Thousand Blades of Death

: 110th Impressions

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I don't know if Rider is listening or not. Anyway, his big gleaming eyes are completely staring at the surrounding taverns, toy shops, game shops and snack shops.

No conquest, no aggression.

Hey! ?

What the hell! Really

Fearing that delaying too long would attract the attention of others, Weber tucked his wallet into the thick palm of the conquering king.

Don't steal anything, let alone eat king food! If you have something you want, just pay for it! Would you like me to tell you again with Lingman?

Hahahaha! Don't be so nervous. Macedonian etiquette is common to civilized people in any country.

I don't know if I really understood Weber's meaning. After Rider dropped this indifferent answer, he disappeared excitedly into the crowd and noisy crowd of shoppers. Looking at Rider's back that faded away, Weber could only sigh helplessly. Although he was still not at ease, Rider, despite his seemingly carefree appearance, was very adaptable to foreign cultures. Last night, his gentle approach to the old Mackay couple was the best proof.

Although all the money in the wallet that he handed to Rider just now was spent by him, then about half of all the funds prepared for the winter wood holy war will disappear, but instead of letting Rider cause any unsolvable troubles, spend It would be cheaper if you could avoid the money. As long as you can get the Holy Grail, there should be no problem even if you don’t go back. Weber can be considered mature enough to be able to grow from a character that had been preoccupied before, and grows up to a device that treats money like manure.

For Weber, even if he really found the book he wanted, there was no plan to buy it back. It is enough to read it directly in the bookstore. Because if the book he wanted to read was known by Rider, he would be questioned. So Weber is not willing to take the risk to buy it back.

Perhaps it is because there are too many foreign residents here, not only tourist guide manuals and vulgar paperbacks, but also a wide variety of other books in the foreign bookshelf. Although Weber did not expect to be able to find it, contrary to expectations, it was easy to find the target, and Weber immediately began to quickly browse the contents of the book.

Once I got the book in my hand, I immediately forgot the time. This is a characteristic that Weber has not changed since he was a child. As for the reading comprehension of books, he has the confidence that he will not lose to anyone. But his talents in the Clock Tower are nothing more than a librarian-like ability that is very convenient when investigating books. So whenever he sees the nonsense in the book and it is difficult to understand, he always thinks of it with hatred, if he is allowed to write it, it will be more concise and bright.

But these unpleasant memories were quickly driven out of consciousness with the pages he turned. The content of the book that Weber is reading now is very exciting, attracting the reader's thoughts to gallop across the far side.

I don't know how long it has passed. Weber has always been in a state of ecstasy reading.

Suddenly, Weber felt a heavy and abnormal footstep that was different from ordinary people, so he immediately put the book back in a calm manner. Looking back, it was just opposite Rider's line of sight looking out over the shelf.

Oh oh! Found it! It's totally invisible for such a small guy to hide between the bookshelves. It's really troublesome to find.

Ordinary people are smaller than bookshelves! Having said this silly big thing, what did you buy again?

Rider carried a disturbingly large paper bag with one hand and seemed to like the things inside. He could not wait to open it for Webber to see on the spot.

Look! It turned out that "Admiral Grand Strategy IV" was released today, I bought the first edition limited edition! Wow ha ha ha ha, my lucky value is really not ridiculous!

Seeing that Rider bought 10 times more idiots than the most idiotic thing he could think of, Weber couldn't help feeling a headache.

I said, you just buy software for such a big thing

Having said that half of Weber suddenly found that the big paper bag in Rider's hand was too large for a piece of software, so he immediately realized that the conquering king had bought it as well.

Alright boy! Let's hurry back and play together. I even bought an extra handle!

I tell you, I have no interest in this vulgar game.

Hearing Webber's words, Rider immediately frowned, complaining deeply, and sighed deeply.

Alas, I said you. Why do you like to indulge in your own small world? Don't you want to find a little joy?

Don't bother me! How can a magician like me who explores the truth have free time to do these meaningless things? I don't have extra brain cells to consume in video games!

Ok? So, do you have excess brain cells consumed in this book?

Rider said while pulling the book that Webbers had just returned from the shelf. This was completely contrary to Weber's unexpected behavior, which made him nervously refute loudly.

That’s not true! How do you know that I just read this book.

Only if this one is inserted into the bookshelf backwards, can the fool see it? Isn't "AlexanderTheGreat" my biography?

Webber immediately wished to find a ground seam to get in. Now this disgraceful feeling is even more serious than when mentor Kenes mocked his paper.

You are really a strange guy. Compared with such unrecognizable authenticity records, isn't the person standing in front of you more reliable? If you have any questions, just ask me if it's over.

Ah! Ok i ask you i ask you!

Weber called in half a cry. After grabbing the book from Rider, he turned to the page he cares about.

The history tells you that you are a very short person, so why are you now such a stupid figure?

I am short? Where did you see it!

Look at this! It is said that after you captured the Persian kingdom, you sat on the throne of Darreos, and your feet could not reach the platform. In the end, there was no way to change the table for you instead of the platform!

Ah, you said Dareios? That's also impossible. I'm really short compared to the tall man.

The conqueror Wang, who heard Weber say the name, clapped his hands with laughter, and then looked at the sky with an expression of nostalgia as if remembering an old friend.

The emperor, not only measured, but also had a magnificent figure. It is indeed a ruler commensurate with the powerful Persian Empire.

Judging from Rider's description, it should be a giant with a height of more than three meters. Weber couldn't help but feel a chill when he thought of this in his mind. ,, ..

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