Thousand Blades of Death

: 106·Confidence

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For a knight, the essential elements are the sword and armor, and the other important item is the mount.

Sitting on the saddle, freely manipulating the reins and galloping in the battlefield is the attitude that a knight should have. Not just limited to horses, other quadrupeds, chariots, and even Eudemons can be. This dynamism and ease of walking far beyond walking speed are the essential joys common to all riding skills.

For Saber, who fought all his life as a cavalier king, the act of manipulating something is already deeply ingrained in her soul. As a Servant, the riding skills she possesses are a true portrayal of her.

This is really amazing. Saber gently stroked the steering wheel of the Mercedes-Benz 300SL with emotion in his heart.

The feeling of manipulating this mechanical device is completely different from the feeling of driving a horse, but after one try, you will find that this exquisite mechanical device simply gives people an illusion like a living object.

It is a machine gear that has no blood and no soul, but can faithfully advance at high speed and majesty according to Saber's wishes as a driver. The obedience shown by Mercedes is just like driving his own horse, which is full of trust and satisfaction.

No wonder Alice Phil is so passionate about driving.

Just when she realized this, there was also a little question that broke into her mind. Since driving this car is so full of pleasure, that is why Alice Phil gave the driving opportunity this time. Gave it to me?

"How does driving feel? Saber."

Alice Phil, sitting in the co-pilot's seat, asked with a satisfied smile, looking like the mother who brought the child a new toy, watching her child with a contented expression.

"It's really a great horse. If this thing appeared in my time, it would be unimaginable."

Saber said frankly with a smile, and at the same time swept away the doubts in his mind. Alice Phil must be sure that Saber will feel happy after driving, before giving her the opportunity to drive. Perhaps this is a testimonial of her faithfulness as a knight. So in this case, Saber as a knight should naturally express his return.

"However, Servant's ability is indeed very good. Obviously this is the first time to operate the machine, but your technical level can really be called first-class."

"I also have a somewhat strange feeling, as if I had operated a long time ago. Although I don't know the reason, I did it naturally like conditioned reflex."

"In the end, riding skills come into play, and it is related to the legends of your life."

"And, if it's me, I can do better than you, do you say it, Ellie?"

Riding (B): She is a soldier who used to fight on horses in the past. After becoming a follower, she has a riding ability of B~A level. He can skillfully control various mounts, including the ancient two-horse chariot and modern land transportation. Cannot control fantasy species of Warcraft and Holy Beast levels. In the fourth holy grail war, I once drove a motorcycle, but in the fifth time, I did not use my riding ability at all. If she is given a suitable mount, the development of combat may be different or maybe.

"Right, my riding skills are a whole lot better than Saber."

A voice full of wickedness came, which made Saber's brow furrowed, but irrefutable.

After all, Ma Yuan’s riding skills are a full level higher than hers, and even fantasy species are possible to control. In contrast, this one may not really be a big deal.

"Of course, I'll change it for you to drive in the future, and then you will just sit back and obediently, right, my little lion."

Ambiguous and provocative voices came, which made Saber's face full of strange red, and the great charm made Alice Phil next to him dumbfounded.

"So beautiful, Saber..."

Alice Phil groaned for a while, then suddenly a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"I suddenly thought of an idea. I should go to the black market to buy some of the latest tanks or fighters. If you drive up, isn't this holy grail war all cleared up in one breath?"

Although knowing that Alice Phil was joking, Saber could only helplessly laugh.

"Although your idea is very good, I can assert that no matter what era, there is no weapon that can beat my sword."

Although Saber's words seemed overconfident, Alice Phil did not mean to refute. Anyone who has ever fought with this Servant has confirmed with her own eyes that what she said is true.

"Having said that, Mai Mai has entered the city of Dongmu more and more"

Saber whispered while looking at the light truck in front of the leading Kuu Mai Mai.

"Is it really okay? Is the house called the new stronghold a little too close to the center of the battlefield?"

"There is nothing to worry about at this point. Both Tosaka and Miyagi are majestic in building fortifications in the city. Other foreign Masters have also settled generously in the city, but they have built the city so remote. The Einzberren family looks a bit different."

"For the Holy Grail war, which requires secret battles in principle, the location of the stronghold has no special significance. The so-called geographical location only means that there are magical elements related to the aura above the ground."

"And from the perspective of concealment, this new location that Mr. Qi now chooses may be more reliable than the previous residence."

It seems that Saber himself did not notice that when she mentioned the name of the cut heir, a haze shrouded her face.

There is no way for Alice Phil to do this. The friction between the two of them can be predicted from the beginning.

The wonderful combination of light truck and classic sports car finally crossed the Dongmu Bridge and entered the deep mountain town. The surrounding scenery is completely the same as the new one, and everywhere is full of a simple and demure style with a heavy sense of history.

This place is too close to the bases of Tosaka and Matong. I really chose an unexpected place.

The so-called most dangerous places are also the safest. At this unexpected point, Qie Si's vision is indeed very accurate.

Although it was a very fair evaluation, Saber's voice still seemed a bit stiff. For Saber, Qie Si's theory is worthy of approval at the strategic level. What she could not tolerate was the tactical cruelty and cruelty of Chedi.

Wu Mi, who walked a little ahead, gradually slowed down the light truck, and finally stopped at the roadside. It seems that he has arrived at his destination.

"Here, um. It's really a random and unexpected place.",,...

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