Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 183: ·time

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The anti-season summer heat has nothing to do with Yan Feng Qili.

The cold water vapor settled in the darkness, completely isolated from the noise of the ground. As a place to wait for night to come to action, all the perfect conditions are available here.

Yanfeng Qili, who left Dongmu Church, was used as a temporary hiding place. It was the former stronghold of Yusuke Ryusuke and his Servant? Caster. The **** underground cavity was also the water storage deep in the underground water network of Dongmu City. Pool. Although it was the place where Assassion summoned before him was lost, because this memory reminded Yan Feng Qili of this latent place, it is really ironic.

In the past, under the direction of Rizheng, Caster, which was targeted by all Masters, survived after the scuffle in Weiyuanchuan, which is the best proof of the secrecy of this place. The only Rider and his Master who have found and set foot here, until now, will no longer pay attention to Caster's workshop.

On the basis of ensuring safety, Qi Li reviewed the current battle situation.

On the basis of excluding Toshizaka Toshi, enclosing the night of Tong Yanyan, and ensuring the holy grail, a stalemate between Saber and Rider was formed, and his location was unknown.

All this was achieved within a day after he made up his mind to return to the Holy Grail War.

Although there is an element of luck, it is impossible for everything to go smoothly, and the chaotic and disorderly situation is changed with one shot. Qi Li is also very surprised.

At the beginning of the battle, the superiors of Tosaka had been usurped by Qi Li and took over. Archer, who appeared as the strongest Servant in this Holy Grail War, was taken into the hands. Berserker, who became his strong enemy due to the mutual relationship He became a puppet with his Master, and now nothing threatens Yan Feng Qili.

No matter who wins in the duel between Saber and Rider, as long as the victorious party is annihilated by Archer's super treasure, the Servant battle will be decided. In the event that both the Cavaliers and the Conquerors survive, or that the two reconcile and attack together, there will be an important person, Berserker, who can stop them. Although due to the matter of Kwai, Jian Tongyan Ye almost became a waste, but Berserker will attack saber spontaneously, so no Master's order is needed.

Although in the unpredictable battle with Rider, it was okay to set three or four strategies, but Archer did not agree to do so. This battle is not Qi Li's personal business, but also the war of the hero king. Qi Li believes that since the upcoming hegemony is a fighter's hope, he must respect his wishes. This can be said to be the biggest difference between Yanfeng Qili and other magicians who use Servant as a tool.

Originally, in relation to Archer, he didn't even plan to exercise a spell. For a man with such a strong self-awareness, if he is forced to act in accordance with his own will, he will only get a counter-effect. The best way is not to use this Servant as a flag, but to use it as an environmental factor such as weather and wind. Sailors cannot control the direction of the wind, but can freely control the ship through the wind. Both are the same.

Now, Archer went out because he hated being bored in the dampness. Qi Li understands that Archer will come over when necessary, so she doesn't feel any uneasiness. Only for this hero king, Qili did not treat him as an angel, but as an ally with similar interests.

In other words, there are other more effective ways to use the mantra received from Lizheng. For Qili without magic engraving, even if it is a consumer type, there are many ways to make a backup for the use of surgery. Now, even if he fights a skilled magician, he still has a great chance.

Tonight, the battle between the last Servant will determine the direction of the Holy Grail. All Qili as a bystander has to do is to wait for the opportunity. As a Master, he should consider it, but it is a strategy war outside of Servant. In that war, there was Qi Li’s most powerful enemy.

Wei Gong cut heirs. If anyone can take advantage of Qi Li at this stage, it is none other than him.

Qi Li's heart has been looking forward to confronting him. However, since the other party was a complete assassin, the kind of encounter he hoped for would not be possible. To create a confrontation with the Guardian Palace, he must always think about the battle and continue to ensure the right to restrict. Once cut heirs seize the initiative, Qi Li will certainly not see the opponent's appearance, he will be solved from behind. In that case, everything is meaningless.

It is certain that Wei Gong cut heir cannot catch the situation of this reservoir. Otherwise, Yusuke Ryusuke will be destroyed earlier. As long as he hides here, he will not suffer the sudden attack of Qie Si. Now just let the opponent hurry and have no clue. The venue for the duel will be decided by Qi Li.

The goal of letting the cut heir of rational action fail so that he had to take the initiative to appear in front of Qili has been clear. Then just wait for night to come.

Hearing the crying moan, he turned his gaze to the corner of the darkness. Lying there on the back was the puppet of Ainz Belen who had been kidnapped by Berserker. She did not lie there naturally, but was given a simple magic circle to let the surrounding magic flow in. Although the venue is not a vein, but in the past, Caster greedily devoured the souls of the victims here, so far, there is still the remaining magic at that time. Not to mention whether this supply is comfortable for her, as long as the state is stable.

Of course, it is not inconvenient to cut her abdomen now and take out the "Holy Grail". However, for Qi Li, she now wants to have the opportunity to talk to her. It is also for this purpose to waste time to provide her magic power.

"Woman, can you hear me?"


Simultaneously with a faint breath, the man opened his eyes. The empty eyes lost focus and her eyesight decreased significantly, but she still judged the voice of the enemy.

"Yanfeng Qili, as I thought, you did it."

"The Holy Grail War is about to decide the outcome. Perhaps, I will be the one who fulfills your long-cherished wish from the Einzbeir family."

Although there is no arrogance to win, it can be said to be a conservatively estimated outcome.

"It's still such an uncooperative attitude, are you so dissatisfied with me?"

"Of course I have to entrust the Holy Grail. There is only one person who is never you, agent."

Although it is difficult to speak, the hatred and momentum contained in her voice make Qili frown.

"I don't understand. You are just a doll carrying the Holy Grail. Compared to the situation of victory and defeat, the completion of the ceremony should be the ultimate goal. It's all about this time, why are you still attached to a specific Master?"

"Yeah, how could you understand that you don't even have the desire for the Holy Grail."

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