Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 166: ·Open again

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Saber has fully mastered the characteristics of the machine. When turning, he will not only slow down but open the throttle valve, and inject excess turning torque into the wheels behind. Just like this, the rapid acceleration of even the entire car body toppled down caused the moment when the front wheels floated. Saber used the instant explosive force released by the magic force to force the car body to tilt, thus completing the direction change. It was like using a hard and huge The force causes the direction of straight travel to be reversed.

Rider seems to have crossed the Weiyuan River and entered the new capital. He can no longer see him. However, Saber didn't panic, but looked far into the night sky to search for each other's whereabouts.

Rider certainly already knows that Saber who chases over will not give up easily. Now he is holding Alice Phil and can't hide through body spiritualization. From the moment of escaping to Xindu, Rider had only two choices in front of him. Either hide it to avoid Saber’s tracking, or use the wheels of Shenwei to instantly increase the distance from the tracker. Judging by Rider's character, Saber thought he would choose the latter. So even if he is not found now, there is no need to be anxious. Because if it is the flying treasure of the Shenwei wheel, it will release a huge magic power, so it is absolutely impossible to escape from under Saber's eyelids.

The crux of the problem is that tracking from the ground is bad

It's better to speculate on the destination of Shenwei wheels as soon as you see the appearance of Shenwei wheels, and then reach the place one step ahead. It is not so much a game of manipulating technology as it is a test of the tracker’s sensitivity and tracking technology.

Everyone on the road looked at this V-MAX, which was constantly surpassing the speed of the preceding vehicle at an alarming speed. Saber didn't care about the sight of the people around him, and focused all his attention on the enemy above his head. Obstacles that impede travel can be sensed by the direction of airflow. Don't worry about hitting anything even with your eyes closed.

found it!

Saber's spiritual power close to the beast's vision sensed the magical fluctuations in the air. It seems that in order to avoid the attention of ordinary people, the wheels of Shenwei did not make thunderous sounds, and the speed slowed down. But there is no doubt that feeling is the magic oscillation caused by Rider's treasure.

The orientation is east. It seems to be planning to escape through the new capital to Dongmu City.

Saber believes that there is a fluke in the other party. In this case, you should make full use of the acceleration of the machine by using the wide national road.

Jumped across the bridge in one breath and came to the main road with six lanes. Saber boldly opened the throttle to drive VMAX forward.

Due to the drive of this unscrupulous driver, the tachometer pointer has exceeded six thousand revolutions. At that moment, the engine made an unexpected sound.

The violent bass of the engine suddenly turned into a deafening, intense treble, and the sound was more violent, tearing the silence of the night sky violently. The current acceleration is far different from the previous one.

The speed of flying makes Saber and the car body into projectile projectiles, and the surrounding night scene glides like a meteor.

That was the moment of true magical awakening hidden inside that steel beast. Using modern high-tech design, the structure of the V-shaped propulsion device can be changed into a two-cylinder structure immediately when the high-speed rotation limit is reached. This is the special structure of VMAX. The device that originally used two turbochargers could not have such a structure, but this design has completely surpassed the category of motorcycles.

Suffering from the air resistance close to the water pressure, Saber desperately grasped the body of the car, but couldn't help but show an invincible smile.

This car has clearly surpassed the basic principle of the machine, the tool of man. This is a freak produced by developed modern technology. That kind of loneliness and sorrow. It even makes people feel a sense of sympathy beyond sympathy.

Let this machine fully display its value, this kind of thing can only be done by non-human Servant. This car must have been driven to life by Saber tonight.

Ok. Then you will run to the point where it will burn out!

Saber roared loudly in the roaring wind and then let go of the throttle further.

The speedometer has exceeded 300 kilometers per hour and is still climbing slowly.

The headlight's light is not like the light that should be on the ground, it can even shine into the sky.

Rider. Hey, wouldn't she already catch up with us?

Webber noticed the situation first, and pointed his finger under the driver's seat. Rider glanced down in the direction the Master was pointing, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

Huh? Who do I think is Saber. This saves me from looking for her. I said, kid, is there such a thing as a motorcycle?

Is that a motorcycle?

Weber's vision can only be seen as a light spot, even if he wants to break his head, it is not the speed of a motorcycle within his common sense.

No, how is it possible, but according to Saber’s technology, it is indeed possible.

Huh, dare to challenge me with the reputation of cavalry.

Rider smiled grimly as if happily.

Haha. It's so interesting. Now that the guy has followed, there is no need to go to that strange forest. If so, I will have a good fight with her.

Rider grabbed the reins of the Shenniu and slammed the tank's speed.

Hello, are we going to land?!

My thinking has changed. I decided to compete with the little girl using ordinary wheels. In order to cross the forest in front, there is still a long way to go. This is the most suitable battlefield!

Weber wanted to protest why he gave up his advantage in the air and fell into the trap of the other party, but Weber remembered the power of the sword of victory that he had seen the day before. According to the characteristics of Saber's treasure, the farther away it is, the more dangerous it is. Instead, close-range warfare that can limit the destructive power of the enemy's treasure is more safe.

Ok, it’s so decided. You need to be careful!

Hahaha! Boy, you finally understand the taste of battle. Don't worry! Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, only me. No one can stop me!

Fortunately, there are no ordinary vehicles on the national highway. The winding asphalt roads are not suitable for fighting, but you don't have to worry about irrelevant people.

In front of Saber approaching two hundred meters away. The wheel of Shenwei finally landed and arrogantly traveled on the road intending to deal with the challenger's pursuit.

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