Thousand Blades of Death

: One hundred and twenty-one demise

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This is completely self-defeating. For Yan Ye now, the act of using magic itself is a fatal suicide. Presumably as a party, Yan Ye is also very clear, but he continued to use the technique beyond his limits without hesitation.

Yan Ye's appearance now is terrible. The capillaries all over the body ruptured, and blood foam splashed around. He was completely unable to stand upright, and his crumbling figure seemed to be drowned in a cloud of blood. The face that rolled his eyes because of too much pain has made it impossible to judge whether the person concerned is still conscious.

Is it such a virtue to speak so boldly and act with impunity?

The most sad thing is that no matter how Yan Ye mobilized the magic power of self-mutilating life, his attack never failed to hurt Shichen.

The current situation of moths fighting fire is simply a reproduction of this ancient idiom. Swarms of beetles threw their heads straight at the flames of the warlords, but they never failed to break through the defense, and they were completely burned without a trace. As a worm, the act of challenging the flame head-on is extremely foolish in itself. In spite of this, Yan Ye's attack was not relaxed at all, and cutting his own life drove the bugs to charge in vain, turning into a burst of fly ash.

This situation can no longer make people laugh. For the weakest enemy, the time has exceeded the limit of contempt and began to pity him. Soon, the flame will burn away all the insects of Yan Ye. At that time, Yan Ye must have died because of the inability to bear the pain. As long as the minister pays attention to maintaining his own spells, he can just sit back and watch. Under his solid defense, the outcome will be clear.

But for the servants who follow the noble magic path, it is the biggest unhappiness to continue to expose the ugliness of the fallen magician who has gone astray.

Intensiveeinascherung (give my enemy a fierce cremation)

With the second chant of the courtier, the fire snake of the defensive formation slowly snaked towards Yan Ye. Yan Ye didn't even have a defense. For this magician who is now learning and selling, it is doubtful whether he has the knowledge to fight against attack spells.

Kill you and your dirty officials

Despite being burned alive, Yan Ye didn't even scream, just repeating the curse of low chanting. His body, eaten by insects from the inside, may no longer have pain.

Just as Yan Ye twisted painfully to shake off the flame that wrapped her body, she accidentally broke the guardrail. Just rolled down the eaves and fell into the darkness of the alley.

Finally, Shi Chen swept away the insects still entrenched in the surroundings with flames. He lifted his defense and sighed while finishing his clothes.

There is no need to confirm the body. Even if the other party is angry, it will definitely not live long. Then just wait for Berserker to lose the Master to disappear naturally.

According to his original expectations, the Jiantong family will give up this holy grail war and stay on the sidelines. But to this day, the other party suddenly sent Yan Ye, a veteran who had been expelled from the house, as a temporary Master, which is really puzzling. Until the end, the Shichen had no reason to participate in the battle of Yan Ye.

Shi Chen did not want to worry about this victory without any sense of accomplishment, leaving only an endless unpleasant aftertaste. He simply forgot about it and turned to the river to observe the battle started by Caster.

Thanks to Rider’s wonderful strategy, the sea monster’s huge body disappeared from the river. However, even if he could not see it, the Servant and magicians on the scene could clearly feel the enchantment of the monster in different dimensions. A breath of rampage.

How to do?

In order to break the silence at the scene, Weber said.

Although we can earn a little time by doing so, if we don’t take a chance to find a solution, the result will not help. I said Ainz Belen, do you have any good ideas?

Saying so

Alice Phil hadn't finished speaking yet, her arms suddenly sounded out of time with a light electronic sound. She was also taken aback, and quickly got the sound source out.

This mobile phone was handed over to her just in case. Needless to say who is calling. But according to the pre-determined principle, it will not be used for contact. Coupled with the fact that the scene was so urgent, Alice Phil suddenly couldn't remember the method of use that should have been memorized.

Well, how do you use this?

She couldn't help asking Webber who was standing aside. Webber, who was angry because the conversation was interrupted, grabbed the ringing cell phone from Alice Phil's hand and pressed the answer button to his ear. Although Weber is also a magician, he is not well-known for his use of these commonly used machines.

Is it Alice?

A low man's voice rang at the other end of the phone, and Weber was a little flustered. Originally, I pressed the answer button and gave it back to the owner, but I picked it up on a whim.

No, I am not? This way. You are the master of Rider. Exactly, I have something to tell you.

You, who are you?

This is not important. Did your Servant make Caster disappear?

It's such a thing.

Then I ask you, when Rider lifts the inherent enchantment, can it let the inside things fall to the designated place?

Although I can't hear the other party's intentions at all, it is a waste of time to follow up in this case where every second counts. Weber recalled the basic rules of the inherent enchantment he learned at the Clock Tower, and he replied cautiously in combination with the nature of the Wang Zhijun that he once witnessed.

Although there is a certain range, I think it is at most a hundred meters in radius, but it should be feasible.

After all, the dominance that reappears outside is in the hands of Rider.

Ok. After a while, I will fire a signal flare, so you can release Caster right under the signal, okay?

The question is how to get in touch with Rider inside the enchantment, but he also said that he would keep herding soldiers. It seems that Rider is also aware of the necessity of joint action inside and outside the enchantment.

No problem, I think. probably.

Having said that, who the **** is he talking to? It should be from the Ainz Belem camp, and from the perspective of speaking, it seems to be monitoring the movements here.

there's one more thing. Help me tell Lancer who is present. Say Saber has a pair of city treasures on his left hand.

what? ,, ..

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