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Qi Li understands what the teacher is like. So, he slowly shook his head.

He did pay tribute to the hero king Gilgamesh. But for the Archer who is a Servant, it is completely different. In other words, you are nothing more than a symbol, similar in meaning to statues and portraits. If it is placed in the most prominent place in the gallery, everyone passing by will pay a respectful attention, but if the symbol is removed when changing the collection, it will be rejected.

In other words, Mr. Shi Chen is a magician in the end, Servant is just a prop for him. He told me calmly that even if he worshipped the hero, he would not have any illusions about the idol.

Hearing Qili's remarks, Archer suddenly nodded like a big enlightenment, and then showed the evil smile before. There is cruelty in tolerance, and absoluteness in boldness, everything can be judged with just one sentence of him, as the smile of the absolute king.

I have finally discovered your value in the matter of time. That boring man actually made me so happy.

If it seems from his implication, this is a miserable declaration enough to make blood freeze.

Hero King, what are you going to do? Even so, do you have to show loyalty to Teacher Shichen and execute my betrayal?

Yes, what should I do? Although he is unfaithful to me, after all, the time minister is my magic supplier. And where can I find a perfect Master

Archer finished, suddenly staring at Qi Li with a cold expression.

Ah, in this way, there seems to be a Master who lost the Servant even though he got the spell.

What you said.

She smiled at Archer's explicit temptation, Qi Li nodded.

But I do not know if the man is qualified to be favored by the hero king as a master.

No problem, although Bai Bi is slightly flawed, it still has a bright future. Maybe I can have fun.

that's it.

The last Master and Servant chosen by fate exchanged smiles for the first time at this moment.


In the darkness enclosed in the deep ground, it was lost in the shallow abyss.

What I dreamed about in my deep sleep was that a long time ago, countless unorganized and marginal prayers were entrusted.

wonderful world. Beautiful life. A flawless soul.

Because this desire is too strong, all other sins must be entrusted to one place. This is the desire of the weak.

By responding to that prayer, it once saved a world.

There is no sin except me. There are no defects except me.

I am the only one to hate. I am the only one to disgust.

By saving the world in that way, they were given peace.


It is not a saint who saves the world. There is no praise, no respect, no praise, only scorn, only curse, only contempt. When you are a human, the name is taken away, leaving only the name of its existence, which eventually became a concept passed down from generation to generation.

Until now, all that has become a dream of recollection after years of baptism.

Since then, how many years have you experienced?

At this time, he was thinking dumbly on the sleeping bed.

It feels like there has been some complicated evolution. That's right, just about sixty years ago. It was almost an instant ago.

Because of the sudden accident, I didn't fully understand the recovery, and it was already in a place like the mother's warm placenta.

The endless darkness sighs deepest in the ground.

There used to be an egg-like place hiding infinite possibilities. One day, it enters and takes root here like a seed. From that day on, it has become a dark abdomen that breeds nothing. It literally becomes a uterus to nurture it.

Since then, it has slept slightly, while absorbing the magical power flowing from the place of spirit veins, just like a baby nourished from the mother's placenta. It grows on the ground while waiting for the opportunity to come unnoticed by anyone.

Waiting for a day to leave this hot and deep darkness, the moment of birth.

Suddenly, he raised his ears and listened to the sound from nearby.

Just now, someone did speak.

All the evils in this world have nothing to do

Ah, someone is calling himself.

I am called by people together with blessings.

Respond to him. Now, surely.

The magical vortex that has been inflated in the darkness for a long time has given it a certain shape.

Countless prayers pinned on the distant past should be realized now.

Exist like being prayed for.

Do everything you want.

The pieces of the puzzle are all together.

The gears of destiny bite each other and are now accelerating with the goal of completion, turning bravely.

All that remains is to wait for the birth canal to open.

While dreaming in a light sleep, it makes a cry that will dye the world in the color of red lotus

It also repeats fetal movements in the unknown, dark ground.

Kelly, do you know the origin of the name of this island?

Xia Li asked while holding the steering wheel leisurely.

The teenager named Kelly, sitting in the co-pilot position, shook his head and squeezed a word out of his mouth, as if afraid of the violent bumps of the vehicle causing him to bite his tongue.

The small truck they were riding on was as old as the product of the era when the carriage was just abandoned, and it is not on the asphalt road but on the gravel road. Even if the oxcart walks on this kind of road, it has to slow down. Now they feel like they are sitting in a small boat drifting on the sea in a storm.

Don't look at this car as worn out like a pile of scrap iron. even so. This is also one of the only three or four expensive motor vehicles on the island of Alimango (ALIMANGO meaning big dragon crab) as a fishing village with only more than 300 families. There are not many people who need motor vehicles on the islands of Alimar. To say that because there is no motor vehicle to move around is inconvenient only the young Kelly and his family. And Xia Li doing housekeeping services. For a family of teenagers living in the jungle zone far from the village, there is really no other means of transportation other than this dilapidated truck.

Is Alima meaning big crab?

Asked the boy, Xia Li nodded.

A long time ago, this island was used to place sacrifices dedicated to the sea god. But one day, a girl had no choice but to steal the product given to God because she had no food for her sick mother. As a result, the girl was condemned and turned into a crab. ,, ..

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