Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 168: ·run

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For the isolated Yanye, who embraces Berserker's time bomb and can't even be trusted by his loved ones, his assistance is better than thousands of troops, and his heart is immediately solid. However, the premise is that you must believe everything that Yan Feng Qili said.

Yanfeng Qili can ensure that the puppets of the Einzbelen family are in their own hands. Even if it was added to the consumed Lingman without hesitation, Yan Ye still could not fully believe the priest in front of him with a leisurely smile.

The man's attitude seemed too relaxed. Perhaps it's self-confidence that comes from having the most important decisive secret. However, if it is simply treated in this way, it means that he really lacks the sense of crisis facing the battle and the tension needed to consider strategies.

If you have to explain it, the smile is closer to the child who is happy to play the game. Formed an alliance with himself in the name of revenge on his father by betraying his teacher. It’s clear that the priest is “happy”

"It's too striking for both of us to appear at the same time. Yan Ye, you go back first."

"How about you?"

"I still have a little thing to do Yan Ye. Don't forget it. At 0 o'clock tonight, your wish will be fulfilled there."

The priest seemed to be more attentive to the whole thing than Yan Ye himself, and once again told Yan Ye with a tone full of expectations.

Yan Ye stared at his smile again with suspicious eyes, then slowly turned around and walked towards the roof of the stairs.

Yan Feng Qili didn't listen to the footsteps of the Confederates' ears with a slight ear. After confirming that the footsteps had completely disappeared, she came to a corner of the roof again, and turned her attention to the waste materials with many rain-proof materials.

"I've pulled people apart. I don't know who you are, but it's time to show up?"

The voice contained a kind of majesty that could not be said. After a silent period of time, a gruesome, depressing laughter sounded and penetrated into the icy night sky.

"Oh, have you noticed it. It really deserves to be the agent of wars of all ages. It is much sharper than that of Yan Ye."

From the dark there appeared a shadow of undefined shape. At first glance, Qi Li thought it was a collection of chilling insects, but the bright moonlight immediately drove away this illusion. It turned out that a small, thin old man came out quietly.

"Agent, don't worry. I'm not your enemy. I'm the family of the little guy who works with you."

Since he claimed to be so self-proclaimed, a considerable figure appeared in Qi Li's heart.

"Is it Zongtong Inkstone?"

"Exactly. You actually know my name. It seems that Yuanban has a complete education for his disciples."

The old magician crooked the corner of his mouth buried deep in the wrinkles, showing an inhuman smile.

The concentration of darkness that permeates the mountain road is no longer comparable at dusk, it seems to have reached the night.

The darkness, as black as ink, stretched out his fingers, and the light from the headlights tore the darkness. Saber is still desperately driving the steel beast.

This road was used to send Ainz Belen out of the city. Alice Phil drove when he went, and Saber squeezed the steering wheel of Mercedes-Benz to confirm the distance when he returned. Although I only walked back and forth twice, it was enough for Saber. Saber's memory is outstanding, and she can recall clearly when the road is wide or the road **** even needs to be turned.

Saber saw Rider's "Shenwei Wheel" just landed from high altitude and landed in the distance. The Conqueror did not know for what purpose he did not continue to escape, but landed on the ground, as if to intend to respond to the challenge of Saber riding on the ground.

His heroic spirit seemed to be incompatible with the sneak attack method of taking Alice Phil, but this might be the contradiction between Rider and his Master. It is not surprising that Servant's actions bound by the contract often bring many contradictory results.

This is exactly what Saber himself has gained through the contradiction between the heir to the palace.

In this place of confrontation, Rider can decide according to his own intentions, which is a happy thing for Saber. Between these two high-speed Mercedes-Benz mounts, there is no way to cut off even if you want to intervene. For Saber, this is a desperate thing.

The key to the problem is the dangerous message from the vibration of the tight handlebar.

As an artificial machine, V-MAX has fully exerted its full power. But it is sad to see that in front of you is a tool for disease that goes beyond common sense. Although the V-MAX has been pulled by the inherent magic of Saber Saber, there are certain limits to its material and its structural strength.

The engine and drive system that has continued to maximize performance from the city to here have shown signs of collapse. Saber's climactic driving allows her to prepare to grasp the interior of the car as well as grasping the extension of her body. You can clearly hear the sorrowful cry about to reach the limit.

"If you go on like this, it will be bad"

If you slow down in consideration of the burden of the car body, there is nothing to say, but if you insist that the motorcycle continue to drive at high speed, the car will break down and crash within a few minutes. If you do not take any measures to enhance the performance of the car body itself

It's difficult for Saber to judge whether it is feasible for the countermeasure flashed in his mind, but he can't hesitate anymore. Saber made up his mind to entrust everything to himself as a Servant.

During the battle, the silver armor she wore all over her body now is not to put the armor on herself, but to make it fit the V-MAX car with a strong mind. Similar to the horse armor that protects love horses on the battlefield. Based on the unity of riding, this time we must make this non-speaking steel beast into his own hands and feet

Her magic power is constantly being released, and each part of V-MAX that can ensure that it runs at the limit speed is completely covered and protected. The flexible and powerful armor enhances the performance of the motorcycle.


Although this application is surprising, Saber's superb technology makes this difficult thing feasible. The body of the V-MAX body is wrapped in brand new silver armor, which is gorgeous and magnificent. This hard car body is no less than that monster-like super horsepower, this time the mechanical lion finally turned into an authentic Warcraft, the exhaust pipe roared.

Saber unfolded the wind king enchantment in the shape of an arrow directly in front, completely covering the front of the body. The V-MAX, which reduced the wind resistance to zero by the compressed air umbrella, was finally liberated from the air resistance. ,, ..

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