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What a terrible legend,

It is said that since then, catching crabs on this island to eat can cure all diseases. The young girl's mother was cured from the perennial pain.

It's getting too much. It is simply unreasonable Poseidon.

As folklore, records such as murals and the like are not uncommon. If you look carefully, you can find it everywhere in the world.

Well, is there still the **** Du who worships the **** Man?

Long gone. But no one knows if it really existed. According to legend, it seems to be built next to your home in Kelly.

So, the girl who was turned into a crab, ran to the depths of such a distant jungle, and deliberately stole offerings to her mother to eat? Instead of trying so hard, it would be more convenient to catch some fish directly at the beach.

The people in the village are reluctant to come near your house because of this legend, which is an ominous place. I would be condemned if I stayed there often, and I was warned in this way.

How could I live there there?

Kelly, you are no longer a stranger. Everyone in the village thinks you are my brother.

Although the younger brother's argument cannot make the teenager completely relieved, Kelly helps Xia to buy things every time compared to her father who never walked out of the house for half a step, so basically every day he took a ride to the village together.

It should have been a year since I moved to this island. Everyone on the island now greets him kindly when he sees a teenager. Even the children in those villages who had fought with him when they first met him are now playing tricks on others with him.

Although this place is very far away from his hometown, for young people, he still likes this place called Alima island.

Although I felt very bored every day during the first few weeks of immigration, I don’t know when it started. The dazzling sunlight and colorful sparkling waves of the southern country gradually captured Kelly’s heart.

But for a father who never approached anyone and never stepped out of the house, it would be hard to feel something pleasant here.

If my father can communicate more with the people in the village, maybe it will change a little.

Hmm~~ who knows.

Xia Li smiled bitterly while maneuvering the steering wheel to avoid the protruding rocks on the road.

Father Simon, I have never been accustomed to your father's behavior, because it often preached to me. If you say that if you go to work in that room again, sooner or later you will be charmed by demons and so on.

This way.

The priest Simon, who seemed so kind at ordinary times, was so appreciative of his father in the background that the teenager who knew this fact could not help feeling a little depressed. But there is no way. Or at least this kind of evaluation should be fortunate. If Father Simon really knew everything his father had done, he would have driven his father and son out of the island.

Xia Li patted her waist and motioned to Kelly to show him the silver dagger that was not on his belt.

Look, this knife. The priest forced me, so I must take it with me. He said it was a very effective amulet.

Isn't this the knife you usually use to cut fruit?

Um, this knife is very easy to use. It must be very expensive.

Xia Li continued to speak in a calm tone, unlike the teenager, it seemed that she could not feel anything gloomy on this topic.

Isn’t Xia Li afraid? Isn’t she afraid of my dad?

Although the teenager was hesitant, he finally asked. Xia Li nodded briskly.

I know your father is not an ordinary person, and judging from his behavior, the villagers have some suspicions about him and it is not unreasonable. But since doing that kind of research, there is no way to get away from the city and come to seclusion on such a remote island. But because of this, it shows that your father is really an amazing person.

Suddenly, the teenager noticed, I don’t know why I said something about my father. Xia Li suddenly became mature and rational. It is obviously a girl who is only four years older than herself, and she is definitely not as mature as an adult.

His knowledge and discoveries, just come up with anything, are major discoveries that can change everything for this world. Of course, this kind of thing will cause anyone to feel afraid, so it must be done in secret. But for me, I really believe that that kind of power can definitely help the world. I have always believed so .

Is that kind of thing really possible?

He may have given up. But Kelly, if it is you, I believe it will succeed!

Xia Limian said with a serious expression. The teenager said disappointedly.

what. Isn’t your father’s favorite disciple Xia Li? If you want to continue, you should be Xia Li.

Xia Li, who often goes to their home, not only does housekeeping services such as tidying up the house, etc., but also helps his father as a work assistant. My father once said that Xia Li, a girl with extraordinary minds and talents, is really a pity to stay on this island. For a father who has always adhered to secrecy. Being able to reuse an unfamiliar woman in this way shows Xia Li's talent.

But Xia Li laughed and shook her head.

I am not a disciple. At most, it's even an assistant, a handyman and a helper. So I don't know anything about the key part.

But Kelly, you are different from me, you must inherit your father's career. Now these things that your father is studying will be studied by you. Are you ready for this? Although it is still too early for you to say this.

Xia Li said sincerely. It feels like the sister who really cares for his younger brother. The teenager was entangled with the complex emotions in his heart and was speechless.

I have no impression of my mother who died after giving birth. For teenagers, the only family member is the father. Although his father was a bit paranoid and strict, he was also a very gentle and great father. That is the most respected and dearest boy in this world.

Therefore, when he found that his most beloved father actually valued an assistant more than his own son, the boy's heart was very uneasy at first. He even had hostility towards Xia Li. But Xia Li's cheerful personality and gentle attitude quickly untied the boy's heart. ,, ..

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