Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 194: ·lofty

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"The dream is high, and the ambition to dominate... This passion is indeed commendable. But sirs, do you understand? The so-called dream, one day will wake up."

Archer opened the treasure in the void with the key in his hand. However, he did not unfold the "Treasure of the King" and only took out a sword.

"For this reason, I will definitely block your way. Conquer the king."

-Can this weapon really be called a "sword"?

It's really weird. It has both sword handles and hand guards, and its length is similar to ordinary long swords. But the most critical part of the "sword body" is far from the traditional sword. I saw that the three sections of cylinders were tightly connected, and the unsharp blades were twisted into a spiral shape. The three cylinders were slowly wound together like a chain, and they alternated and extended.

Yes, it can no longer be called a sword. What was born in the world long before the concept of "sword" came into being, it is impossible to assume the shape of a sword. It was created by God before the creation of man, and is a testimony to the divine manifestation at the time of creation.

I saw three disc-shaped cylinders echoing the movements of the celestial sphere, each rubbing and rotating with the weight and force of the crust changes, and the magic power of the expansion was almost incalculable.

"Come on, put an end to your endless long dream, I will show you the rules of the world in person."

Archer's arm raised high above his head, and the initial sword began to speed up slowly. Every lap is faster and faster...

Witnessing all this, Rider, who instinctively felt the danger approaching, urged Bucefarus.

"Let's go!"

The initiative is no problem for Archer. But he was only allowed to release a blow. Without waiting for him to take follow-up actions, the "King's Army" will destroy the golden lonely shadow to death.

In this way, the key lies in how to withstand the first blow. The opponent is an Archer who is proud of the unparalleled treasure. He must have a reason to bet on this hit.

Against military treasures?

Against the city treasure?

Or is it a sniper-type opponent's treasure, the other party intends to capture the thief to capture the king first, in one fell swoop to kill the Rider who charged ahead...

"Boom" roared with the sound of a hurricane, and Archer's sword hilt exploded in magic.

"Wake up, "Ea". The stage that suits you is already set!"

Ea-In the ancient Myth Sorbu Damian mythology, it is the **** of the earth and water in the hands of "sky" and "middle".

What he called the "obedient sword" was the initial sword that witnessed the creation feat of the mythological era. Its blade was given the task of splitting a chaotic sky and earth at that time, and giving it the exact shape.

Today, the arrogantly circling Excalibur rolled up with strong winds and was preparing to repeat the miracle of creation. The golden hero Wang Angran declared.

"Look good-this is "the world is leaving the star of Pi"!"

The sky is crying, the earth is roaring.

The enlarged magic beam shook the laws of the universe and rushed out.

Archer swung the sword down without aiming at anyone at all.

There is no need to target anyone. What is cut by the blade of the obedient sword is by no means limited to any "enemy".

In front of the horse-riding Rider, the earth cracked and a bottomless abyss appeared.


Rider immediately noticed the crisis at his feet, but the fast-moving Bucefarus momentum was so strong that no one could stop it.


Seeing the fate of falling into the abyss, Weber clenched his teeth and swallowed back the wail. Having said that, this crisis is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the horse and rider he stepped over.


With Rider's reins waving, Shenma slammed on the heels of the horse and jumped into the air.

The jump and the float made people sweat deeply. Just as Weber thought that this moment would continue indefinitely, Bucevarus had once again set foot on the other side of the land.

There is no time for them to breathe. As soon as Weber saw the tragedy of the subsequent cavalry, his face was pale.

The imperial guards, who could not mount Buffalo Farus, failed to cross the sky, and fell helplessly into the abyss of **** like an avalanche. Although the cavalrymen in the rear position stopped at a time when they could not let go and escaped, the tragedy had just begun.

"Boy, hurry up!"

Rider snapped, holding Webber and clutching Bucefarus' mane tightly.

Just when he sensed that the crisis horse was retreating to a safe place, the cracks on the ground grew more and more, swallowing the surrounding land and the cavalry.

No-more than the earth. The crack extended from the ground level to the void, distorting the space, the atmosphere was upstream, and the violent wind with the rewind blew everything around to the end of nothingness.

"This, this is..."

Even the King of Conquest was shocked by this situation.

The obedient sword held by the hero king punctured not only the earth but the entire world including the sky. Its attack can no longer be described by whether it hits or how powerful it is. Soldiers, horses, dust, sky-everything that relies on the chopped space is drawn into the vortex leading to nothingness and disappears.

Just as Bucevarus held up his four hoofs and struggled against the pressure difference of the vacuum, the hot sand land generated by the "King's Army" was cracking and disintegrating all the time, like the sand that was about to run out. The stone flows to the abyss of nothingness.

Before the sword was swung, Senro Vientiane was nothing but a senseless chaos—

After the sword fell, the new law separated the sky, the sea and the earth.

The turbulent force of the earth and the earth rushed out, which has long exceeded the scope of the city treasure. Visible and invisible, all phenomena fell apart under this unparalleled power. This is the true face of the "treasure of the world" that makes the hero Wang self-proclaimed as the transcendental.

The sky fell, the earth cracked, and everything fell into nothingness. In the endless night, only Archer's obedient sword Cancan shines. Its light, just like the opening star that illuminates the new world, is proclaiming the end of its destruction.

Rider and Weber failed to witness all this. Rider's inherent enchantment is maintained by the total magic power of all the summoned spirits. Before the entire world disappeared completely, the enchantment that had lost half of the troops had appeared flawed, and the distorted cosmic law returned to its proper posture again.

After that, just like waking up from a dream, Bucefarus carrying the two of them landed on the Dongmu Bridge at night.

On the other side of the bridge, the golden Archer Wan Er smiled and stood in front of them. There is no change in the positional relationship between the two parties, and the entire battle situation is like being traced back to the initial time. ,, ..

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