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It was a long time ago that Yanfeng Qili was not the running dog of Tosaka Tosaka. At that time, she kept stirring up disputes for herself.

Now that we have reflected so much, why are we confused?

Archer asked coldly.

Qi Li heard that, staring down at the open hands, then covered her face like a sigh.

I have an ominous hunch that when I have all the answers, I will go to extinction.

If the expectations pinned on the heir to the palace are not realized,

If you can’t find some other things in the end of Jian Tongyan night

At this time, Qi Li has no escape route, and can only face it. He could only try to face something discovered from the death of his father and wife.

It might as well just turn around and leave. Until the end, as an obedient disciple of Tosaka, he obediently left. In this way, at least the scene is more beautiful.

Forget everything from now on, ask nothing, do nothing, and spend a life of inaction like a tree. No matter what you lose, at least you can rest in peace.

Don't think about those boring things, idiots.

Archer's reminder interrupted the idea he was almost ready to implement.

If you can change the way of survival so easily, you won't be upset. If you are used to asking while living, you will die with doubts at the end. You cannot get an answer and you cannot rest in peace.

Maybe I should bless you. After a long tour, it is finally time to reach its destination.

Will you actually bless others? Archer.

Archer nodded, his face still did not have any tenderness, even like a child observing the ant's den, flashing innocent and joyful light.

I should have just said that observing human karma is the most interesting entertainment. The king is looking forward to the moment when you meet your destiny.

Hero Wang Hao said openly, Qi Li smiled bitterly at the words.

Is it really happy to live so persistently for the sake of pleasure?

If you are envious, you can try to watch it alive. When you understand what pleasure is, you will not be afraid of destruction.

The phone in the priestly room outside the hallway rang. Qi Li seemed to have expected it, and did not show any surprise. Instead, she walked out of the house and picked up the handset. After three words, she immediately hung up the phone and returned to the house.

what happened?

It was from the staff of the Templar Church that originally belonged to my father. I must report everything to me now.

Seeing Qi Li's expression was extremely relaxed, Archer asked with a frown.

Is there any good news?

Well, the news is quite decisive.

After talking, Qi Li hesitated for a while to decide whether to say it, but in the end, he chose to confess.

After the meeting just now, I sent someone to follow the few people in the Einsbell camp. I told them that this was the father's instructions before they died, and they did it. Thanks to this, I found the current hiding place of those three people.

Archer listened to Qi Li and finished, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Then the hero king laughed loudly, and he kept clapping his hands.

What is it, Qili, you guys are so real! Didn't you make a good decision long ago!

He is still using his position to detect the movements of the hostile camp, so it is impossible for him not to take part in the battle. When Qi Li was depressed, the strategy had made real progress.

But before, he was not mentally prepared just a few minutes ago.

I have also been confused and thought of giving up. But in the end the hero king, like you said, can only live with doubt.

Qi Li said as she rolled up her sleeves, confirming the spell on her arm.

On the upper left arm, there are two spells, which will make Qili sign a contract with Servant again.

And on the entire right arm, there is a custodial custody recovered from the father's remains. Countless mantras that have not yet been determined by the contract object can be used not only to bind Servant, but also to be turned into a highly practical magic with no attributes. In other words, they can be used as simulated magic marks. Except for the fact that they are consumables, the magic that Qi Li now possesses is enough to match up with the magical gates that have been engraved in the past. To continue to participate in the ongoing Holy Grail war, Qi Li's preparation is more than enough.

The road in front of me has no righteousness, no fictitious name, only the battle of Yanfeng Qili is about to start.

In order to fill his void, in order to confirm his empty capacity, he will ask Wei Gong cut heir, ask Tong Yanye, and ask the Holy Grail as a wish machine.

Hahahaha, it’s just beautiful, though it’s a little abrupt, but I have a few questions.

Archer smiled arrogantly, and those blood-red eyes showed a sense of mischief as well as an evil color.

If you really decide to go to the Holy Grail War, then you will become the enemy of Tosaka Tosaka. In other words, you are now in the same room as the enemy's Servant, unguarded. Isn't this very bad?

Not to mention, I still have a way to live.


Archer narrowed his eyes with interest.

Qi Li said quietly.

Now that I am hostile to the teacher of the time, I don’t have to hide Gilgamesh from his lies. Let me tell you the truth about the holy grail war that you don’t know.

what did you say?

Archer frowned suspiciously. Qi Li tells the truth of the Holy Grail War from her ministers.

Miracles appearing in this world cannot be used outside the world. The competition for the wish machine is just a guise, and the founding Misan has another purpose.

The ceremony originally held in Dongmu was an attempt to use the souls of seven heroes as sacrifices to open the way to the roots. The promise of miracle achievement is only a bait for attracting heroes. But as a result of the unilateral spread of this bait, the current Holy Grail war has lost its original meaning, leaving only an empty shell.

This is a secret that only Kirito, Tosaka, Einz Belen and the people related to them know. The outside Master and all the Servant did not know this truth.

This time, the only magician who wanted to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the founder Misan was Toshizaka Tosaka. He wanted to kill all seven Servants to start the Holy Grail. Yes, all seven people were killed. Do you understand that Mr. Shichen is so reluctant to consume Ling Ling? In battles with other Masters, he can only use two spells. The last one, when everything is over, he will use it to order his Servant to commit suicide.

Archer finished listening without a word and asked with a low voice in an apathetic expression.

Are you saying that the loyalty displayed by Tosaka Tosaka is deceiving me? ,, ..

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