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Qi Li has completely lost her authority as a master. Although there seems to be no change, but as he said, now he is truly free from his responsibilities and duties as a Master. Now Qi Li, who lives in the church, is finally justified.

Where did the disappearing spell go now? After all, it is the existence of the substantiation of magic power, and it will never disappear in this way?

In theory, it should be back to the Holy Grail. The spell is itself a gift from the Holy Grail. Those who lost their qualifications as Masters due to the loss of Servant, Ling Ling should be recovered by the Holy Grail. However, if there is a Servant who loses the Master and cancels the contract, the Holy Grail will redistribute the unused mantra that was recovered previously to the new contractor.

Twenty-one engraved spells assigned to the seven Masters will disappear once used once, and the spells that are not consumed will be concentrated in the hands of the supervisor and entrusted.

So that is to say, with the development of the battle, there may be a new Master?

The hero king in front of him should not have such a strong interest in things that have nothing to do with his desires.

Although she felt that Gilgamesh's problem was somewhat abnormal, Qi Li continued to make further explanations.

Yes. However, as the candidate selected by the Holy Grail, it is not free to decide. Therefore, when looking for a new Master, the Holy Grail will still give priority to those who have been selected to become Masters.

In particular, the masters of the founding Misan are even more special. Even if you lose the Servant, as long as there are other Servants who have not signed the contract during that time, they can continue to exercise their Master's rights without losing the spell. It seems that similar things have happened several times in the past.

In the eyes of Gilgamesh who had been listening to his explanation silently, Qi Li felt a disturbing pressure and could not help but stop.

"What's wrong? Keep talking, Qi Li."

"In short, the Master who lost the Servant in the battle will be protected by the church, which is one of the reasons. When there are other Master vacancies, they will have a high probability of getting the remaining orders again. Because of this, Participants of the Holy Grail war did not kill the hostile masters, but killed them directly. This is also a measure to ensure that there will be no future troubles."


Gilgamesh sneered as though he were very happy, and then refilled the glass with wine.

"Then you say Qi Li, don't you have a great chance to get the spell again?"

Hearing the hero king's words, Qili sneered this time.

"That's impossible! The purpose of my participation in the Holy Grail war was the same as what my mentor Shichen said as an aid to the Tosaka camp, and now my mission is all over. Assassin's investigation has all been completed, Shichen The teacher has also formulated a winning strategy for all the Masters and their Servants. Now I have no need to play again."

"To tell me, I'm very skeptical about the plan of this minister. That guy has no ability to get the Holy Grail."

"You really have nothing to hide from your Master."

Gilgamesh stared at Qi Li with a deep red pupil.

"Qili, it seems that you have a big misunderstanding about the relationship between the master and slave of me."

"Shichen is a courtier to the king's gift to me, and at the same time offer magic as a tribute. Because of this contract, I promised to obey his call. Don't compare me with other Servants like stooges."

"So, what do you do with the order of the spell?"

"I don't care if it's just that the courtier has fulfilled his duty as a courtier, and occasionally the king will listen to his admonishment."

Qi Li couldn't help laughing.

If Gilgamesh knows the true purpose of this holy war, I am afraid that the contractual relationship with the court will be broken. Of course, if it is really the time, the courtier with the chant will definitely gain an overwhelming advantage.

"Now it's a state of contention around the first level of Caster. The Archer who is the final shot should be you. Now you don't have such a leisurely time to taste wine."

"Due to the time-honored way of the time minister, it was my turn to play too early. Now I can only find something else to do bored beauty, just now you said that Assassin has completed all his tasks. ?"

"Ah, is it a routine?"

Qi Li once promised Gilgamesh to provide Assassin with the movements of the Masters and their motivation to obtain the Holy Grail as his entertainment. In order to satisfy Gilgamesh's curiosity, Qi Li also gave Assassin a surveillance order.

"Ah, that investigation was also completed. Assassin should report it last night, so that it can save time for explanation"

"No, this is fine."

Suddenly Gilgamesh interrupted Qi Li's words.

"I am not interested in the words of the guy who looks like a shadow. Qi Li, this kind of thing is meaningful information only when you hear it."

Qi Li has no way to deal with the always elusive Archer in front of her, and can only briefly tell the master information she has to each other.

By eavesdropping on the intelligence obtained from the conversation between the Master and their Servant and their followers, it is easy to speculate about their purpose in participating in the Holy Grail War.

Lancer's Master and Rider's Master do not have any special wishes for the Holy Grail, but come to this battle for victory only for the reputation of the magician.

As for the Master of Caster, he does not even know what the Holy Grail is. Just to pursue a higher killing pleasure and come to participate in this holy grail war.

Berserker's Master seems to be pursuing atonement. Because of his escape, the second daughter of the Yuanban family became a sacrifice, and now returns to demand the release of the hostage in exchange for asking him to take back the Holy Grail. It seems that he had a story with his wife Aoi in the past. I am afraid that in a sense, he is the most vulgar of the other five hostile masters.

The only thing about Saber's Master is that she can only do nothing to Archer.

Assassin didn't find any information about the heir to the palace until the accident was eliminated last night. Only the man seemed to have seen Assassin killed by Archer from the beginning as a scam, until he finally concealed his secret completely. It can only be said that it is possible to do this under Assassin's close monitoring, which is indeed commendable. Compared with other Masters, only he is a special existence.

Moreover, even if Qi Li really discovered the real intention of Qi Si, I am afraid he would not report this matter to Archer.

It seems that there are still many doubts. But even so, she did not shake the idea that Qi Li wanted to deal with Wei Gong cut heir. This is Qi Li's personal problem that has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War, and he has no intention of letting others intervene.

As a result, Qili told Archer that it was the arrogance of the Einzbelen family for many years, only to participate in this holy grail war just to bring the Holy Grail. But Archer didn't seem to see through what Qili thought, but just listened to his report with interest.

"Well, letting their hopes fall through is also a good entertainment."

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