Thousand Blades of Death

: One hundred and twenty-four

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Needless to say, Saber was also intending to see her silently glance at the uttering Archer, turned her eyes back to the river again, and squeezed the golden sword again.

All obstacles are removed. At this moment, it is the time for a decisive battle.

Witnessing Berserker's exit, Chedi sat on a lifeboat galloping towards safety, aiming at a point in the void and emitting a flare. The blazing phosphorous fire is directly above the line where Saber is now connected to the ship abandoned by Che Si.

It's there! Directly below!

Weber immediately saw the signal and shouted to the herding soldiers standing by. Ying Ling Mi Trinas nodded and disappeared immediately, returning to the inside of the enchantment where Wang and his partners were waiting.

When it was said that it was too late, the space eroded by the heroes' thoughts returned to its proper posture. First, a strange shadow covered the night sky like a mirage, and then an entity appeared, and a huge ominous body fell into the water. This location is just below the signal flare fired by Chedi.

As the sea monster reappeared, Rider's chariot wheel jumped into the dark night sky again. His ruined face illustrates the intensity of the battle that took place within the inherent enchantment, but the majestic flight and heroism of the flight remained undiminished.

Really! Why do you have to work so hard? Wow! ?

Rider was about to whine, but as soon as he saw the strange glow from Saber's sword, he immediately realized what was about to happen and left the danger zone in a sharp turn. On the other hand, Caster’s sea monster can’t do such a flexible avoidance anyway. The wriggling huge piece of meat had no other way but to blame and terrorize the unknown glory.

The time is ripe.

The knight king injected the strength of his whole body into his wrists holding the hilt, and raised the sword of Huang Jin high.

The light is gathering.

As if illuminating this holy sword is his highest task, the brilliance is infinitely condensed and merged into a dazzling beam.

In this fierce and clear light, no one can say anything.

It has illuminated the dark heroic figure deeper than the night.

After ten years without surrender, after twelve battles undefeated. This merit is unparalleled in the world, and this glory is unparalleled. They transcend time and space and are immortal.

This dazzling sword is the crystallization of a glorious prayer called the glory of the dream that all warriors who have died on the battlefield throughout the ages have pursued and longed for their lives.

Taking pride in exalting this will and taking this faith as its justification, the King of Knights now chants the real name of the miracle in his hand.

Its name

The Sword of Victory! ! !

The light is running.

The light is roaring.

The magic power is accelerated by the unconstrained dragon factor and turned into a flash of light. The rushing stream rolled up countless vortexes, swallowing the sea monsters together with the night.

In the instantaneously evaporating sea water, every constituent element on the terror-present magic monster was fully exposed to the scorching shock, and the sea monster screamed with sorrow.

But Caster, who was in the thick flesh and blood fortress of the Sea Demon Center that had not yet burned out, just watched this moment of silence silently, as if his mind and body were taken away by the dazzling light.

Yes, he has seen this light in the distant past.

In the past, hasn't he chased this light as a knight?

That exceptionally vivid memory brought Jill de Ley back to a distant past.

At the long-awaited coronation ceremony of King Charles in Rice City, a beam of light shot through the cathedral's stained glass recently.

The white brilliance was like a blessing, gently wrapping everyone like Jeanne d'Arc and Jill who were on the side as national salvation heroes, and everyone was immersed in the joyful ArsNova melody.

Ah, that's right.

He can still remember clearly now. Even when he fell into the way of ghosts and beasts and did all the harm and harm, the memories of that day did not fade, and he was still deeply engraved in his heart.

Even if the ending was filled with humiliation and hatred, it was rejected by thousands of people, but no one can deny the glory of the past, no one can subvert it, and it is still hidden in his chest.

No matter whether it is a **** or a destiny, there is absolutely nothing that can't be taken away or defiled

A line of tears ran across his cheeks, and Gil de Ray was at a loss.

What am I lost and what have I missed?

As long as you look back, is it enough to admit that you did not do it?

Me, in the end

This whisper of no listeners had not been able to speak out, and the white light brought everything to another world.

The Archer, who looked at everything on the high bridge, saw a smile on his face when he saw the light of destruction that had burned out.

Did you see it, conquer the king? This is the glory of Saber.

Archer greeted the void beside him. There, Rider, who had just experienced a fierce fight, was letting the Shenniu chariot still in the air, staring at the aurora emitted by the sword of contract victory.

After witnessing that ray of light, don't you plan to admit her?

Rider snorted and scoffed at Archer's question. But what was written on his face was not insult, but dignified as if looking at something tragic.

It is because she bears the hope of the people of the entire era that she can exert such power. It is so dazzling because it is so dazzling. Who would have thought that the person carrying such a heavy thing is just a little girl who likes fantasy?

On the river where the two looked down, Saber's slender body was gasping for pain in the fierce death fight that had just ended. What heavy things were carried on her childish shoulders, Rider learned through a question and answer last night. For his bright personality, this way of survival is absolutely unforgivable.

This little girl is the final result of giving up the love of butterflies and flowers, falling into love, and falling into an endless curse called ideal. It's really heartbreaking and I can't bear to look at it again.

This is her cuteness, isn't she?

Contrary to the melancholic look of conquering the king, the golden Servant's smile was infinitely lewd, and he did not hide his dirty desire.

The overly ambitious ideal in her chest would eventually burn herself to death. If she could taste the tears before her death, it would be sweet.

Archer contentedly allowed the imagination to gallop freely. Rider's eyes flashed and he cast a hostile look on him.

I really still look at you guys, the hero king of Babylon.

Oh? Are you aware of it until now?

This title made the glittering heroes smile with a smile.

What are you going to do, Rider? Do you want to use force to vent your anger on the spot? ,, ..

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