Thousand Blades of Death

: 九 十六 · aionion hetairoi!

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Although they were very happy to see Saber's face, which was hailed as the strongest, but she was not their goal. The designated attack target is Rider's Master. Although Rider has a powerful treasure, its destructive power is directed. If Assassin attacks from all directions, it will definitely be able to attack the cowardly short master.

Yes, this is a dangerous moment for conquering the king Iskandar.

But-why is this giant man Servant still drinking leisurely?

"...Ri-Rider, hello, hello..."

Even if Weber shouted uncomfortably, Rider still had no action. He looked at Assassin around him, his eyes still calm.

"Hello, don't be so embarrassed. Don't just come to the banquet, drink the wine."

"Where do they look like guests!?"

Rider sighed with a bitter smile, then faced Assassin who surrounded him, he greeted with a dull expression:

"I said to you, can you calm down your ghost spirit? My friend is frightened by you."

Saber thought he had heard it wrong, and even Archer frowned.

"Do you still want to invite them to the seat? Conquer the king."

"Of course. Wang's speech should be heard by all people. Since someone listens to it specifically, it does not matter whether it is an enemy or a friend."

Rider said quietly, scooping out the red wine in the bottle with a handle and reaching out to the Assassins.

"Come on, don't be polite, if you want to drink together, come and get the glass yourself. This wine is with your blood."

咻-A sound through the air answered Rider.

Only the spoon handle remained in Rider's hands, and the spoon part had fallen to the ground. This was done by one person in Assassin, and the wine in the spoon was scattered on the ground of the atrium.


Rider looked down silently at the wine scattered on the ground. Skeleton masks seemed to laugh at him and generally laughed.

"--Don't say I didn't remind you."

Rider's tone was still calm, but it was clear that the feeling had changed. Only those two who had been drinking with him before were aware of this change.

"I said.'This wine' is'your blood'-yes. Since you just let it spill on the ground, then I can just..."

The voice did not fall, and a whirlwind roared.

The wind was hot and dry, as if to burn everything. This is not like the forest at night, or the wind that the castle atrium should have-this wind comes from the desert, roaring in the ear.

Feeling sand in his mouth, Webber spit quickly. This is indeed sand. What was brought about by the strange wind was really hot sand that was not possible.

"Saber, Archer and Overlorder, the final question of the banquet-is the king alone?"

Rider, standing in the center of the hot air, asked. Looking at the cloak flying on his shoulder, I don't know when he has put on the costume that the conquering king deserves.

Archer laughed silently. There was no need to ask at all, so he answered in silence.

Saber did not hesitate. If you shake your conviction, it is the daily denial of her life as a king.

"Wang...naturally alone"

"Heavens are benevolent, with all living beings as ruminant dogs"

"Of course, when I am heaven, everything is equal!"

Rider laughed loudly. It seems that in response to this laughter, the momentum of the whirlwind is even stronger.

"No, isn't it equal to no answer! I still teach you today, what is the real king!"

Unknown hot air eroded the present world, and then subverted.

In the strange phenomenon that appeared at night, distance and position have lost their meaning. The dry wind with hot sand changed everything.

"How, how could this be..."

Weber and Alice Phil exclaimed... This is a phenomenon that only magicians can understand.

"Actually is-inherent enchantment?!"

The sun scorching the earth, the clear sky, until the horizon blurred by the gravel. There is no obstruction where the field of vision is.

At night, Einzberen will change in an instant, undoubtedly indicating that it is only a illusion of erosion. It can be said that this is the limit of magic that can be called a miracle.

"How is it possible... to be able to visualize the scene in your are clearly not a magician!?"

"Of course not, how can I do it alone."

Iskandar, standing in a wide enchantment, proudly denied it with a smile.

"This is the land that our army once traversed. The warriors who share the hardship with me have this scenery firmly imprinted in their hearts."

As the world changed, the five people who were originally surrounded also changed positions.

The Assassins who had been in a siege were moved to the side alone, and Rider stood in the center. On the other side are Saber, Archer and two magicians. In other words, Rider stood alone in front of the Assassins.

-Could it be said that Rider is now alone?

Everyone's eyes widened and they stared at the mirage-like image that appeared around him. One, two, four, the image gradually increases, and it looks like an army. The color has gradually become stronger.

"This world can be reproduced because it is printed on each of us."

In the eyes of everyone's consternation, physical cavalry appeared one after another in Iskandar. Although their races and equipment are different, their strong bodies and brave knights all show the strength of the army.

Only one figured out what was going on in this weird scene.

"These people...are Servant..."

Because only one of the people present was the Master, he understood that the real trump card of the Servant heroes Iskandar and the real body of the ultimate treasure were appearing in front of him.

"Look, my unparalleled army!"

Filled with pride and pride, the conquering king stood in front of the cavalry queue and shouted with his arms raised.

"Even if the flesh is destroyed, their heroes are still summoned. They are legendary my loyal warriors. Traveling through time and space to respond to the eternal friends I called.

They are my treasure! My king’s way! Iskandar’s strongest treasure-‘Kingdom of the King’!!”

EX-level military treasure, continuous summon of independent Servant.

There are military gods, Maharaja kings, and pioneers of dynasties. Gathered in front of us are unique heroes that have only been heard in legend.

All of them have distinguished prestige-they are all warriors who fought against the great Iskandar.

A horse without a rider rushed towards Rider. It was a sturdy horse with a huge body. If it is a person, its prestige will not be inferior to other heroes.

"Long time no see, partner."

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