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For Saber, although the F15 driven by Berserker is an unprecedented weapon, her sixth sense of near-prophetic ability made her understand the nature of this threat in the first place. Even before being fired by the initial machine gun, Saber realized that this attack would cause massive damage. Immediately determined that he would stay on the dam, I am afraid that Alice Phil would be involved, so he jumped into the water again to face the river and seek a retreat.

This approach is really helpless, but the result also made her into a more embarrassing situation.

Although Saber made the most of the amazing foot power held by her Servant and ran on the water at a speed comparable to that of a jet fighter, for the Black Knight who fired from above, this wide river surface without any shelter Undoubtedly the best hunting ground.

The bullets that poured like a rainstorm passed past Saber, who was flying fast, and the water splashed like a waterfall against the current.

No matter how large the caliber is, pure ammunition is not a threat to Servant. In particular, Saber's physical ability is so high, not to mention that it is effortless to avoid. If I want to, I can even use the sword to hit the shells back. But no matter how extraordinary the hero's ability is, he was powerless in front of the GM's proud M16 cannon at a rate of fire of 1200 rounds per minute. What's more, this weapon is attached to the treasure attribute after the hand of Berserker, and it is enough to be deadly as long as it is hit.

I can't use my left hand anymore

Saber was somewhat regretful. She could have attacked with a treasure without any worries and knocked down Berserker in one fell swoop, but the enemy's stubborn and uninterrupted attack gave her no room to fight back. Berserker's tactics seemed to see through Saber's inner thoughts, namely accurate and meticulous. If you want to hunt a lion, you must chase it continually until you are exhausted to death and you cannot give the lion a chance to fight back. This is the only best policy. Today's Berserker is like a hunter who knows this.

Suddenly, violent vibrations spread from the river bank to the surroundings. What exactly this unexplained vibration means, only the magicians present know that the source of the vibration may be from the inherent enchantment unfolded by Rider. The violent earthquake caused by the raging sea monster finally began to affect the real space. And this also indicates that Rider's enchantment is finally approaching its limit.

Rider must be informed of the situation here. Webb decided in this way to concentrate on calling his Servant. For Weber, who has no experience with code words, he can only express his will in spoken language. However, Rider, who knows this well, has indeed said that he will leave her with her soldiers.

The space beside Weber suddenly began to twist, and a cavalry figure appeared.

My Trinity, who belongs to the Guards, is here to replace the king!

The brave and capable hero made a slight salute. Weber was shocked by the other's momentum and was speechless for a while.

But he immediately realized that when he wasn't concerned about it now, he summoned the courage to instruct the never-before-seen hero.

Next, as soon as I signaled, I unlocked the enchantment and put Caster to the designated location. Can it be done?

It can be done but please be quick. Our army in the enchantment is almost unable to stop the sea monster

I know! I know very well.

Webber groaned, while watching Praber, who continued to evade the attacks of the Black Knight, with prayer.

Asshole, is there no way for Berserker to stop him?

Let me go.

Lancer said resolutely, grabbing the remaining red gun and disappearing. The temporarily spiritualized spearmen accurately re-materialized on the F15's fuselage, holding the black magic steel wings with one hand to stabilize the body.

That's it! Berserker!

As soon as Lancer's voice fell, he lifted up the broken red rose in his right hand, and pierced into the alien body with the spearpoint.

The red gun that can cut off all magic loops is a flash, which is the nemesis of Berserker's strange ability.

However, the Black Knight had already fully learned the power of this trick after going through the battle on Warehouse Street. The violent yet meticulous mystery Servant did not repeat the same mistake in front of Lancer's treasure.

When the red gun was about to stab the fuselage, Berserker gave up F15 decisively, twisted the key parts of the fuselage with his arms, and jumped into the air. Then, the fighter jet stabbed by the broken red rose immediately turned into a pile of scrap iron, and fell together with Lancer on the wing, splashing a huge splash.

The part of the aircraft that Berserker finally captured was the part equipped with a Balkan machine gun. While avoiding the cannon at the tip of Lancer, it is still flowing with the dark magic that has been filled in advance, and it has not lost the black knight's treasure attribute. ! !

Berserker carried a total of 200 kilograms of six-barrel artillery barrels and barrel magazines, and once again aimed at Saber below from the air. The magically-enhanced slewing gun accelerated its rotation in an instant, and it was at the moment when the storm-like shells were about to gush out, Saber realized that he was in a dead end.

Berserker jumped off the plane this time, aiming at Saber while falling. The distance between the two is much closer than before. Saber has no time to evade the shells before they leave the chamber. No matter which direction she dodges, she can't jump out of the falling rain of bullets.

I had to gamble and watch!

When preparing to use the treasure, Saber had already prepared for the worst. Just at the moment she was about to wield a sword, she saw a silver light flash from an impossible angle and directly hit Berserker in the air, avoiding the inevitable.

The sledgehammer, axe and crossbow pierced the dark armor. The sickle cut the body of the gyro cannon twice. The rocket in the center of the magazine detonated the remnant of the 20mm shell and the huge red lotus flower bloomed in the air. Berserker, directly hit by debris and storms, was blown out weakly, drawing a parabola in the air and falling into the river like gravel.

Saber turned his head in surprise, and saw Archer standing proudly on the vault of Dongmu Bridge. Surrounded by the brilliance of the treasures surrounding him, he showed a wicked smile like a backlight.

Ok, Saber, let me see. Your glorious value as a hero is judged by this king. ,, ..

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