Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 182: ·decision

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So, after experiencing so many things, why did Ma Yuan not stop it at all?

The vast white mist surrounds him, the sword mound and the holy lance are suspended above his head, emitting a bright light, surrounding him

Opposite him, two young girls with completely opposite colors looked at him complicatedly, and the white mist spreading from his hands slowly and firmly floated to Ma Yuan

Hope, when he wakes up, don't resent us...

Rest assured, he won't...

On Ma Yuan's head, there is a huge vortex, as if there is nothing, but it seems to be the place of origin of everything

The root vortex!

The term for the vortex of the root, or the "state of existence" of the vortex of the root.

The root vortex should be the "cause" of everything and the starting point of various phenomena. As long as there are "causes", "fruits" can be produced, so in terms of existence, this is "ultimate knowledge." But even the ultimate, it is still limited, so this is just for easy understanding.

The ultimate goal of the magician is to reach this apex. Orange once said that he tried to achieve the perfect prototype of human beings by making puppets, which is the state of "empty".

"It's not the state of "infinite". Because of "infinite", "finite" must be defined. So without limit, infinity will not exist. There are two personalities in a person's body in a certain place. It is the type and weave, and the type and weave represent the yin and yang in the Tai Chi respectively, that is, the two instruments. The relative state is distinguished because it contains the most attributes.

The Great Circle Tai Chi, which includes all this, is the "circle", which is the essential existence of the "two ceremonies", similar to the so-called "all and nothing" state.

The concept of root vortex comes from "Nirvana" in Buddhist thought and "Vatican" in earlier Hinduism. Nirvana, Nirvana in Sanskrit, was originally meant for muddy mud, translated as extinction, dead. Destroyer, the meaning of destroying the cause and effect of life and death, is the truth beyond the realm of time and space, and the meaning of not being immortal. It is a permanent fruit because it is immortal, lifeless, and immutable.

It means that all beings are tired of life and death, practice Vatican lines, break all troubles, and prove the Nirvana. That is to say, as evidenced by the actual results of the legal body.

Philosophically speaking, there is a contradiction between "having" and "no", and "no" is contradictory to "having"; these are the two laws, and the two are the same, so the two laws are not the same. The Dharma should be non-empty, non-increasing, non-decreasing, non-life, non-destructive, non-dirty, non-net, non-true, non-false, non-good, non-evil, and beyond the existence of all positive and negative concepts.

The vortex of the root is the ultimate goal that all magicians dream of. It is also the dreamland that humans can’t reach in their lifetime. The vortex of the human roots will therefore master the fundamental causes and laws of everything in the world, and want to modify the pattern and order of the world. In other words, create a new world and destroy the old world.

History has recorded the fact that several people have reached the root vortex, but the moment those people reached the root vortex, they erased the evidence of their existence in the world, completely submerged the traces, and were considered to have not returned Ever. And the magician who has reached the root vortex and exists in this world, there is only one person on earth,

It is Xuanwu Gaoyue called "Book of False God". He was kidnapped by fairies when he was young. After killing all fairies and escaping home, he was cursed by all fairies before they died, so he lost his ability to judge and perceive things. And because he has the ability to almost match the language and manipulation of magic, he is proficient in all languages ​​in the world from ancient times to the present, so the perception of things will be stored in the brain in the form of words, so it can be considered both omniscience and being regarded as Is ignorance. This is in line with the vortex that only ignorance can approach the roots, although it is no longer meaningful.

The two people in front of Ma Yuan are the two major restraints of the earth-Gaia, Alaya!

The vortex of the root is born with two things, the two major inhibitory forces gathered on the earth. One is the will of the planet itself born in order to protect its own existence, named "Gaia"; one is the human body born on earth, in order to protect the survival of its own population, and the collective subconscious collection of "Alai" "Yes". Both are the most powerful beings except the circle in the Moon-shaped world. The two are similar but there is opposition. For "Gaia", he only exists to ensure that the planet can exist, and how humans have no meaning to it; and for Arayah, as long as humans can survive, how the planet will be is not his concern. Xingyue almost revolves around the world displayed by the two major restraints. And this limits the existence of so-called gods on earth. The so-called God, or the Son of God, is nothing but the existence of two major inhibitory forces.

The reason why it is called deterrence is because the two will not actively intervene in the operation of the world. But for the things that affect it, it will try its best to prevent it. Its main action is to prevent the magician from reaching the root vortex. Because the root vortex is the origin of everything, if a magician arrives, it may cause irreparable consequences. And one way to express deterrence is to pass power to someone to stop the magician, and this person will also become a hero of this era. Another way is to use your own power to destroy the target when the inhibitory force is proven. In Alaya, the guardian is dispatched (red A is the guardian), and Gaia is the monster (fantasy or true ancestor) who dispatched the Gaia party or directly caused a catastrophe, such as the mainland sinking to the bottom of the sea.

And like this, it is simply unimaginable to take a person into the root of the vortex by force!

Let's leave for the time being, boy, this time is not OK, next time, only next time...

The voices of the two echoed, telling the secrets of the Fourth Holy Grail that no one knew

Unfortunately, this secret can only stop here

And Ma Yuan can only helplessly wait for the fourth holy grail war to return to history, waiting for the next arrival

Its concept of existence has been erased from everyone's mind by two major inhibitory forces, but there are some things that cannot be removed

Therefore, the Fourth Holy Grail War is destined to harm Gaia and Alaya. The stability of the root vortex is destined to be affected by Ma Yuan

The fifth holy grail war, when the holy grail came, the third law was finally completed, the advent of the emperor of heaven

All the burdens, sins, history should be carried by him alone...

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