Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 195: ·wake up

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The only thing that can confirm the change is the oblique sword that is still spinning and snarling in Archer's hand.

The invisible change is that Rider's trump card "Army of Kings" has disappeared.


Seeing his Master looking at him pale, the tall Servant asked solemnly.

"So, there is an important thing that hasn't been asked of you yet."


"Webber Wilwitt, would you like me to use it as a subordinate?"

Webber was trembling with excitement. Then, tears rushed out like a flood that broke out.

Although knowing is absolutely impossible, he still secretly looks forward to this problem. There is no need to consider the answering method. It is hidden in the bottom of his heart like a treasure.

"You are--"

The boy who was called by his name for the first time ignored the tears on his cheeks and straightened his chest and answered unwaveringly.

"--You are my king. I swear to serve you and end for you. Please be sure to guide me and let me see the same dream."

Hearing the other party swearing like this, the overbearing Wang Wei smiled. This smile is the highest praise and reward for his subordinates.


Just when rejoicing and fluttering in my heart-Weber's body really flew.


The king lifted the young boy's short body from Bucefarus' back and slowly put it on the concrete road. After losing his horseback support and returning to his original height, Weber once again realized his shortness and was full of doubts.

"Showing where the dream is is a task for the king. Witnessing the end of the dream and passing it on to future generations is your task as a minister."

On the saddle that seemed so high and untouchable, Conquering Wang Shuanglang smiled sternly and resolutely ordered.

"Survival, Weber. Witness all of this, pass on the way of survival of the king, pass the heroic speed of Iskandar."

Busefalus expressed his encouragement with a loud hissing sound-is the subject the king about to die, or is he a heavy responsibility?

Webber leaned over and never looked up again. In Iskandar's view, this is a sign of approval. No words are needed anymore. From today until the end of the time, Wang Yingzi will guide his subjects, and his subjects will also be loyal to this memory. Before these oaths, parting became meaningless. Under the command of Iskandar, the bond between the king and his subjects had already surpassed time and space and became eternal.

"Come on, let's go out, Iskandar!"

Conquer Wang Yi's horse, and began the last gallop. I saw him glaring at the unhurried enemies, and made a roaring cry.

He is a strategist, naturally knowing that the outcome is already known. However, "that" and "this" are completely different. The conquering king Iskandar had no other way but to advance toward the golden hero.

This is not a good idea or despair. All that filled his heart was the excitement that came out of his chest.

So strong. That guy is too strong. That hero can even split the whole world in half, undoubtedly the strongest adversary in the world.

He is exactly the last difficulty in the world that is higher than Kush Peak in Hindu and hotter than Mark Ranjesha. In this case, why not conquer the king? As long as this last difficulty is broken, the world is at the end. His unreachable dream is still waiting to be realized.

"There is glory in the other side"-just because it is so far away, it has the value of challenge. Acura is overbearing, showing overbearing, in order to support his subordinates behind him.

The hero king who blocked the front of Iskandar looked at the challenger unhurriedly, releasing the treasure in the treasure trove. Twenty, Forty, Eighty-The treasures are shining brightly, scattered in the void. Under that dazzling light, the conquered Wang recalled the East Starry Sky that had been looking far away in the past.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"

The Conquering King trembles with joy, growls and roars forward with his horse.

A little bit of Xingyu roared arrogantly and gradually approached, continually and mercilessly ravaging every inch of skin. But this pain is nothing more than a trivial matter compared to the thrill of galloping.

It's impossible to reach any "end"-I have been secretly depressed in my heart. How stupid, how disoriented.

The coveted "end" stands in front of him. Crossing the hills and crossing the end of the rivers, it is now close to sight.

That's about it.

Step over from that enemy.

Step by step, step by step. As long as this process is repeated, his lancet must be able to touch that unreachable posture.

Swords fell like stars, and under the captivating obscenity, the body of the conquering king suddenly twisted.

When he found out, he was walking with his feet. I do not know where the love Mabu Cefalu went, and where it fell. Although he really wanted to stop by his best friend who had completed the final mission by hanging out, it was for this reason that he could not stop. Every step forward now is the best feast for the dead.

The old rival of gold said something as if he understood everything. But he did not hear. Even the sound of the golden blade breaking the wind from his ears could not pass into his ears.

All he could hear was the sound of Haitao.

Far from the end of the world, beating the empty coast, the sound of the waves at the end of the world came.

Ah, so. Understanding all this, he was relieved.

——The throbbing in this chest is the waves of the endless sea.


He was running on the shore without self. The splashing droplets made the toes very comfortable. The bright red on the soles of the feet, perhaps just blood from his abdomen. But what about that? Now that he saw the sea in his dream, how could any bliss be better than this?

The unhurried hero king is already in sight. One more step-one more step. A high sword tip can divide that guy's head in two.


Accompanied by the shouting, the Celtic sword waved down.

The moment of conviction of victory, the moment that should have flashed away, somehow continued as if it had been frozen forever. It’s like time itself is still—

No, in fact it is not time that is still, but himself.

At the moment when Jian Feng was about to touch the enemy, the hands and feet, shoulders, waist, and sword body of the conquered king were bound by a strong chain.

The Lock of the Sky-the secret treasure among the heroes’ secret treasures, the chain of **** that even the ox of the sky is unable to break free of.

"--You guys... always come up with something weird...",...

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