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Underground workshop of Yuanbandi in Shenshan Town. At this time, it was surrounded by a dull silence.

"What is Rider's...treasure evaluation..."

Shi Chen asked Qi Li a little more heavily on the other side of the telegraph.

"Same as Gilgamesh's "Treasure of the King"...that is, exceeding the evaluation criteria."

With a sigh.

The conclusion is as they expected. Being able to learn about Rider's killer skills before the match made Assassin's sacrifice worthwhile. If he fought Rider without knowing it, the soldier would definitely have no way to take that super treasure.

The only thing beyond their expectations is the level of this treasure-even if you know the information of this treasure in advance, can you find a way to deal with it?

Before, Shi Chen always thought of his Servant. Archer's treasure is the strongest treasure, but I did not expect to kill a Servant with the same level of treasure as Archer. This is beyond his expectations.

At this time, the rare regret gradually climbed into the mind of the courtier.

Perhaps it was a fatal mistake to throw away the Assassin piece at this time. When facing a dangerous enemy such as Rider, it is better to use human tracking to obtain intelligence than to take a risky frontal attack. If you can meet the situation of Rider and his Master splitting up, you can also find opportunities to assassinate and so on...


Shichen shook his head, making himself so embarrassed. This is not a strategy at all, it is simply a sudden fantasy of Tosaka.

But things haven't reached the point of despair, too much information can encourage him to cheer up. For example, it was only a third-rate magician who concluded the contract with the British spirit Iskandar. If it was Rhodes who summoned him at the time. Ai Lumei Roy and made it into Rod. Servant of Alumi Roy. Then the situation will be much more serious. Servant's ability value will change according to the strength of his master. The dispute between Kenneth and his disciples was also used by the courtiers. It seems that the luck of this fourth holy grail war is on the side of the court.

It's finally going to be real. Shichen took the wooden stick in his hand and stroked it calmly and firmly. In the extra-large gem at the handle, there is a seal of the magical power that Shichen spent all his life. This is the official dress of the magician Tosaka Tosaka.

"Since Assassin is gone, Qi Li, you don't have to spare your power."

"Yes, I get it."

From the magic communication machine side, Yan Feng Qili's low and indifferent words came. This first-rate disciple and surrogate, even after losing Servant, still possesses quite strong combat effectiveness. Since he can no longer command Assassin, he no longer has to pretend, it is time for him to release his abilities.

As expected, this is the second situation from now on. Based on the intelligence collected by the Assassins, Gilgamesh was mobilized to begin expelling the enemy. As for the countermeasures against Rider, it should be found slowly in this process.

It's finally time to get out of the workshop and step on the battlefield.

Feeling the pain caused by the magic engraving quietly, Shichen stood up from the chair.


And the miserable situation that is very appropriate to this statement.

The destruction was so thorough that it was impossible to judge the real intention of the destroyer. Everything seemed to be torn apart by the storm, and no trace of the original could be seen.

Of course, this is not a natural disaster, but man-made. Because in this underground water storage tank, it is impossible to be directly attacked by the storm. The damage suffered by Caster's workshop can only be caused by the military power, or perhaps the great power of the city treasure.

"Gosh this is too much!!"

Witnessing the tragic Yusuke Ryunosuke in tears, he couldn't help but shed tears of regret, and wept. He seemed to be a bit painful, but anyone who saw it would have sympathy for him. Of course, the premise is that there is no understanding of this person.

Until last night, Ryunosuke and Caster, who were busy in pursuit of the tempting prey, saw this tragic scene when they returned to the workshop as their base with pride today.

"It's too much art that we have put in countless efforts to create! How can this, this, this be something humans can do?"

Ryunosuke's shoulder shuddered and sobbed, and Caster gently embraced Ryunosuke and comforted him warmly.

"Dragon Nosuke. You haven't understood the true ugliness hidden in the deepest soul of human beings, so your sorrow is justifiable."

"You need to know that Ryunosuke, who can really understand beauty and harmony, is only a very small part of human beings. And more ordinary people, when they come into contact with artistic relics, will be jealous. Driven and animalistic. For these guys, beautiful things are just objects of destruction."

For Caster, the destruction of his home is naturally full of anger. However, he had to calmly accept the fact that happened in front of him. After all, he used to be the marshal of the army of a country. For the attackers who could wipe out all the monsters they left behind last night and destroy the workshop to such a degree, his strategic intuition tells him that confronting this opponent is very dangerous.

Ryunosuke had been unfortunate for not being here last night. Thinking of this, Caster's anger can be somewhat relieved.

"You know, the creation of our art is often destroyed by ignorant guys. Because of this, we can't have too deep feelings for what we create. The created works will one day be faced with The fate of being destroyed. So for us as creators, we should only enjoy the joy of the creative process."

"You mean that even if it is destroyed, just create it again?"

"Exactly! Ryunosuke, your keen understanding ability is really your greatest strength!"

After being enlightened by Caster who smiled heartily, Ryunosuke wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and sighed deeply, then looked around and muttered.

"Are we condemned because we are too much in pursuit of our own happiness?"

When he heard Ryunosuke, Caster's attitude suddenly changed.

Firmly grasp Ryusuke's shoulders and turn him towards himself. Then sharp eyes flashed in the eyes of Ryunosuke's expression.

"I only say once, that the God of Dragons will never punish humans. God is just playing with humans."

That's right, the evil **** only plays with humans, even if it is punishment, in God's eyes are playing with humans.

Because human beings are the toys of God.

Without exception. ,, ..

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