Thousand Blades of Death

: One hundred and five

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Looking at Qi Li in silent thought, Archer smiled and said.

"I said, Qi Li. Have you found out, the real meaning of this question I asked you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Archer's hint makes Qili even more confused."

Is there something wrong with my thinking just now?

"Tell me, Archer. Assuming that Jian Tongyan won the final victory, what is the point?"

"No, it doesn't make any sense to feed at all. Don't make such a terrible expression. I have told you how many times, I don't mean to tease you."

"Think about it, why is it meaningless for this question, but Yanfeng Qili has never noticed it? Don't you think this matter is worth thinking about in itself?"

If you continue to speak, Archer will continue to lead your nose step by step. So Qili simply gave up thinking and leaned her entire body on the chair.

"You just said it straight, Archer."

"If I just asked you the same question with another Master as an example, you will immediately realize that this is an unquestionable question, and directly kick off this boring question. But for Yan Ye Not the same. You don’t think this is a boring problem, but rather indulge in this hypothetical thinking with great interest."

"I don't care about doing such a futile thing. This is the interest of fake replacement. Congratulations, Qili, you can finally understand what entertainment is."

"Entertainment? Are you talking about pleasure?"

Of course.

Hearing Archer's assertion, Qi Li shook her head firmly.

"In the fate of Jian Tongyan Ye, there is absolutely no element that can make people feel happy. The longer his life, the heavier the pain and lament accumulated in him. For him, ending his life early is rather A kind of salvation."

"Qili, why do you define pleasure so narrowly?"

As if facing a student with poor comprehension, Archer sighed deeply.

"What is the contradiction between pain and sorrow and pleasure? There is no specific form of so-called pleasure, because you don't understand this, so you will be confused."

"it's not like that!"

Qi Li's angry voice sounded like a conditioned reflex.

"King of Heroes, only someone with a magical character like you will be happy to taste the suffering of others. However, doing so is the soul of the sinner and a crime that should be punished. Anyway, what I said The road will not be with you."

"So you think pleasure is a sin in itself? Hehe, you're kind of fallacious and heresy. You guys are really getting more and more interesting."

Just as Qi Li wanted to refute a few more words, suddenly a sudden pain spread throughout his body, making him bend down.

! ?

There was a burning pain in his left arm close to his elbow. Although I don't know the reason, Qi Li has indeed experienced this feeling. The same painful and weird feeling as now, Qi Li had experienced it three years ago. At that time, it was on his left arm. That's when everything started.

The pain was gradually replaced by bursts of heat. Qi Li stopped thinking because she was surprised. She rolled up the sleeve of her clothes unconsciously and checked her wrist.

Above his left arm, a holy mark of fate appeared. The remaining mantra that once used Assassin once and disappeared part of the pattern still appeared at the original size.

"Oh, is it really the same as I thought? But it came too quickly."


New spell. The paralysis caused by the severe pain confirmed that this was a false mark, but even so, Qi Li still couldn't get back to her for a moment, and couldn't say a word.

This is simply impossible.

All masters are still alive. And no Servant has cancelled the contract. It is unprecedented to be given a remand spell under such circumstances.

Moreover, Qili still does not belong to the founding royal family. The Holy Grail gives him the same sacred mark again to this person who has withdrawn. What exactly do he expect from him? This is simply an abnormal state of affairs that is completely unclear about the situation.

"It looks like the Holy Grail has great expectations for you."

Archer said to the embarrassed Qili with a slightly evil smile.

"Yanfeng Qili, you should also respond to the expectations of the Holy Grail. Anyway, you must have a reason to hope for the Holy Grail."

"The reason why I got the Holy Grail?"

"If that is really a miracle that can fulfill any wish, the Holy Grail will certainly be able to fulfill the wish that is deepest in your heart that you do not even realize."

Looking at Archer's expression, Qi Li suddenly had a feeling of deja vu. Yes, that is the expression of the snake of Eden depicted in the illustrations of the Bible.

"Qili. Thinking will not bring you the answer. It is this kind of thinking bound in ethics that makes your perception twisted."

"Pray that you can get the Holy Grail. At that time, you will find the answer to the true happiness you are looking for in the things the Holy Grail brings to you."

This is something Qili never thought of.

This is the inversion of purpose and means. Because I don’t know what my wishes are, I want to find out the Holy Grail that can fulfill all my wishes.

Just to pursue an answer, this does have an immediate effect.

"But if this is the case, I will have to destroy the wishes of the other six people by myself, and then I can find the answer. And, if I want to obtain the Holy Grail for my personal purposes, I will also be an enemy of the teacher."

"You must first look for a powerful Servant, otherwise how to compete with me."

As if talking about other people's things, Archer took a leisurely sip of red wine.

"In short, as a necessary prerequisite, you first need to grab a Servant from others."

"Following things, hey, Qili, rely on yourself."

It seemed that he was more and more interested in Qi Li, who was once again given the Saint Mark, and the bright red eyes of the hero king shone with joy.

"Pursue for your own desires. This is the right way of entertainment. Then entertainment will bring joy, and joy will guide you in the direction of happiness."

"The road has already been pointed to you, Qi Li. Very clearly pointed to you."

"The next road, you need to go by yourself. If you can't do it, then you should forget today's words, and obediently put it into the arms of your teacher."

"Of course, the words of a strong follower. The over-the-top fighter might be a good choice, Qi Li",,...

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