Thousand Blades of Death

: One hundred and twenty-two Knight

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Webber, increasingly puzzled, couldn't help but asked, but the other party had hung up the phone altogether, leaving only the busy tone vacantly.

What happened?

Lancer felt Weber's meaningful gaze and asked suspiciously.

How could the other party have something to tell me. Say Saber has something on the left hand! !

Lancer was very shocked, and Saber was also embarrassed, and their expressions changed at the same time.

Is he true? Saber.

Although both of the people present tried to avoid this problem, it wasn't always the case that he was so secretive. Saber nodded silently.

Can that treasure solve Caster's monster in one blow?

Maybe, maybe

Saber nodded again, staring straightly at the spirit of the gun, and continued.

Lancer, the weight of my sword is the weight of my honor. The injury I suffered from your battle with you is an honor to me, not a shackle.

As you said in the forest, if this left hand can be exchanged for Dilumudo Audina, it is really equivalent to thousands of horses.

Even if Lancer feels guilty now, it will not help the situation. As a partner who keeps the knighthood together, Saber hopes Lancer can usher in his own destiny duel.

Lancer didn't answer, as if he could see a sea demon fighting Rider's army in the enchantment, but narrowed his eyes and stared at the river.

Now, Saber. I don't think I can forgive that Caster.

Although Lancer said intermittently, his tone was very peaceful, but in his beautiful and magical eyes, he was full of determination.

He takes pride in despair and takes pleasure in spreading terror. Before I became a knight, I vowed never to let evil run wild!

Lancer inserted the red gun in his right hand on the ground and held the middle of the remaining yellow gun tightly with both hands. At this moment, Saber, who immediately realized what the self-respecting gun hero was about to do, couldn't help but stunned and speechless.

Lancer, don't do this!

Do you have to win Saber or Lancer now? Do not! neither! What must be won now is the knighthood we all believe in, am I right? Heroic Altoria.

Lancer smiled casually, shouting and breaking one of his two guns as his treasure without hesitation.

The powerful cursed force condensed in the indestructible yellow rose turned into a whirlwind bursting away in a blink of an eye. If you consider that this is a legendary treasure, it looks too easy and too short when it disappears.

Who would have thought that Servant would self-destruct as a magic weapon to win? Not only Saber, but even Alice Phil and Weber were shocked by Lancer's move for a moment.

My generation's desire for victory is entrusted to the sword of the cavalier king. Please, Saber.

A strong thought stirred in Saber's chest, making her left hand clenched fist tightly. After being liberated from the curse of the indestructible Huang Qiangwei, the wound on the knight's hand healed immediately. She responded with a passionate force, and the silver wrists made a clear sound, trembling with excitement for the upcoming battle.

I assure you, Lancer I will bring victory with this sword!

The Wind King's enchantment has been unlocked, and the Golden Sword appears with the roaring storm. The glorious and vigorous sword body seemed to be illuminated by the promise of victory.

That's King Arthur's

Witnessing this noble treasure, Webber was stunned in surprise.

Just like seeing a dawn in the long night, the anxiety and anxiety lingering in my heart were swept away by this light.

Yes, this is the knight's ideal.

This is the crystallization of all the depictions in the chest of people who have died in the infinite glory despite the **** battlefield and the endless **** full of death terror and despair.

We can win

Alice Phil's voice trembled a little with joy, and he murmured ecstatically.

However, an unpleasant, cursing roar sounded through the night sky like denying everyone's hope. The roar of human beings was nothing but the roar of a crazy jet engine.

Saber, who looked up, saw the abomination in the air. Furious heroes rode the iron bird eroded by the black magic power, and once again exposed the gritty fangs to the cavalier king.

Aoaooaoaoaoaoaoaoaoao! !

With the chilling roar of Berserker, flames burst out of the muzzle of the six rounds of the 20mm Balkan machine gun.

Wei Gong cuts his mouth secretly while closely following unexpected developments.

The ship has moved to the designated location and dropped its anchor. The lifeboats with engines prepared for escape are also prepared. Saber also successfully retrieved the killing treasure. Next, just recall Rider to liberate the sea monster. When he thinks so, I don’t know what is going crazy. Berserker, who has been inseparable from Archer, suddenly turned around and attacked Saber.

But when you think about it, Saber has been challenged by Berserker for no reason. When Berserker first missed his target when he first met on Warehouse Street, he rushed towards Saber like a hungry beast. If this is the case, it can be interpreted as an accident, but now a similar incident has occurred, which is no longer feasible. What's more, this time the other party completely ignored the existence of Archer as the original target and suddenly changed.

Of course, for Archer, whose self-esteem is far more than ordinary people, this rude behavior is undoubtedly the biggest insult to him.

Are you crazy? This crazy dog!

Archer cursed while manipulating Vimona to speed up, and soon approached Berserker's close-knife close enough to kill. At this time, the distance between the two sides is so close, no matter how superb the other's manipulation skills are, it is impossible to avoid the projection of the treasure of Wang Zhibao. However, this judgment hurts Archer.

I saw that the F15's body slowly and continuously fired countless blazing fireballs like a ghost fire, striking his face to the Vimona that followed.

what! ?

This device, known as FlareDispenser, was originally designed to get rid of the enemy's heat-tracking weapon as an induced heat source, but after being violently eroded by Berserker's magic, it turned into a tracking incendiary bomb. Through the previous air combat, Archer had already determined that the enemy had no means of attacking behind, so it was too late to respond to this sudden counterattack. I saw that Vimona plunged into the flaming fireball group, lost control under the enthusiasm of the red lotus industry fire, and just rotated and fell to the river.

Although it was difficult to achieve the result of the downfall of Archer, in the eyes of Berserker now, it is nothing. The Steel Fierce Bird didn't care about Archer's whereabouts falling into the river, just stubbornly chasing Saber, raining 20mm shells on her head mercilessly. ,, ..

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