a qualified king. You just want to be the ‘king’ for the people, the little girl who is cocooning to become that kind of idol. "


There are many words to refute, but every time you speak, the scene that you once witnessed in Cam Ranh Bay will emerge.

The corpses ran across the field and blood ran into rivers. There lay her courtier, her friends and her loved ones.

The moment she drew the sword from the rock, she learned the prophecy. She knew it meant shattering, she had already realized it.

but why……

When she saw this tragic scene with her own eyes, she would feel so surprised that she felt powerless except for prayer.

Some magicians have predicted that subversion is almost impossible. But she still thought, if a miracle can really happen...

A dangerous thought took Saber's mind.

If you don't protect Britain as a savior. But as the overlord ravaged Britain-

The chaotic world will only become more chaotic because of the scourge of war. First of all, this is not the path of the king she pursued. And no matter what angle she stands in, she will not choose this option.

But if you really do that, which result is more tragic than the battle of the sword fence...


Unexpectedly, Saber felt chilled, which brought her back to reality from her thoughts.

That's Archer's sight.

This golden Servant has handed Saber to Rider from just now. I sat on the side drinking wine. His crimson eyes. I don't know when to take a closer look at her.

He didn't speak, and he couldn't see from his eyes what his intention was, but there was an obscene taste in his eyes, as if the snake had climbed onto the body, which made people feel humiliated and unhappy.

"...Archer, why do you look at me?"

"Ah, I'm just admiring your distressed expression."

Archer's smile was unexpectedly gentle, but it made people feel terrified.

"It looks like a virgin expression on a couch, I like it."


This is an unforgivable fool for Saber. She shattered the cup without hesitation, her face full of unstoppable anger.

"Well, Saber, don't be too excited, after all, you are the Knight of Great Britain, this kind of cultivation is always necessary." Ma Yuan, who has been silent in the side, suddenly exited to appease the knight with a face full of excitement. Wang, it was just that his eyes looked sharply at the golden hero.

"Oh, Overlord, let's talk about your kingly way too." Rider's calm face looked at Ma Yuan,

"I" Ma Yuan chuckled lightly, and his voice gradually became louder, and finally turned into a laugh.

"My goal is no longer kingly, kings!"

"This body is already pursuing heaven above the king's path!"

"Having a flesh to conquer the world? Save your hometown? The perfect king of wealth?"

"Kingdom? Overbearing? Knightly?"

"I am overbearing, but I want to override the overbearingness of heaven!"

"I want all things in this world to surrender to my feet! I want this thief to never interfere in my life! I want to control my own destiny!"

"My word is only here!"

"The way is different, don't make conspiracies, Saber, don't doubt yourself because of other people's kingship, do yourself well as a knight king, the emperor has never been understood by others, and no other king is required to admit you!"

"However, you will all be the targets of my government!"

"You are my first step on the throne of heaven!"


Ma Yuan's arrogant remarks have shocked everyone present, whether he is a follower or a master.

"But this is amazing"

The Conquering King, who broke the silence, looked at Ma Yuan, who had remade the wine with this strange look, but the admiration in his tone could not stop it.

"This time, there is no way to turn you into my warrior. What a pity."

"You guys, do you want to contaminate my back garden?" Archer looked at Ma Yuan sullenly.

It's just that the deepest lament in his eyes couldn't escape. ,, ..

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