Thousand Blades of Death

: 101 · Miscalculation

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Inadvertently glanced out the window and found out that it was already dawn.

Looking at the rising sun, Wei Gong cut heir without any emotion, and continued to organize the information.

The hotel in front of Xindu Station, which met with Mai Mai three days ago, is now being used as one of the hidden bases. First, all services in the hotel room were stopped, and then the walls of the room were covered with blank maps of the whole area of ​​Dongmu City, and then the information of various locations was placed on the map without any omissions.

The search route and time in the past few days have caused the information sent by the devil to change the spirit vein. Eavesdropping on the information of the missing population obtained by the police radio station, the location of the enumeration point will happen in Dongmu City at night, the icons of all the details are shown, showing a mosaic of chaos.

Wei Gong's right hand continued the marking work silently on the right hand, while the left hand unconsciously stuffed the nutritional supplement fast food burger bought during the search into the mouth, and then chewed repeatedly. For Wei Keung, who has been tired of eating at the Ainz Belen family's table for nine years and is tired of palace food, this fast food with a sense of killing is more suitable for his taste. In any case, it is better to be able to finish eating without interrupting your work and thinking.

After all the marks on the map were finished, heirs sorted out the whole contents and re-judged the trend of the Holy Grail war.

Archer Yuan Ban Di did not move. Since defeating Assassin on the first day, the courtier has been unable to close the door like a hibernating bear, making it unpredictable silent.

Berserker's figure like a Master enters into the Tongtong Mansion. Although he has sent a messenger to confirm it many times, it looks unprepared to attack at any time, but Berserker's mysterious special ability can be compared with Archer with super powerful treasures. Contend. In order to contain Yuan Saka to some extent, whether Berserker should be left unattended now.

Lancer replaced the seriously wounded Rod Elumeroi, and his fiancee Saulau Nazele Sofialy began the operation. I am afraid that it is her who controls Lancer now. Is it the role of temporarily replacing the Master through the Book of False Ministers or snatching the mantra and entering into a contract with Lancer again? If it is the former, even if Sorau is killed, Lancer’s magic supply cannot be cut off, and Lancer cannot be prevented. fighting. So in this case, whether or not to shoot Solau, it seems that we still need to continue to observe.

Several children were missing in Caster’s market last night. It seems that he didn't care about the wanted information issued by the supervisor, and he continued his inhumane work unscrupulously.

Rider had no clue. Always rely on the flying treasure to move with the Master so it is difficult to track. From the looks, it is very bold but without any flaws, it is a powerful opponent.

Regarding information about Rider and Archer, Kuyu Mai, who is currently healing in the city of Einzbelen, has just woken up, and Alice Phil has just relayed most of the situation by phone.

It is said that things are moving in an unexpected direction. As a result, Rider, who has no way to do so, has to use a treasure to destroy Assassin.

Rider's treasure called the army of kings is very impressive. But Chisi cares more about Assassin's end.

Although it is a Servant that can add value indefinitely, what are the mysteries? Moreover, the Assassin army that attacked Einzberen last night must have mobilized all of its fighting power. If it were not, they would not be able to form human-sea tactics because of their low combat capabilities. This incident is completely different from the last farce that took place in Yuanbandi. This time, it may be considered that Assassin has been completely eliminated.

What about their Master?

Chedi sighed deeply and lit today's first cigarette. In the end, it is this part that leaves the suspense.

Yanfeng Qili. The biggest heresy that existed in the Fourth Holy Grail War

For Chedi, for what purpose this man participated in this war, he still could not understand.

When Assassin was discovered in the melee battle on Warehouse Street, Cheir had realized that Assassin's Master was the puppet of Tosaka Tosaka and was only responsible for the task of scouting. However, after this, Yan Feng Qili made many actions that he could not understand.

Yan Dong Qi Li ambushing at the construction site of the Central Building when the Dongmu Hyatt Building attacked Kenneth

In the siege of Einzberen, Yanfeng Qili sneaked into the city from the opposite direction

No matter from what point of view, it only makes sense to assume that his goal is to cut the heir to the palace.

First performed a farce pretending to quit, and then fled to the Dongmu Church to seek asylum, while continuing to send a large number of Assassin for spy activities. In order to make this tactic more perfect, Qi Liming should have been hiding in the Dongmu Church forever. But his current actions have completely exposed himself.

The heir to the palace, which was originally hidden under the cover of Alice Phil and Saber, was only exposed when he played against the Rod Elumiroi camp, so no one should know his truth until the day before yesterday. Identity. Even if Yuansaka's intelligence network realized that Chedi was carrying out activities in secret, he would not speculate that Chedi was the real contractor of Saber. And excluding these, from the overall battle situation, what is the intention of using the cut heir as the pursuit target?

Although it may also be due to private grievances for no reason, this possibility is very low. Among all the Yanfeng Qili's experiences that have been investigated, there is hardly any place where there is an intersection with the Wei Palace cut heir. Even the magician who had been assassinated by Qie Si and the presumed related victims, there were no friends and relatives who knew Yan Feng Qili.

In short, it is safe to say that even if Assassin is lost, Yanfeng Qili will definitely stand in front of Wei Gong's cut heir to block his way. No matter what the man's code of conduct is, it is beyond the scope of the Holy Grail War. Even after losing Servant, he will not quit honestly.

While thinking helplessly, heir sighed and exhaled a purple cigarette.

When thinking of Yanfeng Qili, he seemed to be imprisoned in bottomless darkness, and he could only feel the waves of fear. ,, ..

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