Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 150: ·teaching

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Countless emotions entangled in the cut heir want to close his eyes. But contrary to his own feelings, Chedi actually opened his eyes to aim, and then quickly pulled the trigger.

The unexpected and crisp sound of Pong.

The father who was hit by a bullet in the back neck fell forward suddenly. Then Cut he went forward and continued to shoot two more shots at his back of the head. Then he stopped and continued to make two shots to his back.

I can't believe it. With this calmness, even heirs felt terrified.

I was really confused at the end, and my heart was constantly entangled. But his hands acted completely uncontrolled as if they were set. His body completely disregarded the entanglement of his heart, and just mechanically carried out what he should do.

This behavior may also be a kind of talent. This kind of emotion only flashed in my heart, and then cut heir again into a void without a sense of accomplishment.

Wooden floor. Gradually stained with blood. Father is gone. It was just a corpse lying here. This thing is the culprit, this thing took away everything from itself, killed everyone on the island, and burned down the village.

Xia Li said he was a great man. People who can change the power of the world. Chedi thought so too.

How much can the young duo know about the magic path? What expectations do they have for the magician?

At first, Chedi didn't even realize he was crying. I don't know whether my current feelings are sad or regretful. I just felt a sense of emptiness drained from the bottom.

The pistol on the right hand is very heavy. It's almost too heavy to hold. But it can't be thrown away. The finger is fixed at the trigger position and cannot move.

Chedi even flicked his right hand at the risk of fire, just to throw the pistol out of his hand. But all efforts were in vain, fingers clenched tightly as if sticking to them.

At this moment, suddenly someone grabbed his wrist and then took the pistol off his hand very lightly. It was not until this time that Chedi discovered that Natalia had appeared beside him somehow.

The enchantment here is not as exaggerated as you said, I came in easily.

Nataliya said with a bit of blame.

You're angry?

Of course, I have never played with children before.

Natalie glanced at the pistol she had recovered from Che's hand, relocked it, and withdrew her arms.

But in the end, it depends on luck if you can catch up.

In fact, if those things did not happen just now, the current Wei Gong Juxian must have escaped safely here, concealed again, and then continue to study the dead in places where they do not know. Perhaps the tragedy on this island will happen again.

This is not a problem that can be solved by luck, it is something that must be prevented.

This person has no reason to be killed.

I actually instigated the child to kill his own biological father. I am really a terrible person.

Natalya said bitterly. Listening to her saying this, Wei Gong cut heir with a tear on his face and smiled.

You are a good person.

Natalia stared at Qi Si's smile for a while, then sighed and carried Wei Gong Juxian's body on his shoulders.

I took you out of this island, and the rest of the matter is up to you. Is there anything to bring?

Chedi shook his head firmly.

There is nothing.


In the next few years, heirs were spent with Natalia Kaminsky.

Of course, Natalya did not take care of him as an orphan or her adopted son. Instead, he will be called as a helper or servant. But this is what heirs expect.

Learning her skills from Natalia, while training her abilities, she can eventually become a hunter on the same path as Natalia. This is the unchangeable path chosen by Siji for his life.

The tragedies of the islands of Alimar are not uncommon. For the dark areas of this world, such tragedies are simply repeated as usual.

In order to pursue the knowledge that he explored, he ignored the magician who brought doom to the world. And two big organizations that do nothing to hide these facts. The fight against these mysterious signs continues in secret places. Because of this, Natalia has money to make.

A magician similar to the killing of Wei Gong Juxian is far from the name of preventing such a tragedy from happening again. It can almost be said that Wei Gong Juxian is just a drop of water in the sea, which can basically be ignored completely. Of custody.

On that day, the act of killing my father by myself, if it is really necessary to make this matter meaningful and valuable

That is to kill all the heretic magicians who are the same as his father. It is not until then that the tragedy can really be prevented from happening again.

Seal designated executor.

Hunting the devil's hound beyond common sense. The teenager chose this road full of thorns without hesitation.

Natalya is not affiliated with any organization, just a bounty hunter who hunts for the purpose of bounty. Her goal is to designate magicians who have precious research achievements, but who have escaped from the seal of secret research conducted by the Magic Association. It is different from the Templar church that wipes out all heretics in the name of judgment. The Magic Association gives top priority to ensuring the safety of research results.

Among them, the most precious ones are those engraved on the magician's body. Especially for the magic family, the magic engraving produced through the research of the past generations can produce more powerful power when it is transferred to its successor.

Through negotiations with the Magic Association, Nataliya inherited a part of the magic engraving recovered from the remains of Wei Gong Juxian to his son Wei Gong. Although the precious parts are detained by the association, only the remaining part less than one-half of the real estate is inherited by Wei Gong cut heirs, but for Wei Gong cut heirs, it is completely enough for him to exert his ability as a magician. Too. Moreover, the original cut heir did not inherit the father's will to continue the magic research.

For Chedi, magic is not a career in his life, but only a means to achieve his goal. And this method is just one of the many methods that the teenager learned from the female hunter. ,, ..

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