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Another group of people, known as the association, is a bit complicated to explain. It is a group of guys who want to monopolize fantasy things like vampires. Of course, in order to be able to achieve the purpose of monopolization, they will wipe out all the remaining people who know the relevant things. In order to destroy the evidence and hide the truth, it doesn't make any sense to do it thoroughly.

It is for this reason, young boy, you have good luck. Now on this island, residents who can survive the great cleansing of those people. I'm afraid you are the only one.

It was smoother than Natalya expected, and the teenager soon accepted the fact. It seems that the teenager has long been aware of the reasons why these dangerous guys came to the islands of Alima.

The teenager rushed to the priest Simon for help. The priest who received the request did not know who he had contacted again. It must be when the priest conveyed these news, that someone else outside the island got the information.

Regardless of what happened, at least the beginning of the whole tragedy is inseparable from yourself.

If the teenager then listened to Xia Li's pleading and took the courage to stab the silver dagger into the chest of his favorite girl, such a tragedy would not have happened.

In that case, even if you become a body that has lost your soul from then on, even if you can no longer sleep at night, at least, not so many people will lose their lives.

The nostalgic place was equivalent to being burned by the teenager himself.

So, which side do you belong to?

I'm a salesperson of the association. I am responsible for finding secrets that interest them, and protecting this secret from being known to others and handed over to them. Of course, that would have to be sold to them before such a big event. It can't be sold now.

Nataliya shrugged her shoulders. I'm afraid she is already surprised at such a situation. A woman in black seems to exude a breath of death all over her body.

Alright, kid. Back to the question just now. You should answer me too.

What do you mean by the so-called seal designation? Also, where did the evil magician who caused the vampire incident hide on this island? Do you know?


Although these words sound too esoteric for this teenager. But in a sense, it actually hits the core of the problem.

Kelly is not the real name of this young man.

The names of teenagers born in distant and foreign countries are very difficult for people here to pronounce. At first Xia Li referred to him as Kelly. So the villagers here also habitually called him Kelly. The teenager also felt that instead of being called such a strange name as Kelly Tegu, it was better to be called Kelly directly.

The real name of the boy is called Qi Si.

The magician designated by the seal, the biological son of Wei Gong Juxian.


Late at night, I went back to the cut heir of the wooden cabin in the jungle and saw my father greet him with a worried expression.

Ah, cut heir. Are you OK. Great

The father hugged to Chedi. It has been years that I haven't felt my father's generous arms. It is not uncommon for a strong father to be able to express his true feelings like this.

After his father let go of the heir, his expression suddenly became serious.

I told you not to walk out of the forest boundary today, why don’t you listen to me?

Because I worry about Xia Li

When he heard the girl's name, his father suddenly turned his gaze to one side. Only this small move can fully prove a fact.

Dad, do you know what has changed in her body? So you are not allowed to go out, right?

I'm really sorry for the child. Although I told her that the experiment is very dangerous, don't touch it, but it seems that she still has no curiosity to overcome her.

Although his father's tone was full of bitterness, he couldn't hear any remorse and shame. It was like saying that when the child broke the vase, there was only a tone of blame and anger.

Dad, why do you do research on the dead?

Of course, this is not my intention. But as our Wei Gong family's research, no matter how long it is, we must also explore. For me, at least before your generation, work out a strategy for lifespan. The flesh bound in the fate of death is too far away from the root cause.

The miserable appearance of Xia Li seen in the moonlight once again appeared in the mind of cut heir.

Sooner or later, Dad will turn me into that way?

What stupid words. I couldn't restrain the urge to **** blood, and it was a failed product that I had already told Xia Li. The results of this experiment do not seem to be as smooth as expected. The theory must be revised again from the basics.

It turns out so.

Chedi nodded.

Father seems to continue to mean. This level of sacrifice is not necessary, and must be repeated until a satisfactory result is obtained.

Cut heir, I will talk about this later. The most urgent thing now is to run away quickly. I am afraid there is no time to pack up. Soon the fellows of the association will see through the junction in the jungle, and we will leave here quickly.

It seems that my father was ready to leave long ago, and the two large boxes were already packed in the middle of the floor. The reason why it has been delayed until now may be waiting for the return of his child.

Do you want to escape? Leave now?

I had expected such a day long ago, so I prepared a motorboat on the south coast in advance. This is called preparedness.

Father raised a suitcase with both hands and turned and walked to the entrance. Of course, at this time, he was completely unguarded.

At this time, Chedi took out the pistol that Natalya had given him from the pocket of his pants.

32 caliber. If you shoot at a very close range, even small children can easily hit the target. The woman in black said so. The next step is to cut the heir.

Pointing the muzzle at the back of the unguarded father, the scene of the village burned by fire burst into the boy's heart, and Xia Li's last miserable expression and bits and pieces of living with her father for ten years . The tender feelings hidden deep in the father's firm appearance.

Father loves himself and is full of expectations for himself. I also love my father deeply and take pride in my father. ,, ..

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