Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 151: ·years

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The use of hunting dog teeth for tracking, assassination, and various weapons cannot be more than one. Being able to catch and kill prey under all circumstances and conditions requires a variety of knowledge and skills.

In a sense, human history is a history of killing. In order to be able to hunt two-legged beasts with the same appearance, humans spent countless hours and wisdom to study the killing technology. And Qi Si uses his own body to master all this.

Those years covered with blood and smoke. It passed in a blink of an eye.

When he was so sentimental in adolescence, Wei Gong cut heirs who had experienced too many fierce battles, and he had no such youthful appearance. As a Toyoan of unknown age, all three of his forged passports were registered as adults, and he did not cause any suspicion at all.

However, from the appearance alone, even though his body is not tall and his beard is relatively sparse, his gloomy and indifferent gaze is definitely not what teenagers should have.

One day

Even when he learned that his mentor and Yiyou Natalya was facing the greatest crisis in her life, Qi Si still did not show any emotional fluctuations, and still completed her task with ecstasy.

Even if his heart is agitated or shaken, there is still no way to help Natalya. Because now her battlefield is inside the giant jetliner in the air at three thousand feet.

The beginning of the matter was started by tracing a magician Ode Polzac known as the messenger of bees.

It is said that this magician has successfully researched the dead, and he can manipulate the bees he controls to increase the number of ghouls under his control through poison needles, which is a very dangerous molecule. Moreover, after the incognito was changed, the appearance was changed, disguised as an ordinary person who had long lost news. But four days ago, there was news that the person was found to be taking flight A300 from Paris to New York. Without knowing the other person's appearance and name, Natalya accepted the arduous task of finding and hunting targets from 287 passengers on board.

She, as her partner, did not board the plane with her, but went to New York to investigate Polzac's disguised identity. The mentor and the disciple communicated by radio, and in a confined space of three thousand feet, quietly and surely locked the position of the prey.

The assassination operation was completed more than expected three hours after the plane took off. However, this is the beginning of the tragedy.

Polzak concealed that the dead bee that the customs officers took on the plane caused a fatal riot after the owner died. The dead bees that Natalya failed to destroy in time attacked the passengers one after another, and the passenger seat of the giant jetliner instantly turned into a living **** raging by ghouls.

There is no confined space with room for escape. In the face of an infinite increase in ghouls, even as strong as Natalya also felt boundless despair. Che Si can only wait helplessly for this deteriorating situation. For Ding, he must not let go of any chance to prove that Natalia is still alive.

Nataliya has repeatedly warned Chee that one of the main principles is to ensure her survival no matter what means. Now that he has such a creed, Cheji firmly believes that the battle-hardened female hunter will certainly be able to turn the danger into danger this time. Two hours later, the communicator remained silent.

Finally, when the light of the stars in the night sky was covered by the blue-gray of dawn, the wireless communicator finally broke the long-standing silence, and a tired female voice mixed with the rustling sound came out.

Can you hear me, kid, are you asleep?

Listen clearly, Natalya. We are all in the most sleepy night before the dawn of insomnia.

Of course, if you dared to go to bed last night, I will definitely kill you when I go back. So, there is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?

Natalia said with a smile.

Don’t we agree to start with the good news?

0K. Then the good news first, first of all, I am still alive. The plane was also safe. I just ensured the safety of the cockpit. The captain and co-pilot set the parameters before they died. I can do it if I just drive. It is said that the control method is the same as that of a small aircraft.

Did you contact the dispatch desk at the airport?

Contacted, at first thought I was playing a prank. But now it is being scheduled very well.

What about the bad news?

Well, it was only me who was not bitten in the end. The crew and all three hundred passengers were spared and all died and became ghouls. Opposite the screen separated from the cockpit, it has completely become a death city flying in the air. Don't be surprised.

This is the worst scenario that Chedi envisions.

This situation. Can you come back alive?

Ah, this door is still strong enough. Although it is dangling now, there is no need to worry about the way it will be broken until it is landing. Can such a huge thing really land safely?

If it's you, it's okay.

Are you encouraging me? I'm so happy after listening.

Natalie sighed weakly after a childish smile.

Fifty minutes to the airport. It’s too early to pray, kid, and chat with me for a while.

I do not mind.

So, the two started chatting. Let me start with the two hours that I have not been in contact. Then came the countless evils of Polzak who had been killed. Finally, the two people naturally recalled the magicians and the dead who had been eliminated before, as well as the Shura field that the two people faced together.

Natalia, who seldom speaks normally, somehow becomes more talkative today. The low roar of the ghoul came from the guest seat and the sound of flapping the cockpit door constantly. In order to divert attention from that, only chat is the best option.

When you first said you wanted to work in this business, I actually had a headache for a while. And how can I advise you not to change your mind.

Could I be such a disciple who has no future?

Not because you are too promising and overqualified.

Natalia said with a wry smile.

What do you mean?

Because you can make your actions completely unaffected by emotions. For ordinary killers, it takes years of hard work to master this ability. But you can have this ability by nature. What a surprising talent.

However, it is not necessarily the most correct way to choose one's own life path by virtue of talent and ability. Before talent, there is a person's will and feelings, these are the key to determine a person's life path. Without these, a person cannot be called a person. Before thinking about what you want to do, the first thing to think about is what you should do by relying on common practice. This is not a human being, but can only be called a machine. It is far from human life. ,, ..

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