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Of course, no one believed his words, only if it was empty talk that he concealed his true intentions.

But this man really returned all the ruling power to the local nobility, and continued to advance east with his army. After staring blankly at his back, the defeated generals finally understood.

None of the reasons mentioned by the overlord were false.

He just moved eastward. And sweep away those who are blocking themselves.

Just for this reason, he abandoned all the glory and wealth, how miserable the soldiers who followed him away from home.

At the beginning, they also felt sad and angry.

And think how miserable you have to fight for such a stupid reason.

But soon, they lost everything suddenly thought.

What can you see behind that big mountain?

What can you see on the other side of the sky?

Exploring the unknown world, isn't this the dream that all men had when they were young?

But with the increase of age, the men who consolidate their status and continue to climb up, just abandoned the dreams of their youth when they were just for that illusory merit. And now, this man broke the reason for their current existence overnight and once again ignited the dream they once dreamed of.

The men who finally understood this point picked up the weapon in their hands again.

Now they are no longer heroes or weapons. They are just teenagers who once picked up their armor and weapons and chased their eternal dreams. The heart that regained courage and hope was beating violently, following their kingdom going straight to the east.

In this way, the king's army continued to increase with victory on the way forward.

What an incredible group of people this seems to others.

The once defeated heroes, the defeated generals, and the king who lost the throne, all with the same smile, with the same light flashing in their eyes came together side by side.

March towards okeanos

The men shouted loudly.

Toward the east, like the farther east!

Until I saw the legendary beach with the man.

The expedition continues without end.

Crossing the scorching desert, turning over the cold snowy mountains, crossing the turbulent river, driving away the fierce beasts, and also fighting a lot of life and death with unknown weapons and tactics of foreign peoples who have never dealt with.

Countless soldiers died in other countries.

Their eyes dissipated as they watched the back of the king who was moving on.

Their hearing disappeared as they listened to the waves from the far east.

Even after fighting to death after exhausting all their strength, their faces were all smiling with pride.

Soon I will be able to return to the dream scene, the misty coast I have seen.

There was nothing but the sound of the waves constantly beating on the shore, the endless sea of ​​Liaoyuan.

That is what their king described to them, but they have never seen it in their lifetime.

So this is not what they remember

Rather, they are constantly spectating in their hearts during their heroic career.

At the end of the dream of heroic memories from that distant time and space, the teenager seemed to hear a burst of waves.

The sound of Tao may have been echoing in his chest all the time.

Weber had just proposed to walk down the street, and Rider agreed without saying a word.

Of course, for Weber, compared with the old city of London, this little town in the east has nothing that makes him particularly interested. He just wanted to find a book.

Although it is most convenient to use the library to find books, it is a bit inconvenient to follow a big man like Rider. What's more, it is even unwise to bring Rider's big voice in a library that requires silence. Besides, when he summoned Rider, he had a history of destroying the library, and this time it would be troublesome to take him together in case he was recognized and let himself compensate.

So I had to go to the bookstore to find a local bookstore that generally only sells books in the national language, so if I want to find English books, I have to go to a large bookstore. But it can also be troublesome in a bustling downtown.

It was the first time for Weber to walk on the streets of Dongmu Xindu like this day. Since there is nothing special before this day, it is necessary to come out during the day, so this is also reasonable. The streets during the day are completely free of the feeling of being enchanted everywhere at night. The warm daylight and fresh air make people feel very comfortable.

"I said, what kind of wind do you draw?"

"Nothing special, just change your mood."

Weber replied uncomfortably with Rider's question. It's not that there is anything unhappy or dissatisfied with Rider's responsibilities, but there is no similarity between the meaningless behavior like changing mood and Weber's policy.

In short, even if only for a period of time, it is a fact that I want to completely forget about the holy grail war.

In Weber's mind, there have been some changes in the meaning of participating in this holy grail war. Although it was only some subtle changes, it occupied all the thoughts of his entire brain, making his mental depression and even suffocating.

"Okay, okay, don't ask why. Besides, haven't you been arguing about going out to the busy place since the day before yesterday?"

"Well, the joy of being able to feel the lively atmosphere in the foreign market does not lose the joy of fighting at all."

"It is very pitiful for the country involved in the war for this reason."

Weber muttered helplessly.

Hearing his words, Rider asked, tilting his head in surprise.

"What's the matter, kid? It's as if you've seen it with your own eyes."

"It's done, you said nothing to me."

Among the Masters who signed a contract with Servant, there is a very rare part that can experience the memories of the heroes in the form of dreams. Although I don't know if Rider knows this or not, in short, Weber is not willing to mention the things he dreamed of this morning. There should be no one willing to be seen through the things in his memory, not to mention to Weber that he did not intend to see these memories on purpose.

After arriving at the bookstore on the commercial street in front of the station, Rider immediately showed great interest in the store next to it. It seems that during the time before Weber finished his serious affairs, there is no need to worry about the confusion of this conquering king.

"So, I'll go to this bookstore to do something first."

"Uh huh."

"In short, you can do whatever you like, but you are absolutely not allowed to walk out of this commercial street. Even during the day, you can't carelessly. If I am attacked, you must be able to come over immediately."

"Uh! Uh!", ...

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