Thousand Blades of Death

: 144·Appearance

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After the meeting, Yan Feng Qili remained alone in the church where both masters had left.

As mentioned by the minister just now, Qili, as a staff member of the Templar Church, is doing post-processing work throughout Dongmu City. Due to the death of Li Zheng, the father of the supervisor, the on-site command system was in chaos, and it was too late to wait for the official successor to be sent by the Eighth Secret Society.

However, after only giving proper guidance to the management situation in each place, the operations on each site are still in an orderly manner. This shows that Li Zheng's instructions during his lifetime were very correct. Qi Li's work is to distribute tasks one by one along the track that Li Zheng has already laid, but in fact there is nothing particularly difficult.

But now, he must make a break at work.

In fact, for Qili, he realized that his situation was precarious when he sensed that the minister had an intention to ally with Einzberen. The decision made just now was not unexpected. The women of Ainz Belen and the real man behind the palace, Wei Gongqi, have gradually realized their threat to them. For Tosaka, he is just an ordinary assistant, so an alliance with Einzberen is more important than himself.

As for Qi Li's reappearance on his arm again, and the existence of the custody remand secretly inherited from Lizheng, Shichen did not know. Qi Li did not tell him that Saber's real Master Wei Gong cut heir has not yet appeared, and Jian Tongyan was rescued. At this time, such important information is still hidden, and this behavior itself means that Qi Li has given up his duties as a subordinate. This will one day be seen by the officials, and now he is simply not qualified to complain.

After calling the staff everywhere, Qi Li returned to her room alone. He sat down by the bed and felt the silence of the unmanned church.

Looking at the darkness, Qi Li asked herself.

He has lived to this day, and he has asked this question thousands of times and tens of thousands of times.

Tonight, this problem is really oppressing him. Only this time, I had to find the answer before dawn.

What is my wish?

During the post-processing, two of the large amounts of information transmitted from the staff were that Qi Li could not ignore.

A sea monster in Caster stirred the river bank into chaos, and a deadly adult male body appeared in public. The body was taken over by the Templar Church, avoiding the hand to the police. Because of the serious facial damage, it is no longer possible to identify the identity, but the trace of the spell on his right hand can be basically determined. He is the Master of Caster, Yusuke Yusuke. The cause of death was a large-caliber rifle with a caliber of 30 mm or more, two rounds.

And another report is even more shocking.

Just a few hours ago, the bodies of Kenneth Elumeroi Achipolud and Sola Nazele Sofialy were found in abandoned factories outside the Xindu. The two bodies were also discovered and disposed of by church staff on patrol. Abandoned signed self-compulsory testimony was found at the scene, which was naked evidence that the perpetrator used a mean trick to kill Lancer’s Master.

Wei Gong cuts this ruthless hunting machine, destroying his opponents one by one.

I'm afraid now, he is still fighting wherever he goes. Unlike Qi Li, who can only sit in the same place in confusion, he is indeed moving towards the Holy Grail.

This battlefield named Dongmu made the man who had been engaged in the battle of emptiness come back after nine years of silence. But Qi Li had to leave here without knowing what his intentions and reasons were.

What does the man pray for when he gets the omnipotent wish machine?

Can this answer really fill the gap in Qi Li's heart?

who are you?

He suddenly said to himself. He used to look forward to Wei Gong cut heir with a premonition almost equivalent to prayer, looking forward to his answer. Now Qili has a sense of crisis. It was women who stepped back and forth in front of Cut Heir. Why are they so desperate for Chedi? Or, has the heir been degraded to a vulgar level where he can share his purpose with a third party?

In the deep silence, Qi Li felt a burst of commotion. Breath was approaching himself from the corridor outside the door. This breath is quite familiar to Qi Li. Even if he was walking silently, the hero did not conceal the gorgeous sense of majesty released on his body. Even if he stepped into the realm of God, he was still so unruly.

Archer didn't knock on the door and stepped directly into Qili's house. Seeing Qi Li was pondering, he sneered with a mocking and compassionate tone.

It's all now, what are you thinking about? There must be a limit to dullness.

Did you let Mr. Shichen go back alone? Archer.

I sent him to the hotel. Recently, there are more sinister poisonous insects lurking than Assassin at night.

Qili nodded. The Wei Palace cut heir will not turn a blind eye to the meeting just now, he will definitely wait for the opportunity to move on the way to or from the court. Qi Li had already fully charged in advance that this was not for the officials, but for Archer.

However, you are really an honest guy. Knowing that he was in a bad situation, he was still worried about the lord's safety.

This is a reasonable judgment. I have already fulfilled my responsibility as a prop of the Shichen teacher, and there is no reason to stay in Dongmu anymore.

Don't you really think so?

Archer's eyes seemed to see through everything. Qi Li looked at him in silence.

But Qili did not intend to refute, because Archer was right, otherwise he would not sit here so stupidly, but should have already started to prepare for leaving Dongmu.

The Holy Grail is still calling you, and you are eager to fight.

Archer said. Qi Li remained silent and gave up the rebuttal.

Anyway, there is nothing to hide from Archer. This hero has even seen through that he is deceiving himself. Well, I'm afraid that the answer that Qi Li has been looking for should already be in his mind.

The red eyes seemed to overlook the little white rat who was wandering because of getting lost from above. There is no inducement or help. Appreciating the troubles of others may be a thing that can make the hero king happy.

Since being sensible, I have been exploring a problem.

Like speaking to the darkness in her heart, Qi Li stood in front of Archer.

Wasted time, endured pain but everything ended in vain. But now, I think I have never been so close to the answer.

What I am looking for must be at Dongmu, at the end of the war.

After these words were spoken, Qi Li understood again that what was driving her to today. ,, ..

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