Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 187: ·Wolf smoke

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Webber lowered his head and looked at his feet. He didn't want to know what expression Rider was looking at him now. Perhaps he was surprised by Weber's cowardly behavior of abandoning the war. Perhaps it was a relief smile for his liberation from the incompetent Master. No matter which kind, Weber didn't want to see it. If he could, he even hoped Rider would forget the encounter between the two.

"Go. No matter where you go, you already have"

Well, a quiet answer sounded.

Next, it was time to hear the sound of a horseshoe galloping on the ground. Weber was thinking this way, but he was picked up by the neckline. The next moment, he did it on the back of Bucefarus.

"Of course I will rush right away, but since the annoying command was issued, have you made up your mind? Come and witness the moment when the command is fulfilled."

"You, you, you idiot! I said, hey!"

His will was changed so easily, Weber yelled awkwardly. Buserufas made a rough hiss with his nose, as if mocking his panic. A horse is ridiculed in the same way as a rider. Thinking of this, Weber yelled at an anger that he could not understand.

"I don’t have any spells anymore! I’m not a master anymore! Why should I take me with me?"

"Whether you are a Master or not, you are my friend, this will not change."

Weber knew that this sentence, accompanied by the same smile as usual, was for himself. At this moment, the hardest part of his heart disintegrated. Although it was desperately protected, destruction only took a moment.

The tears that came out of the eye were overflowing like spring water, and when he ran from his nose, he mixed with his nose, making him feel difficult to breathe and make it more difficult to make a sound. Even so, he still choked and asked.

"Can people like me really be by your side"

"I went to the battlefield so many times with me, and I still say what this kind of thing is. You idiot."

Conquering King teased the teenager's tears like a joke at the banquet and patted his thin shoulder.

"Aren't you the man who faced the enemy with me? Then, you are a friend. Stand your chest and stand shoulder to shoulder with me."


Weber forgot to laugh at himself. Forget the humiliation before today, the cowardice of tomorrow and the fear of facing the moment of death.

The unshakable conviction of "victory of battle" has taken root in his heart.

No failure, no humiliation, he is now with the king, as long as he believes and runs on the road to the king, no matter how unreliable his feet will be at the end of the world, he is so convinced.

"So, it's time to answer the first order spell. Look at your eyes wide open, kid."

"Ah, I will definitely watch with these eyes!"

The legendary horse screamed for victory and began to gallop, with the heart and the king and the magician connected to the dead enemy of the decisive battle.

The place shown by Wolf Smoke is on the other side of the river in the far river, where the fourth spiritual vein of Dongmu is located-

Dongmu Civic Hall

This facility, which costs a total of 8 billion yen, is a symbol of the development of Dongmu Xindu together with the central station plan. It covers an area of ​​6,600 square meters and a building area of ​​4,700 square meters. It is a mixed structure with four floors above ground and one floor underground. The two-story music hall can accommodate more than 3,000 people. The brand-new design of famous architects makes this modern civic hall as magnificent as an ancient temple. From here, you can see the ambition of Dongmu City to develop a new capital.

However, only the appearance has been completed. In order to complete the ceremony, the interior decoration is now underway, but it is far more remote to actually put it into use. In addition to the minimum safety measures, even the power supply equipment is not installed. In the late night without staff, this clean and magnificent building becomes a space full of unmanned silence and a strange and unrealistic feeling.

Of course, the magic factor was not considered in the city's architectural plans. The construction site of the public hall is selected on Dongmu's latest spiritual vein. It was completely accidental to change the view. It can cause this rare accident, also because of the specificity of the spirit of this place.

Yanfeng Qili stood on the roof, looking calmly at the magic signal she was emitting in the night wind with smoke. Intruding into this building without decent security, you only need to break the lock. The preparation for the ceremony and the preparation for the attack have been completed. Next, just wait for the enemies attracted by the signal.

As the battle approached, he remained quiet. For the agent, there is no need to be excited about bleeding hunches, and there is no need to joke to ease tension. They have the thorough condition as a tool of divine will, and just go to the dead with the ordinary heart of completing the task. This long-term study has enabled Qi Li to show the calmness and indifference of a clinician.


"Huh, you still have such a cold face tonight, Qi Li."

Archer walked up the roof slowly and teased, Qili's heart burst into tears. What kind of expressionless face does this look like in a spirit who understands everything? Even the emotional ups and downs that he could not even perceive could not escape the hero's eyes.

Despite the turbulence in her mind at the beginning, Qi Li is now used to it. Really, it turns out that he is so cold, he just understands himself like other people do.

The hero king who came back from the night market is still wearing luxurious and frivolous casual clothes. The crimson eyes still have the aftertaste of enjoyment, and there is no urgency for the battle to approach. However, for this hero, appearance and heart cannot be separated. The decisive battle around the Holy Grail, in his view, is just like playing.

"What do you want me to do next, Qi Li? Just wait here?"

A command may make Archer have doubts about the qualification of Master. Qili, who knows this clearly, shook his head after thinking for a while.

"If you liberate your power near the Holy Grail, the ritual will be in danger. If you want to have fun, just take the initiative."

"Well, okay. But if you were attacked here while I was away, how would you plan to respond?"

"Let the berserker hold the enemy, I will take the opportunity to call you back. At that time, I will use the power of the spell, won't you mind?"

"Yes, but I can't guarantee the safety of the Holy Grail. Tonight, I won't be merciful. This narrow hut may be completely destroyed."

"That is the worst ending, but that is also destiny."

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