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You incompetent guy! Only bragging waste!

For the scolding of the dog's blood sprinkler, Lancer could only quietly endure with his head down.

It's just for you to protect a woman temporarily. You can't even do this, is there really no reason! Your so-called knight turned out to be this kind of thing!

Kenneth scolded spittingly, but to the extent of embarrassment, Kenneth was even more embarrassed than Lancer, who was ashamed because of shame. Because of his inherently paranoid character, Rod Elumiroi is now so angry that it has reached a point where righteous indignation is filled with fear.

Kenneth got a new spell, proudly returned to the abandoned factory as a hiding place, and found that there was no figure of Sora there. It stands to reason that at this time she should have ended the battle with Caster and returned here. In the anxious and anxious waiting, Lancer finally came back with a heavy face alone.

Although it is only a temporary replacement, Cola is no doubt your Master, isn't it! Even if you can't protect her till the end, what did you ask to be a Servant? Why are you so embarrassed to come back alone?

I really have no face to return.

So, in the battle with Caster, were you driven by your stupid childishness, neglecting the protection of the Master, and wholeheartedly want to show your stupid heroism? !

Lancer shook his head weakly. The innate beauty is distorted by grief, which means he is also remorseful for this hateful result. But now Kenes has no time to take care of this.

Master, please allow me because My Highness Sora and I have not concluded a formal contract, and we can’t even feel each other’s breath.

Because of this, you should not pay more attention to it!

Kenneth immediately snorted and interrupted Servant's defense.

Generally speaking, the Master and Servant who have concluded a contract, no matter which side is in crisis, will be communicated to each other through the breath. In fact, in the forest of Einzbelen, Lancer rescued Kenneth by this method.

But this time because Lancer and Sola didn't conclude a formal contract in accordance with the law of contract magic, they entered the battle. Lancer only protected Sola out of his obligations to Kenneth, which became the source of the disaster.

As a result, when Lancer, who had ended the battle, returned to the roof of the Dongmu Center building, the figure of Sola who had stayed there had long since disappeared, and only the blood stains on the ground showed the seriousness of the matter.

The only certainty is that Sola is still alive. Lancer continues to stay in this world, and provides the magical supply of energy for his actions, still flowing into his body unimpeded. There is no doubt that she was kidnapped, but the person who started it did not seem to intend to kill her.

If it is another Servant, it may be possible to perceive her general location through the magic supply. Unfortunately, because Lancer concluded that the non-standard contract contractor and the magic supplier are two different people, the perception of the magic supplier is very weak. Even though it can be speculated that Sora is still alive, he can hardly perceive where the magic power came from. Finding Sola in Xindu without any clue is like finding a needle in a haystack. In the end, he had to come back alone.

Ah, Sora really shouldn’t have given her the magic spell to her. The magic war was too much for her.

I am also responsible for not discouraging His Highness Sola. But the reason why His Highness is so determined is that she is looking forward to the resurgence of Her Majesty Kenneth. In this case, please do

Kenes raised her eyes, which had become muddy due to jealousy, and stared at Lancer.

You are so kind to say that. Don't be stupid, Lancer, you must have encouraged Sola.

Why do you judge this way

Huh, what else to pretend! You like female sex, and the story of being an adulterer is also quite famous in legend. Do you want to hook up with your fiancee?

Lancer kneeling down on the ground, his shoulders trembling violently, even to a dangerous level.

My master, please reclaim this sentence anyway.

Huh, did you touch your sore spot? Can't you bear this kind of anger? So you are planning to show me your fierce face?

Kenneth continued to laugh at the heroes who could not restrain his emotions.

You finally show your feet. While swearing to be loyal to me forever, saying beautiful things; on the other hand, betrayed me by the drive of passion. You have always talked about the so-called knighthood with a proud expression. Do you think that this can confuse me Kenes?

Why do you not understand my loyalty, Your Highness Kenes? !

Lancer choked with a trembling question, and was almost crying.

I just want to defend my usual honor! I just want to join you in the battle of glory! Master, why don't you understand the knight's heart? !

Don't say such arrogant words, Servant!

Keynes shouted Lancer's cry without mercy, a ruthless look. His suspicion and dissatisfaction with his Servant, at this time his heart has exceeded the boiling point.

Self-improving puppet. Anyway, you are just a Servant. You are only able to stay in the shadow of the real world through magic! Your so-called glory and pride are at best just tricks for the soul to confuse the world. What's more, you have to be arrogant enough to preach to your master, and you must have a limit if you don't try your best!

Lancer had nothing to say because Keynes was too much. Kenneth looked at him like a sadistic pleasure in his heart. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he extended his right hand, engraved with the spell pattern again, to Lancer, and the magician laughed proudly.

If you are not reconciled, then use your so-called pride and honour to try against my Lingman, but you can’t beat it? This is your true strength. Your so-called courage and restraint are simply not worth mentioning in front of Lingman. This is the real trick of Servant puppets.

His Royal Highness

Lancer sneered at Kenes, who sneered loudly, unable to refute anything. The domineering once dancing two guns in front of the group of heroes has long disappeared, no matter whether it is from the shoulders that are unable to hang down, or from the loose eyes staring at the floor, no trace of heroism can be seen at all.

Seeing his tragic look, Kenes finally felt vented of the grievances that had been accumulating and felt refreshed.

Perhaps it is only now that Kenesi can finally establish an ideal master-slave relationship with this hero. Although a little late, if you can deal with this Lancer at an earlier time, it is better to blow his self-esteem so thoroughly after summoning. If you do this earlier, this self-righteous Servant will not have a second heart, and serve you obediently.

the host. ,, ..

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