Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 167: ·conspiracy

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Three pairs of eyes over the distant building are watching Rider's flying treasures appearing above the new capital and tracking his Saber route changes.

One person's eyes showed a contented look. There is a pair of eyes very tired. There is another person who is full of frantic violence, can it still be called human eyes?

"I didn't expect the real Rider to appear. This is really a good show. Jiantong Yanye, you often bring luck to your companions on the battlefield."

Yan Feng Qili said with a hint of sarcasm. While patting Yan Ye's shoulder, he expressed his appreciation. Yan Ye stared at him suspiciously with his surviving right eye.

"Father, do you think it's worth wasting two mantras for such a small thing?"

Yan Ye watched with dissatisfaction with the right hand that had lost two Lingman. Qi Li said to him with a smile.

"There is no need to worry. Yan Ye, as long as you are willing to help me, you don't have to worry about wasting the order spell and extending your hand."

Qili grabbed Yan Ye's dry right hand with blue muscles floating, while whispering the spell, while moving her hand along the trace of Ling Ling. The lingering spell, which had become dim, recovered its light immediately after his little treatment, and returned to the shape of the previous three.

"You really"

"Did I tell you that. Yan Ye. I accepted the task of supervision, so I have the right to freely redistribute the mantra kept by the church."


Yan Ye couldn't speculate on the other party's true intentions, staring at Qi Li intently, then glancing at his Servant with a sigh.

The huge figure standing behind him turned out to be Rider conquering the king Iskandar. Whether it is a crimson cloak or red curly hair, and a burly body, it is no different from the chariot driver who was racing with Saber just outside of Dongmu City. The only difference is that the blood-red gruesome creepy eyes are undoubtedly unique to the mad Servant.

In his sturdy arms was the slim body of Alice Phil who was unconscious and still sleeping. The "Rider" here is the real culprit who snatched the "Guardian of the Holy Grail" from the cellar guarded by Kyuyu Mai and tricked Saber into chasing into the new capital.

"Already. Berserker."

Yan Ye nodded, and the huge body of the conquered king turned into a dark mist like burning, and he returned to the armor-piercing posture full of unknown breath. The dark aura imitating the appearance of Rider is directly wrapped around the hands and feet, hiding the subtle parts of the black armor.

Seeing Berserker return to her original form, Qi Li said as a moan.

"This transformation ability is really a pity as a treasure of the Berserker class."

"This guy could have turned into a lot of heroes who built warfare for others. Because of his madness, it deteriorated into a "camouflage" ability."

The black mist wrapped around Berserker's body not only had the function of hiding appearance, but also could be imitated into anyone to deceive the enemy's ears. Since Berserker was deprived of reason, this ability could not be used. Yan Ye's power through the spell is to reproduce this ability, making it possible to pretend to be a fake Rider. However, this ability can only be used once.


The mad black knight stared fiercely at the headlights of the motorcycle that Saber was riding towards the east. The bitter hatred made his shoulders tremble and the armor made a crunching sound, but he didn't make any other derailments. That is because of the absolute commandment of the second mantra used by Yan Ye, "Capture Alice Phil to let Saber escape".

In order for Berserker, who has an unusual attachment to Saber, to act according to his own ideas, he must be restrained with powerful instructions.

It seemed like a very unbearable shackle to Berserker. Although the task has now been completed, the Black Knight is like a broken machine. His limbs are constantly spasm and stubbornly resisting this command.

Yan Ye felt a chill behind his persistent thoughts. After he fell into an uncontrollable rampage, Yan Ye forcibly cut off the magic power supply with Berserker. Losing the magic of maintaining form in the present world, the Servant immediately returned to the state of the spirit, and the body bag of Alice Phil who lost support was thrown roughly on the ground on the roof. Due to this shock, the sleeping puppet groaned in pain, but still did not open his eyes. Since being forcibly taken away from her resting magic circle, Alice Phil's consciousness became thinner.

"Is this woman really the "Holy Grail"?"

"The correct statement is this puppet. If one or two Servant is finished, it will appear as it is. I will prepare the ceremony for the holy grail. I will keep this woman for the time being. "

The man in the veil picked up the body of the weak woman, and Yan Ye expressed his speechless question with his eyes.

Qi Li noticed his gaze and just responded with a leisurely smile as before.

"Don't worry. I will give you the Holy Grail according to our agreement. Because I don't have to pursue that wish machine."

"Before that, you seem to have promised me something, priest."

"Ah, that thing is of course no problem. You can just come to church at zero o'clock tonight. I will be ready to let you meet with Tosaka Tosaka."


What abacus is this priest doing? He couldn't figure out his true intentions, which made Yan Ye's heart very unstable.

Although he once worshipped under the gate of Tosaka Tosaka, he parted ways because he participated in the Holy Grail War and became a hypocrite of the Master. However, in the view of the Jiantong family who participated in the last holy grail war, the collusion between the Yuanban family and the church has already been understood. In this case, the person who has the dual status of the son of the supervisor and the agent of the temple church, it is also self-evident to call Assassin as the running dog of the court.

At noon today, he suddenly ran to knock on the door of the Tong family, saying that he planned to discuss the establishment of an alliance. According to him, the supervisor Yan Fenglizheng's death is on Yuanban. As a son, he must avenge his father, so he wanted to use the hand of Ma Tong to kill the courtier.

Although it is suspicious to know his statement, the conditions proposed by Yan Feng Qi Li are too tempting for Yan Ye.

Not only did he plan to design the court to let Shichen enter the trap, but he also investigated the lurking place where Ainz Belen, who holds the "Holy Grail", secretly inherited the supervisor's right to keep the mantra, it can be said that he held The most important trump card in the second half of the holy grail. ,, ..

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