Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 204: ·Lonely King

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——Wang will not understand the mood of others——

Hear this sentence while leaving the round table-who said it.

The knight's body said nothing more. With the last afterglow, he disappeared.

"--Wait... wait... Lance--"

Watching the weightless, empty arms bend, Saber sobbed.

Can't even make a sound. She did not allow herself to make even a sound. Facing the last moment of the loyal knight, he hadn't even been able to say a word of comfort to him. Now he still has the right to cry.

Wang can only be alone and proud—

Saying this to myself, while looking for a way to save the country, how many people have ignored the thoughts and worries.

The heroic and devoted Gao Wen, the Galahad who died in the mission, what were they thinking at the last minute? Are they equally regretful and unwilling to die? Why can one bite that is not the case?

Saber wept silently, as if there were countless thorns that cut his heart.

Could it be said that being a king shouldn’t be at the top—

If so, wouldn't it bring a ruinous ending? Can everyone be saved?

"...Not yet finished."

From the sobbing throat-it was the persistent voice of the King of Victory.

"It can still be compensated... it's too late... I still have the Holy Grail. I still have a miracle that can subvert fate..."

Saber stood by the sword of victory.

Even if you can't listen to people's hearts, even if you are scolded as a king of loneliness, it doesn't matter at all.

Even so, as long as she can win victory for her hometown and her subjects-this is what she requires of herself as a "king".

As long as you can get the Holy Grail, you can make up for everything, and you can correct all the mistakes.

Now, this belief is all about Saber who chose the way of the king.

With scars all over her, Saber took a step-

The killing continues.

bullet. dagger. poison. bomb.

Run through. Torn. combustion. immersion. overwhelming.

Never doubted the meaning of it. After judging its value carefully, I chose the side that the balance favored. The other side should leave it empty, so kill. Kill, kill, keep killing.

Yes, this is correct. In order to save the majority, someone must sacrifice. If the one who is guarded for happiness is more than the unfortunate one, then the world is closer to being saved.

Even if there are countless corpses underfoot.

If there is life saved, the most important thing is these guarded lives.

"--Yeah, cut heir. You are correct."

Looking around, the wife stood beside him. She approached Chess with a gentle and loving smile and stood beside him on the corpse mountain.

"I knew you would come with me. I believe that if it is you, you will definitely be here."


A memorable face. But there was something else that made him feel a bit wrong.

Perhaps it was because she was wearing a black dress she had never seen before. Although this was also one of the reasons, she still had a feeling of ignoring important issues.

By the way, how about Saber? What about the remaining three groups of enemies? What about Yanfeng Qili? There are too many questions, what should I ask?

Cut he had no choice but to say the question he wanted to ask at first.

"Here is-where?"

"This is where you can fulfill your wishes. Inside the holy grail you seek."

Alice Phil answered with a smile. Cut your heirs and look around.

Black mud tumbling like waves in the sea.

There are corpses of dry corpses everywhere, and they are gradually sinking into the sea.

The sky is red, as red as blood. In the black mud rain, the dark sun dominates the sky.

The wind is a curse and a grief.

If any words are used as a metaphor, here-where is hell?

"You said... this is the Holy Grail?"

"Yeah, but don't be afraid. This is nothing like an unformed dream. It is still waiting for birth."

Look there-Alice Phil points to the sky. The black vortex in the sky was initially mistaken by the cut heir as the sun. There is the center of the world, a "hole" in the sky. The unfathomable darkness inside, the density seemed to crush everything.

"That’s the Holy Grail. Although there is no form yet, the container is already filled. Then just pray. It can be changed according to the desire to be entrusted. Then it can get the posture and shape of this world. It can appear in the "outside world."


"Okay, hurry up and pray. Hurry up and give it a "posture". Only you are the one who defines its form. Cut heir, pray to the Holy Grail."

Chedi didn't say a word, just staring at the terrible "hole."

As long as a normal human being does not think that "hole" is anything good. But even so, why can Alice Phil smile so indifferently. By the way, her smile is the most unusual place.

If you want to say why-

"……who are you?"

Cut he used his anger to suppress the fear in his heart and asked the family in front of him.

"If the preparation of the Holy Grail has been completed, it means that Alice Phil is dead. So, who are you?"

"I am Alice Phil. You just think about it."

Chedi lifted the magic gun in his right hand—pointing Contender's muzzle that had been in his hand while fighting Qi Li at the person in front of him.

"Don't be fooled by me, answer quickly!"

Facing the muzzle full of murderous intent, the woman in the black dress smiled a bit lonely, as if expressing pity to the cutting heir who was asking the truth.

"...Yeah, I don't deny that this is just a mask. If I don't borrow a "body" that already has a personality, I can't communicate with others. I just pretend to be what I am now just to convey my wishes. But, I The personality of Alice Phil that she has is genuine. She was the last person who contacted her before she disappeared. So I inherited Alice Phil’s last wish. She hoped that I could use her "original" Appears."

Hearing this, Chedi understood through intuition.

This place is called "the inside of the holy grail", then the one who claims to be "someone who is not" in front of him should be--,...

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