Thousand Blades of Death

: 129·Inheritance

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As soon as he entered the chapel, Qi Li felt a breath of death.

Weak **** gas, and the residual, thinner smell of smoky smoke. Someone must have done an unforgivable evil in this temple of God.

Although she didn't feel any dangerous breath, Qi Li walked in cautiously, and when she walked through the believer's seat to the altar, she found a figure falling beside her.

Father Father

The shouting was weak and weak. The well-trained, keen-eyed eyes as surrogate found the figure of Father Lizheng while he noticed the bullet holes through the back and a pool of blood on the floor.

Qi Li carefully inspected her father's body in a state of complete numbness.

Pull up the sleeve of your right hand and check the number of mantras managed by your father. As expected, one less. Li Zheng gave one of the mantras he managed to someone, and then probably was killed by that person. One of the Masters who made contributions during the crusade against Caster was dissatisfied with sharing the credit with others who fought together, so he committed such a crime. You can guess the beginning and end of things without inferring.

But even the magician cannot take away all the spells he has from the dead old priest. The mantra kept by the supervisor is protected by the Holy Word. Without my permission, it is impossible to **** through magic. The only priest who knew the secret holy word was dead, and the spells saved from the Holy Grail War to the present are no longer effective.

No, will Father Rizheng allow this to happen?

Qi Li raised her father's right hand and found unnatural blood on her fingertips. It seems to be a scratch. Father Lizheng immersed his fingers in the pool of blood while he was dying, and must have left traces of clues somewhere.

Now that you understand this, you can easily find the blood word.

On the floor, the last words written in red and black handwriting are jn424. If it is a person without Christian faith, it may be considered a secret sign of unknown significance. But for Qili, who inherited Lizheng's pious beliefs, the meaning of this code is obvious.

Holy Book Gospel 4:24. Qi Li recites the sacred words that are kept in memory.

God is the Holy Spirit. So when we admire gods, we must worship with soul and truth

As if echoing it, on the right wrist of Father Lizheng, who was already cold, all the spells glowed together.

Along with a dull pain, Ling curses transferred to Qi Li's hands one by one. Qi Li stared at Ling Zhao's light silently.

There is no doubt that the trust entrusted to the son by the father.

Father Lizheng believed that the first person to find his body must be his son. That's why he used blood to write secret codes that only the priesthood can understand. The important duties of these supervisors are entrusted to the son to manage the mantra, guard the Holy Grail, and guide the Holy Grail war to the right path. He was convinced that his son could bear these responsibilities, and there was no doubt about it until his death.

He didn’t know that Qi Li had hidden the newly acquired spell, and had already obtained the right to be a Master.

He did not know that his son was on a whim, and planted the seeds of disaster for his mentor!

Suddenly feeling the tears dripping from his cheeks, Qi Li held her face with her hands in amazement.

It is for granted that weep as a human in front of my father’s body and his legacy.

Despite this, Qi Li was almost like falling into the abyss of **** at that time, falling into fear and chaos.

There must be a majestic voice in front of all this to warn myself.

Now the feelings flowing from your heart, Yan Feng Qi Li, you must understand all this, you must admit it all. that is because


When was the last time I shed tears? I still remember clearly that it was three years ago. Holding the tears in her hands, the woman once said: You love me.

The self-disguised instinct in my heart is blocking the memory tenaciously.

Can't look back. Can't reflect on yourself. The tears that day shed tears, and the feelings held at that time must be thrown into the abyss of forgetting.

The answer I once realized.

Truth that has been exhausted and understood.

If it is because you did not look at all of this and took the avoidance method to keep yourself in the current state

The tears shed again, completely incomprehensible. The same feelings as at that time called for the sealed feelings, craving for understanding.

But despite these rational warnings at all, memories are constantly overflowing from the gap in the seal.

This time I thought so far away from the results I expected.

Isn't Qi Li awakening to what she desires on the pillow of a sick woman's deathbed?

Think [beep] this woman

I want to see this woman look more [beep]

(Note: In the original book, here is the black mosaic, here we use [beep] instead.)

The father and the woman also have something in common in that they deeply love Yanfeng Qili and trust him.

They are also common in completely misunderstanding the nature of Qi Li.

Because of this, Qi Li has been praying in her heart for three years.

Before his father dies, let him taste the joy of [BEEP] (Note: Ibid.)

Just as the beast is chasing the smell of blood, the soul is chasing pleasure

Eyes like ruby ​​lurking in the bottom of my heart, whispered with evil laughs.

Only pleasure is the form of soul. Isn't he saying that? Yan Feng Qili's nature is exactly the same

The master, the master, and the people who educate people in the world will make a real contribution to the true blessing of the Lord. I am serving God in the world for the spirits of the dead Purgatory

A familiar prayer that must be read every day comes out of the mouth in an instant. This may be a self-defense instinct. By returning to the role of the priesthood in this way, tightly restrain the soul that is almost falling apart.

Just as I forgive my enemies, forgive my sins, etc. Please don't give me temptation. Save me from sin, Amen.

Seal the cursing facts in the tears that are constantly flowing from the cheeks to the other side of forgetting. Qi Li prayed for her father's meditation and placed a cross on her chest.

My father, who is far away, may you watch my progress in the kingdom of heaven and watch my final path, whether it is destruction or rebirth. ,, ..

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