Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 203: ·Redemption

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Saber's holy sword moaned under the indiscriminate rush of the indestructible lake. This hand promised the victory of the sword of light, has no meaning in the hands of the master who lost his fighting spirit. Berserker kept reprimanding that he couldn't fight back and just evaded, Saber. At this moment, he has completely liberated his true strength, and his swordsmanship is not comparable to the previous level. Even if Saber is not hurt at the moment, it may not be able to resist its strong momentum.

But in the face of the opponent's fierce offensive and the pain of his hands and feet being paralyzed, Saber was completely unmoved. The enemy's powerful strength and ruthless attack several times higher than himself were gradually disintegrating his spirit.

Ah, my friend... is that what you meant?

Is such despair for fate? Are you using the curse of hatred to bring you a desperate king and country?

We had the same dream, and we all saved our lives.

If there is no difference in our ambitions, then you will cover up the hatred, do you regret it?

——Light salvation cannot lead——

no. Tell me this is not the case.

Lancelot. only you. I hope you can understand. Because you are the ideal knight of people.

I hope you can nod your head and agree that my approach is completely correct...

——Leave the people who have lost their way and want to be a saint by themselves——


Saber relied on the last reason to block the heavy black sword, and shouted with all his strength.

"...Stop it... please..."

In a whimper, the beggar softly orbited the ground.

Unable to move, has reached the limit. Unable to defend against the next attack.

Perhaps only this is the only redemption.

Since he was so unwilling and hated so much-there was no other way to compensate except to take the sword that he returned with his body.

Just as Saber decided to give up resistance completely, suddenly, Berserker stopped.

Saber and Berserker had no way of knowing, just a few dozen seconds ago, the engraved insects in the body of Tong Yanyan lurking in the mechanical room of the underground parking lot stopped. In order to maintain Berserkwe's phenomenon, Yanyue's body had a small amount of magic shells absorbed in large quantities. Under the liberation of the final treasure, the magic power increased even more, and finally the engraved worm was exhausted due to too much load.

The Servant was able to maintain the reserve magic for hours in the absence of Msater, and it was exhausted in ten seconds in the Berserker. At this moment, the magic that drove the killing machine suddenly dried up, causing Berserker to stop like an emergency.

In the stillness of Tang Tu's visit, Saber's hand clearly felt Berserker's fading heartbeat. The hilt was clenched in the hand, and the blade of the love sword penetrated the black armor.

This result is too ironic, and who can predict it?

At this moment, the victory and defeat have been divided, and the shallow greed shamed Saber himself, and he couldn't help crying.

Knowing that he shouldn't kill him, but he still killed the person who shouldn't be killed. Saber is now just a captive of obsession-just like Dilukudo's reprimand to him at the last moment. Of all the corpses, all she wanted was the miracle of the wish machine. This is the truest aspect of Saber at the moment.

"Even so, I still have to get the Holy Grail."

Tears dropped on the trembling handguards, mixing with the blood of Berserker sliding down the blade.

"If you don’t do this, my friend... if you don’t, I won’t be able to compensate you at all."

"--It's really sad. Now that you are here, do you still find excuses for fighting?"

Nostalgic voice.

Looking up, the knight was watching the tearful king with a steady gaze like the calm lake. Abandoning the contract with the Master, taking advantage of the gap that has not disappeared, he was freed from the crazy spell.


"Yes, I am grateful. Maybe, I can only use this way to convey my thoughts..."

Looking at the sword that penetrated his body with compassionate eyes, Lancelot continued with a bitter smile.

"Actually...I wanted you to punish me personally. Wang...I really hoped you would ask me to sin because of my anger..."

The betrayal knight, Lancelot, known as the culprit of the round table flaw, mournfully told the only friend who had not blamed him until the end.

"If you can be sanctioned by you... if you can ask me for compensation... then I will also believe in atonement...I will believe that one day I will find a way to forgive myself....The princess should be the same... "

This is-regret of a man and a woman. They embrace the same ideal as Wang, but they are too weak to implement it.

But these two men could not be saved until they died. They blame themselves deeply because they have betrayed the most important people.

To whom should such pain be told, and who should blame who can be relieved?

Sighing deeply, Lancelot relaxed and fell into the arms of the cavalier. Her body was light in her arms, and Saber couldn't help feeling a blocked throat. Servant's body gradually disappeared, almost no weight.

"Despite this form, I ended up borrowing your chest..."

As if dreaming in a nap, the Knight of the Lake murmured and sighed calmly.

"In the arms of the king, the king's eyes died... Haha, I am like this... like a loyal knight..."

"You--don't say that--"

Saber answered anxiously. Before he disappears, he still has something to tell him. She hoped he could understand.

Not "just like", but "at all."

She wanted to tell him that you are a loyal knight. No one knows your sincerity to the country and to Wang better than me.

So don’t blame yourself. Even if it is a fault that cannot be committed. Your quality cannot be subverted by such a fault.

I don't want to humiliate you, I don't want to lose you. It is precisely because I have such a desire that I can truly deny the so-called sin you committed.

This is the real idea of ​​Altoria, but-but can not be the redemption of the knight.

The knight closed his eyes like he was asleep, his body slowly disappearing. Seeing him disappear soon, Saber still didn't know what to say.

"Lancelot, actually you...!"

You are not a sinner—what does this mean to him?

Even if someone denies his sin, it is none other than himself that is most entangled with this sin.

Why didn't he realize his lonely thought at that time? Why didn't he liberate the knight's noble soul from almost crazy self-blame? ,, ..

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