Thousand Blades of Death

: 114·Solicitation

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Caster laughed loudly. At his feet, the dark water began to commotion. Countless monsters gathered at the feet of the summoner, shooting out tentacles at once, engulfing Caster wearing a cape standing on their heads.

At first glance, it seemed that the rebellious messengers attacked Caster, but Caster, who was covered with tentacles all over his body, raised his volume and laughed. The arrogant laughter almost screamed.

Now I will hold the banner of the savior again! The abandoned people gathered around me! The contempt gathered around me! I will command you! Lead you! The resentment of our bullies will soon be communicated to God! Lord of heaven! I will scour sins and praise you!

The foamy water surface swelled, pushing up Caster engulfed by tentacles. The number of monster groups that used to be his foothold has increased dramatically. Estimated from the depth of the bottom of the river, the number is terrible and unimaginable.

Was Caster absorbed? !

Saber felt terrified. In her eyes, the number of monsters gathered around the summoner's body continued to increase. The summoning ability of Luoyao City's teaching book is really endless. Countless tentacles are tangled and fused together to form a piece of meat.

The meat block is full of disgusting mucus glowing, it is really sticky beach meat island. Not only that, but the meat continues to expand.

Caster's figure was no longer visible, only his voice was still echoing arrogantly.

Arrogant God! Ruthless god! We will pull you down from the seat of God! The lambs God loves! People who have bodies similar to God! Will be humiliated and torn apart by us! The ridicule of our rebels knocked on the door of heaven with the sorrow of the Son of God!

The filthy meat gradually expanded and formed. Or it can be said that this kind of image is just the ontology of the monster of the outside world. So far, the monsters driven by Caster are all fragments of this, just miscellaneous soldiers.

That is

Saber sighed in abhorrence and a huge sense of oppression standing in the dark.

Even the deep sea whales and king squids do not have such a huge body. This kind of nightmare figure that lands in all seas of the world is an aquatic beast worthy of the title of sea monster.

Fortunately, there was no one on the embankment where she and Alice Phil stood, but the people on the other side of the river were on with lights. Despite the late night, a loud commotion came out. Such a strange thing happened under the eyes of everyone, and of course it would cause a commotion. Fortunately, due to the thick fog blocking the line of sight, there are limited places where you can witness the monster. Residents’ panic is limited to specific areas.

Nonetheless, the holy grail war must be carried out in secret, this default principle is completely destroyed.

I underestimated this guy and didn't expect him to summon so many monsters.

No, Servant is even more powerful, and the grids of enchantresses he summons and drives are also limited. However, if the drive is not considered, this limit will not exist.

Alice Phil was very calm. This time, there was also fear in his voice.

If you do not consider the control after the summoning, just summon it, no matter how powerful the monster is, it can be summoned in theory. All that is needed is to expand the magic and spells of the door.

So to say, that monster is not under the control of Caster?

It should be right to think so.

Alice Phil was surprised because of the fear that a magician could understand. However, it is not difficult for Saber to understand the seriousness of the matter.

The so-called magic refers to the technique of controlling magic, but that kind of guy is a real magic that cannot be understood with such a small concept. The whole body is full of gluttonous, engulfing this desire and materialized products. The act of summoning such things can no longer be called art.

Saber clenched his fists in anger, thinking of the magical act of the magician.

So, who does this monster want to challenge?

Correct. It's just being invited to eat. Such a town will be swallowed by it within a few hours. ! ! !

It seems that Caster did not realize the purpose of the battle and the significance of victory. That crazy Servant was going to destroy the Holy Grail war itself. And destroy all life in this city.

Hearing the familiar voice, Saber turned back. Holding the reins, he was about to land the shining Shenwei chariot to the Dahan Servant in the park square where the two were, and he smiled very disrespectfully to the first-comer.

Hello, Knight King, the night is really good. Although I want to say this, it seems that it is not the time to talk.

Conquer the king, you guys still don't know what to do, are you just here to make a joke?

Rider waved his hand when he saw Saber's offensive posture without letting go of his guard.

do not do that. There is a truce tonight. If you leave such a big guy alone, I can't feel at ease with you.

I called it just now, Lancer has responded. It should be coming soon.

What about other Servants?

Assassin has been killed by me. Berserker would not discuss it. Archer said it was useless, because the character of that guy would not easily agree.

Oh yes, the king


Yes, I don’t know. The fact that Bawang always acted alone made everyone’s brain hurt. Obviously such a powerful fighting force

Forget it, he will always come at the most important juncture

Saber nodded and placed his hand solemnly in front of the breastplate.

understood. I have no objections to fight with you. Conquer the king, although it is a temporary alliance, let's take an oath together.

Haha, are you quite clear-headed when fighting? Why, does Master have any objections?

Of course, it’s not dissatisfaction. I just saw Rider and Saber throwing away the grudges of the past, Alice Phil did not respond, and Weber showed a clear determination, and carefully probed from the Rider’s tank console. At first, there was no intention to get off.

For people on the battlefield, whether they kill the enemy or form an alliance, they are all calm judgments without any private feelings. This is consistent. This is the spiritual will shared by those in troubled times.

That being said, Caster’s crazy behavior must be stopped anyway. If the oath can be kept, then unity is the most correct choice.

I do not mind. My Ainz Belen promised a truce! Rider’s Master, what do you think?

Hearing Alice Phil's call, Weber nodded reluctantly.

Einz Belen, do you have any strategy? I heard from Rider just now, fighting with Caster, isn't it your first time?

Indeed, for Saber, this can be said to be a recurrence of offensive and defensive warfare in the forest as his position. Although with Lancer's help at that time, he reluctantly repulsed Caster, but now he is fighting back with more power. However, this time not only Lancer, but also an alliance with Rider. The situation must not be pessimistic.

In any case, it can only be done quickly. Although the monster can still be maintained in the present world only by the magic power supply of Caster, if it starts to forage alone and becomes self-sufficient, it can't cope with it. Caster must be stopped before this.

Saber nodded understandingly.

That guy's, that magic book.

The self-discipline summoning magic furnace, the Luoyao City Education Book, which is beyond the conventional treasure, has now become the heart of the sea monster together with Caster.

It turns out so. He must be resolved before it goes ashore for food. but

Rider looked sadly at the dark green giant.

Caster is in the center of the pile of meat, what should I do? ,, ..

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