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With emotion, I don’t know what expression I should use to face Rider’s Weber. I can’t wait to disappear now.

At this moment, a cold with no warning suddenly spread throughout Weber's body.


The magic loops all over the body were as painful as spasms.

Of course, this anomaly did not occur because of Weber's own reasons. Instead, the magic power filled in the surrounding air created an abnormal chaos, and the magic circuit that was synchronised with it also fell into an anomaly.

Rider, who was standing aside, looked at the west with a serious expression. It seems that with Servant's intuition, he can determine the direction of this abnormal magic.


Rider whispered as if he were about to enter the battlefield. Upon hearing this, Webber also immediately realized that the fighting tonight had begun.

The holy grail war continues

Having no time to take care of the entanglement still entangled in the heart, the soldiers will once again join the battle.

It is not only Weber who is aware of the unusual magical breath.

The fluctuations of the spells released from near the river are equivalent to the multiple chants of ceremonial spells, and are the kind that can be launched with the magic of dozens of people. In other words, all magicians in Dongmu City must have felt that all the Masters who participated in the Holy Grail War.

Lancer, and Sola Nazele Sofias, who has newly acquired the rights of its Master, are standing on the roof of the winter wood center building under construction with the best view of the enemy. Tonight, dense fog appeared strangely over the Weiyuan River, making the view west of the central building extremely bad. With human eyesight, I can only vaguely see the illuminated Dongmu Bridge.

Can you see what happened? Lancer!

Hearing Sora's question, Lancer nodded as he saw through the thick fog with Servant's extraordinary vision.

Sure enough, Caster. Seems to stand in the river to do what. I can't see the specifics.

It's still the same, there is no plan to hide, as for Caster, it should not be unprepared.

Due to the reward processing issued by the supervisor, other Servants targeted him, but he did not seem to be aware of this.

Is it the best time to solve him?

That's right, no matter what he is doing, it is the best strategy to solve him before he can achieve results.

Of course, it's not just Sola who looked at the mantra engraved on the back of his hand from his never-wife Kenneth Achpolud, thinking about the appearance of Caster, and other masters must have noticed it. If you want to get an additional spell from the supervisor as a reward, you must defeat Caster before your competitors.

When the first level of Caster is successfully obtained, the one spell that is missing due to Kanesi's stupid behavior will return to its full form again. Sola couldn't restrain the excitement at the thought that Ling Man's original three-in-one form and the **** of Ying Ling Di Lumuduo would be completely restored.

Let me fight, so please be sure to stay here and enjoy the merits I have built.

why do you say so! I am also a Master now. Take cover next to it.

Looking at her begging look, Lancer shook his head firmly.

This will not work. IMHO, you don’t have the ability of Lord Kenes. It is dangerous to go to that river bank. It's really difficult for me to fight while protecting you who can't defend yourself. Hope you understand.


Despite what he said, for Sola now, even if Lancer left her for a second, she would be heartbroken with worry.

Is it true that Master Sora has doubts about my skill? Do you think that I have played warriors without permission?

Lancer narrowed his eyes and asked. Sola shook her head quickly. Not to mention Sola, he recalled the humiliation Kenes had given Lancer. For Lancer, who still swears allegiance to Kenneth, he must understand that Sora is truly worthy of allegiance.

Lancer, the judgment on the spot is all for you. Please fight freely.


Lancer lowered his head quietly, then slammed on the steel bars under his feet and jumped into the brightly lit street.

Seeing the back view of Servant leaping on the roof of the house full of houses, sprinting all the way to the riverside, Sola sent out a sad feeling.

Since replacing Kenneth as Master, this hero has never shown a smile to Sola.

Saber drove Mercedes, and it only took a few minutes to reach the source of the extraordinary magic power from the stronghold prepared by Cut Si.

The old streets of the small villages in deep mountains have narrow roads and complicated road conditions. Generally speaking, it takes more than thirty minutes no matter what, but Servant’s riding skills have completely subverted the common sense and accomplished this miracle. The silver-white car speeded through the long and narrow bends, and its speed has broken through the constraints of the laws of physics.

When speeding into the avenue along the river, Saber made a sharp left turn and stopped Mercedes. Before the gull-wing door was fully opened, he jumped out of the car and ran towards the embankment. The dense fog which is enough to make ordinary people lose their vision cannot affect Servant's sight at all.

Finally, the enemy appeared directly in front of his line of sight. He stood leisurely in the center of the river 200 meters wide. Alice Phil who came down from the co-pilot position and stood on the embankment also gazed at the figure in the fog with magically enhanced eyesight, frowning anxiously.

As expected, it was Caster.

Saber nodded, watching the hostile Servant's actions with vigilance. There is still no Caster accompanied by the Master, standing in the heart of the river without an island, just like standing on the water. If you look closely, you will find a lot of horrible alien shadows gathered on the water surface under his feet. Not long ago, the monster groups that had fought in the forest now gathered at the foot of Caster to form a shoal.

Judging from the extremely unusual magic release, there is no doubt that Caster is performing some kind of large-scale magic. The dense fog formed with the river as the source is probably caused by the aftermath of this magic. Not only did Caster not sing, or even show a concentration, but just stood there carelessly from his book of magic books, and a mad vortex of magic continued to flow, and the surrounding space became distorted.

As a magic furnace beyond the conventional, but also a treasure that can release the magical technique alone into the hands of the madman, it has become an extremely dangerous weapon.

Welcome, saint. It is my supreme pleasure to see you again.

Caster still bowed diligently, and Saber's pupils were burning with anger.

You do not know to repent, you demon! What kind of tricks are you going to play tonight?

I'm sorry, Jeanne. The main guest at the banquet tonight is not you.

Caster replied incredulously with an evil smile on his face.

However, if you are willing to appreciate the light, I will feel very happy. Jill De Lei Bucai prepared the banquet for death and depravity, please enjoy it! ,, ..

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