Thousand Blades of Death

: One hundred · wonderful

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Qingsu's eyes seemed to burn, but there was no expression on his face. This and the kind of excitement that he has shown before can be said to be two.

"Master, master?"

"Once, I've probably done the most vicious and serious blasphemy in this world. Ryusuke, the evil you did is like a play compared to me."

"But no matter how I kill my life or how blasphemous, I have not been punished by any God in my body. By the time I noticed, I have been on the path of pursuing evil for eight years. Thousands of young Tong's wailing and wailing all disappeared into the darkness of nothingness!"

"As a result, it wasn’t God who wiped me out in the end, but human beings with infinite desires like me. The church and the king found me guilty and arrested and executed me, but I just took a fancy to my wealth and territory and wanted to It’s just a scheme for his own sake”

"Their behavior is not so much as to punish my evil, but rather as naked plunder!"

It was at this time that Ryunosuke finally realized what he had just said and inadvertently encountered the inverse scale of this terrible demon, but the emotions that flowed out in Yusuke Ryusuke's heart were not fear but a boundless Lonely and painful.

Compared with Caster's eloquent eloquence, the expression on his face that seemed to have lost all the important things made Ryunosuke deeply understand that this great madman was deeply hidden in the deep unknown grief in his heart.

"However, even if the owner is still there, there is still a God?"

Hearing Ryunosuke's quiet whisper, Caster couldn't help holding his breath, carefully watching the expression of this simple and loyal Master.

"Why, Ryunosuke? If you don't have any faith or know the existence of miracles, why do you have such an idea?"

"Because the world seems to be boring everywhere, I keep searching, but the more I search, the more interesting and strange things I find."

As one of the dragons said, he seemed to open his hands as if holding everything between heaven and earth in his arms.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time. This world full of so many pleasures is really too extravagant for us personally. Just think a little bit differently and you will find that this is full of countless Foreshadowing. To pursue true happiness, I think there is nothing more exciting than defeating this world."

"Someone must be writing. Scripting the world. Someone must be writing this novel with as many as five billion characters. I'm afraid I can call him a god."

Caster blinked silently, as if thinking about Ryunosuke's words, staring blankly at the void. After a while, Caster looked at his Master again and asked in a low voice, seriously.

"So, Ryunosuke. In the end, do you think God is in love with humans?"

"Of course, it is love from the heart."

Without hesitation, the murderer answered cheerfully.

"God who can write down the script of this world for thousands of thousands of years without stopping, must love humans very much."

"Well, I think God must be working very hard. At the same time, I was also immersed in the joy of creating my own work. I was touched by the love and courage in my work, and I also shed tears in sad places. I will be horrified by the horror and despair."

It seems that Ryunosuke paused to confirm what he said, and continued to add new conclusions.

"God likes courage and hope and other human praises, but also likes the sorrow and despair of blood splashing. Otherwise, life's hymns will definitely not have such bright colors."

"So, master. This world must be full of God's love."

Caster seemed like a devout praying before a holy painting, listening quietly and seriously to Ryunosuke's words. Then he slowly raised his head, his face full of happiness.

"In this day and age, the people have lost faith and the government has already abandoned their will. I thought this was a world that is about to perish. But at this time, there can still be new believers like you, which really convinced me. Ryunosuke, my Master!"

"Oh, where is it. I would be embarrassed to say that."

Although it is unknown, at least knowing that Caster is praising himself, Ryunosuke reluctantly resigned.

"But if you look at your religious view, the acts of blasphemy I've done are nothing more than tricks."

"No. Everything you do can be regarded as a first-class performance. Master your beautiful teasers will surely be loved by the gods, and the gods will also be happy to make you a celebrity."

Hearing the words of Ryunosuke, Qingsu seemed to be extremely happy and laughed.

"It's blasphemy! Let's just praise! It seems to you that the same worship of God? Ah, Ryunosuke! You really have very profound philosophical thoughts."

"Taking countless human beings in the world as toy gods, is it just a funny character itself? That's how it is! So you can understand this kind of bad taste."

After laughing for a while, Caster's eyes gave a bleak look again. It's like a person who is crazy about art, just like the emotion before reaching the climax of madness.

"Very good. Then use the more colorful despair and tears to dye the court with bright colors. I want to let those **** actors in the sky know that it is not only them who know what real entertainment is."

"Do you have any wonderful attention? Master!"

Looking at the bluebeard showing unprecedented excitement, Ryunosuke also showed some expectation.

"Now that it has been decided, let's hold a celebration. Ryunosuke, today's banquet is a little special, and the new faith you advocate begins."

"Understood. I will do my best to be the most cool!"

Tonight, Ryunosuke and Caster got a total of five people. The children who were taken to a dark place, who didn't know where, all trembling silently and cuddling together, watching the crazy performance of the two people in front of them.

In the face of the new beliefs of these two cursed seekers, the souls of these innocent children could not see the light of salvation at all. ,, ..

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