Thousand Blades of Death

: 128·Sneak Attack

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The strange thing about Weiyuanchuan is attributable to the toxic gas produced by the chemical reaction caused by industrial wastewater. This report can temporarily hide people's eyes and ears. The patrol propaganda car is also constantly calling for: Inhalation of poisonous gas can make people hallucinate, and residents along the coast please go to the hospital for emergency treatment. Of course, all hospitals that can be diagnosed at night have been mixed with magicians and agents who have mastered hint brainwashing, and they are waiting nervously. This should eliminate most of the eyewitness testimony, but this does not eliminate the source of the rumors.

The procedures for purchasing two F15 fighter jets from weapons merchants in the Middle East have just been completed. This is the result of the contact of the clock tower. Although it is a second-hand C-type machine, this critical moment has no time to take care of these. The two F15s, temporarily painted with the Japanese flag, will be delivered to the Air Force Base in Fortification tonight. All that remains is to use the opportunity to exchange different parts and then assemble them into a J-type fighter.

The organization of the Japan Self-Defense Force is almost in a state of confinement regarding the budget. One fighter plane surpassed 10 billion yen, and now there is a scandal in which two fighter planes are lost once. I want to annihilate this fact anyway. In the future, only the prepared replacement machine will be used as a bait to negotiate, so that the Self-Defense Forces will also bear the responsibility of destroying the evidence.

When the continuous phone entertainment finally came to an end, and it was possible to take a short break, it was already late at night. However, Li Zheng immediately remembered the guests waiting in the chapel, sighed and pulled over his chair, restarted work, and continued to perform his duties as a supervisor.

It's really embarrassing to keep you waiting. This evening is really a bit busy.

Li Zheng's voice contained exhaustion that could not be concealed.

There was some artificial laughter from the dim seat of believers.

There is no way. You are in a hurry.

Along with the laughter, there was a slight creaking metal sound of wheel wheels rubbing. The figure that emerged from the darkness remained in a sitting position.

The haggardness was a veritable judgment that if they were two people, they could not even stand and walk. The figure was the famous prodigy of the old days, Kenneth. Aluminium.

Who knows his past situation who would have thought that he would fall into this situation. But his eyes implied a strong willpower that could be called obsession, allowing people to vaguely see the stubborn character of the once genius magician.

Although Kenneth suffered a huge physical trauma that could hardly revive the majesty, but through the network of the Alumi Roy family, he traded with the puppet masters living in Japan, with a surprising number of gratitude as Exchange, somehow preserved the skills of both hands, and finally gained the ability to move freely within the range of wheelchair activities. The right little finger embedded with thick plaster now also feels pain.

What kind of judgment does my priest have about my application?

Contrary to the attentive smile on his face, Keynes's voice even contained half of intimidation. This may be the case when drug addicts ask people for drugs before they are cut off and show symptoms. Li Zheng gazed intently at the face of this once magical prodigy, his face showing unstoppable paranoia and confusion.

It's definitely not what Li Zheng expected when things developed to this point. However, the covenant is a covenant after all. Let’s put aside the idea of ​​forming an alliance with Tosaka in the dark first. For the decency of the Templar church, we must also say what we must do.

Indeed, in the battle against Caster, Servant-Lancer played an important role, which was also confirmed in the report of the supervisor.

So there is no doubt that I am eligible for a spell?

Having said that

Father Lizheng frowned, and glanced at Kanesi as if inexplicably.

Of course, according to the promise, Lancer's Master must be rewarded accordingly, Mr. Kenes, can you say that I can treat you as a Master?

Kenneth's eyes instantly showed a look of abhorrence, but immediately returned to a gentlemanly manner.

Regarding the contract with Lancer, I concluded it with my fiancee Sola. I have absolutely no intention of pretending to be a Master. Sola and I are masters.

But now, whether it is the supply of magic power or the management of the mantra, is Miss Sola alone?

Kenneth gritted his teeth and grinned, it was hard to interpret it as an attentive smile.

Due to strategic considerations, the curse is now temporarily handed over to Sola for safekeeping. But the dominance of the contract with Lancer is still in my hands. If you doubt it, you can ask Lancer directly. And most importantly, I am the only one who signed the application to the church.

Father Lizheng sighed. Even at this point the problem of digging roots and nitpicking does not make any sense. The real source of Lizheng's headache is the unexpected state of affairs that must be assigned to the Master other than the time minister. At this time, even if he didn't want to add the mantra to Kenneth, he had to give the fiancee his hard-to-be-made mantra. Even meddling in disputes within the Akipolud camp will have no benefit for Father Lizheng.

Ok. I recognize your qualification as a Master. Come on, Lord Kenes, please reach out.

Lizhen is using his skillful technique to draw secret traces on Kenes' right hand, and engraves one of the spells stored on his right wrist into Kenes's hand. Even without any pain, the whole process is over in a few minutes.

So please continue to fight for glory as Master

Of course.

Kenneth nodded with a broad smile, then took out the pistol hidden in the wheelchair seat and aimed at the priest who had turned around.

The dry gunshots broke the silence as the temple of gods.

Kenes dismissed another glance at the fallen old priest, staring fascinatedly at the pattern of the sacred mark on the back of his right hand.

As of now, there is only one competitor that has no loss compared to Ling Ling, which is already at a disadvantage. Moreover, the masters of Saber and Rider have obtained new orders, and these situations should not be ignored.

The assassination of the supervisor will certainly cause a sensation, but in this holy grail war, magicians who like to use small props such as pistols have others besides themselves. The first to be listed as a suspect will be the dirty mouse hired by Einz Belen.

Keynes couldn't restrain the smirk that came up deep in her throat. He was immersed in the ecstasy of becoming a Master again. There is no self-blame for the assassination of the supervisor, the act of sweeping the dignity and pride of Rod Elumroy. ,, ..

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