Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 188: ·hope

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Qi Li nodded simply, but Archer narrowed his eyes.

"Qi Li, it seems that you understand the meaning of war, but now you still have no desire to be pinned on the Holy Grail? There is no hope of getting a miracle?"

"Yes, so what?"

"Although it has not been completed yet, the "device" is already in your hands. Now, perhaps the long-cherished "first appointment" will be accepted."

"Huh, that's what it is. You mean, if possible, at the same time that the Holy Grail came, did a miracle happen immediately?"

Qi Li talked with no interest.

"I want to say that I hope that there will be no irrelevant people in the final battle. It is helpless that all the residents are nearby. If I can, I really want to win in no one's place."

Hearing this completely uninteresting answer, Gilgamesh said disdainfully.

"Alas, what you hid in your heart can only be guessed from near the Holy Grail."

As a result, although these two men are closer to the Holy Grail than anyone else, they don't care about it. For them, it makes more sense to expel the people who gathered for it than to get the Holy Grail.

"Ah, and if Saber shows up before I come back."

Before leaving, the hero king stopped in a whim.

"At that time, let Berserker play with her temporarily. The reason for leaving that crazy dog's life is for this time."


Qi Li still hasn't figured out why Archer is attached to Saber. However, as for Berserker, who was clamoring for the destruction of the hero king due to the fate of the first battle, after learning his real name through a survey of Tong Yanye, the hero king allowed his existence instead, saying, "Let that dog go Biting Saber is also a happy thing." As long as she encounters something related to her, the hero king can control his anger. It seems that Gilgamesh is very concerned about the knight king.

"Speaking, Qi Li. How about the puppet that Saber laid down his life to protect? I heard that something called the Holy Grail is inside that."

"Ah, you mean that."

Regarding its existence, Qi Li does not want to mention it. Now, he has no interest in it, and even the woman's name is not necessary to remember.

"I killed it just now. There is no reason to keep her alive."

Alice Phil opened her eyes and looked around.

It feels very strange now. Consciousness is infinitely bright, but it is impossible to think clearly and clearly.

It seems that what is turbid and meaningless is not her own spirit, but the world she is in.

Many scenes passed by in front of her eyes. Looking at these scenes, there will only be unnecessary and unbearable sadness and emptiness.

The scenes that are seriously reflected have nothing to do with joy and happiness. A kaleidoscope of messy scenes that is common at this point.

There are crying, humiliation, regret and resentment.

Bleeding and scorched earth, betrayal and revenge, and exhausted efforts but nothing, this is a costly chain of vain.

The familiar snow scene circulates repeatedly.

Tells the story of a family who sealed all their own in the city of severe winter.

At this point, she finally remembered that she overlooked the holy grail of the Ainz Belem family for two thousand years.

Initially by Stesser. And the female dolls created by her as a prototype, artificial life, false life.

The human-shaped consumables created by the alchemy of alchemy and produced and used in order to realize the unreachable long-cherished wish.

Using their blood and tears as ink, cracked bones and frozen fingertips as pens, they wrote the history of frustration and disorientation of the Einzberen family. Their sighs and despair made Alice Phil's heart tight.

If there is a place where you can see these scenes, then it must be the focus of all disputes and witness the inside of everything.

Alice Phil finally understood. I am now looking at the interior of the Holy Grail.

Embrace the original holy grail from Stissa and Mt. All man-made human beings are based on the specifications of her as the "winter virgin". Therefore, they share the same pain.

No, is that really the case?

"Why are you crying, Mother?"

Recovering, Alice Phil found herself in the child's room, guarded by the warmth of the heater.

Outside the window was a cold wind and snow. The wind screamed, and the young hands clasped the mother's arms for protection.

"My mother, I had a nightmare. Ilya's dream of becoming a wine glass."

Despite her inner fear, Ilya's red eyes looked at her with confidence. Although he has the same face as his mother and other sisters, this child is special, and it is more loving than anyone

"There are seven large pieces in Elijah’s heart. When Elijah feels broken and is very scared but unable to escape, she hears the voice of the Stessada, the **** hole in her head."

Alice Phil hugged her daughter tightly, and her silver-white bangs wiped her daughter's wet face with tears.

"It's okay, that kind of thing doesn't happen. You won't see that kind of thing, Elia."

Among the many sisters, only Alice Phil's tragic wish that cannot be shared with others is the kindness of "mother".

Among the artificial men of the past, as the first person to give birth to a heir from her own womb, of the same race, only she was given the heart of a beloved son. And the fate she was carrying was also sighing.

As the next holy grail instrument, Elias Phil von Einzberen is also a part of the gear that has been involved in two thousand years of delusions and attachments.

This shackle will not end. Before someone wins.

The third magic, the cup of heaven, is the only salvation.

Numerous voices flocked to Alice Phil. She is singing with countless sisters.

Holy Grail

Please give the Holy Grail to my hand

In the depths of the forest, used man-made abandoned sites. The corpses of compatriots are chanting. The rotten face crawling with maggots coincided with the face of young Ilya, making a painful voice.


The mother tightly embraced her daughter in her arms.

"Elia, you will be free from the shackles of fate. I will do everything, and your dad will also realize this wish."

At this moment, a question suddenly flashed in her mind.

If this is the dream manifested by the Holy Grail, since you can see so clearly that the internal "instrument" has been formed, what will you look like as a shell?

This is like the egg shell can see the internal organs of the chick.

If so, this is a huge contradiction. When hatching chicks, the shell should break.

So who is the one who dreamed just now?

The slender body of Elias Phil holding her tightly, the touch is so real. She looked towards her pair of hands holding her daughter.

Alice Phil has disappeared. If the chick pecks off the broken eggshell,...

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