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Ma Yuan's speech shocked everyone, including Saber.

At this moment, Ma Yuan's figure became infinitely tall in his eyes, and his wish was so small.


Just as Saber was about to speak out, the four people in the middle felt a breath and instantly changed their faces.

A moment later, Alice Phil and Webber also noticed the strangeness of the surrounding air. Although it is invisible, the skin can feel a very strong killing intent.

White weird objects emerged from the atrium illuminated by moonlight. One after another, the pale appearance appeared in the atrium like flowers blooming. The paleness is the color of the cold and dry bones.

Skull mask plus black robe. The unmanned atrium was gradually surrounded by this strange group.


It is not only Rider and Webber who know that they are alive. Saber and Alice Phil also learned this in a conversation with Chedi on Warehouse Street.

Of course, Ma Yuan also knows.

Assassin was not just the one who was killed in Yuan Ban Di. The fact is that there are many Assassins involved in this holy grail war, but the number is really abnormal. They all wear masks and black robes, and their physiques are also different. There are giants, there are also thin, childish short, and women's figure.

"...Is this what you did? Archer."

Archer shrugged innocently.

"Who knows, I don't have to understand those hybrid ideas."

Since so many Assassins have been mobilized, it must not have been the command of Yanfeng Qili alone. Presumably this is the intention of his teacher Tosaka Tosaka.

Because the courtier did his courtesy to the hero king, Archer recognized him as the master. The actions of the courtier made Archer more dissatisfied with him.

Although this feast was initiated by Rider, it was Archer who provided the wine. Sending a killer in such a banquet, what exactly did the officials want to do. This is equivalent to smearing the face of the hero king, does he know?

"Um... in a mess."

Seeing the enemy approaching, Weber sighed almost screaming. Incomprehensible, this completely exceeds the rules of the Holy Grail War.

"What's going on?! How are Assassin one after another... isn't Servant only one person per rank?!"

Seeing the prey of prey, the Assassins laughed evilly.

"--You are right, we are a Servant with the whole as an individual, and the individual in it is just the shadow of the whole."

Neither Weber nor Alice Phil understood. Assassin summoned by Yan Feng Qi Li is actually such a special existence.

"Old man in the mountains"-Hassan inherited in the past. Only one of the people with the terrible name of Sabah has the ability to transform the body.

Unlike other Hassan, he did not make any changes to his body. Perhaps it is because there is no need for it, because although his body is mediocre, his spirit can make the body transform freely.

He can have excellent strategies, can speak foreign languages, can identify poisons, or can set traps. In short, he is a universal assassin who can automatically switch abilities according to the needs of the mission. It is said that sometimes he can also exert the strange power and agility that the original flesh could not have, so that he has forgotten the magical martial art that has long been forgotten.

He can pretend to be any one of men, women and children. Standing beside you very naturally. Sometimes he can even change his personality according to the occasion, so that no one can debunk his true identity.

But no one knows the truth. Although Hassan has a single body, he has different souls.

Judging from the knowledge at the time, there is no such thing as multiple personality disorder. In modern medicine, this is defined as the phenomenon of mental illness. To the assassin Hassan. Sabah is a mysterious "ability". He can use a variety of knowledge and techniques through cohabitants living in his body, confuse the enemy through different means, weave a defensive net, and kill the target in ways that no one can predict.

The Assassin summoned by Yan Feng Qili this time is the assassin known as "variable".

He is a Servant who has a body but also countless souls. Fundamentally speaking, "they" are originally different souls. Because they have lost their physical restraints, they can completely be transformed into different forms after they appear in the realm.

of course. Their total amount of spiritual power is nothing more than "one person", and the ability value of their actions after division cannot be compared with other heroes. But because of Assassin's proprietary skills, this group can be said to be invincible in the exploration activities.

"Did you say... we have been monitored by this group of guys until today?"

Alice Phil murmured in pain, and Saber couldn't help but fight a cold war. Although the opponent is not strong enough. But they were able to approach them secretly, and they had a large number of people. Even if she is the one with the strongest fighting power in Servant, this is also a considerable threat.

And they always follow the target like a shadow at the moment, they have abandoned the breath cutting ability. Watching them step forward without fear, it means...

"They are going to be real."

Saber fell into an unexpected crisis and couldn't help gritting his teeth.

A group of Wuhe people who dominated by quantity. If you attack from the front, Saber will never lose, but this is limited to the situation where only Saber confronts the enemy.

Now Saber has to protect Alice Phil. No matter how weak Assassin is, it poses a considerable threat to humans. Even Alice Phil, the artificial person of Ainz Belen who can use first-class magic, can't stop Assassin by magic alone. It is impossible to rely on her to protect herself.

Therefore, if you want to protect your companions while fighting, a large number of enemies becomes a very urgent problem.

How many Assassins can Saber stop with a knife?-No, not how many people can stop. Even if one person is missed at this time, that person may cause significant trauma to Alice Phil.

Therefore, the question now is not "can it be prevented", but "can we solve everything with one blow". The number of Assassins surrounding them is so desperate.

From Assassin's perspective, they also have the ultimate means.

Even if it is a group battle, it is a group composed of a limited number of people. In exchange for most sacrifices in exchange for a small number of survivors to win, it is tantamount to suicide, so this is a killer skill that will only be used in the final battle.

Assassin is a Servant summoned for the purpose of the Holy Grail. They should not be able to bear the chess pieces used as the courtiers and Archers-but they can't resist the spell.

In order to act tonight, Yanfeng Qili used a command spell to order them to "win at any cost." Lingman is an absolute command to Servant, in this case, they can only choose to follow the command. ,, ..

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