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After listening to the motivations of the other five, Archer said disdainfully.

"After all, it's just a bunch of shit. There is no creative idea one by one. Just for some boring reasons, I want to **** my treasures are all thieves who should be executed directly without consultation."

Hearing the unusual arrogance of Archer, Qi Li sighed helplessly.

"Is this the only way I feel about the information that others have worked so hard to obtain? It seems that I'm in vain."

"What's the trouble?"

The hero king said with a meaningful smile on his face.

"What are you talking about, Qi Li. Didn't your efforts with the Assassins yield great results."

As if feeling some irony in the other party's words, Qi Li stared at Archer.

"Are you laughing at me? Hero King."

"Don't understand? Forget it, it's justifiable if you don't understand. Because you are a man who can only see what he cares about."

Ignoring Qi Li's sharp eyes completely, Archer continued leisurely.

"The unconscious guys are simply pursuing instinctive pleasure. Just like the beasts chasing the smell of blood. This emotion in their hearts will be intuitively reflected in their words and deeds."

"So, Qi Li. When you tell all the things you have heard, seen, and understood by yourself, you have fully expressed your inner thoughts. Your language is described in the most detailed way. The part that is most interesting to you."

"In other words, observing a person's words and deeds is the best way to understand his interests. Toys like humans and stories like life are really no more interesting ways of entertainment than this."

Qi Li also had to admit this time that she was really careless.

I thought it was just a pastime without any doubt. But it seems that his own judgment was wrong, and the other party explored his inner thoughts in this way.

"First of all, remove the guy you deliberately concealed the truth. This kind of subconscious concern is nothing more than a kind of attachment. Now what I want to say is the person you noticed unconsciously."

"So, of all the remaining four Masters, who is the person you care about the most?"

Qi Li suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in her heart. At present, it is better to finish this topic as soon as possible.

Archer seemed to be very satisfied with Qili's shaking, took a sip of red wine with a smile, and continued.

"Berserker's Master. What is Yan Ye? Qi Li, your report to this man is very detailed."

"Because his affairs are more complicated. So there are naturally more parts that need special explanation, that's all."

"Huh, isn't it? That's because you are more concerned about this man's affairs, so you gave Assassin a command to investigate all these complicated things. It was issued by interest only if you were unconscious. "

In front of Archer's irrefutable claims, Qi Li began to review her behavior.

Jian Tongyan Ye really thinks this is a character that needs special attention. Not only does this person have a strong hatred for the time minister, but Serserker, who is his Servant, also has the mysterious ability to seize the treasures of others. For Archer, it is also the nemesis of the nemesis.

However, if viewed from the threat level, Yan Ye and Berserker will definitely not be at the forefront.

A magician and a violent Servant who are ready to join the battle in a hurry. I'm afraid it will be the fastest among the five groups of enemies. There is no need to even use any tricks, as long as the battle is prolonged into a protracted battle.

As long as he is left alone, he will spontaneously die. So to a certain extent, he should be an enemy that is easy to deal with. It is indeed unreasonable for such an opponent to investigate the situation so carefully and take a step back.

"I admit that this is a mistake in my judgment."

After the humility of the priesthood cultivated through years of self-cultivation, Qili nodded.

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, Jian Tongyan Ye is just a short-lived and vulnerable enemy.

"From a long-term perspective, he can't pose a threat and has no value for attention. I gave him too high a rating, so I will explain too much to Archer."

"Hum, is that true."

Even if Qi Li made a concession, Archer's bright red light still had an impenetrable look in his pupils.

"But Qi Li, now let's assume that in case miracles and fluke are intertwined, Berserker and his Master survive to the end and get the Holy Grail. What will happen then, have you thought about it?"

Assuming, that is, something completely fictitious

The final outcome pursued by Jian Tongyan was just a confrontation with Tosaka Tosaka. Not to mention how much chance he has, let's suppose he finally defeated the courtier and got the Holy Grail. What was Yan Ye facing at that time?

Don't think about it, it must be his own darkness. Originally intended to help Aoi recapture her daughter, now she has to take Aoi's husband's life. He seems to haven't noticed this contradiction yet, no, rather than not being aware, it is because he deliberately deceived himself because of his inner jealousy and selfishness, concealing this feeling.

In the end, when facing the blood-stained victory, Jian Tongyan Ye must fall into the embarrassment of having to face his inner ugliness. ,, ..

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