Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 205: ·Holy Grail

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"--Are you the consciousness of the Holy Grail?"

"Well, this explanation is correct."

Through Alice Phil's body, it nodded in agreement. But this time, Chedi frowned in confusion.

"Impossible. The holy grail is just pure "strength." It simply cannot have any consciousness.

"It may have been this way before, but it is different now. I have consciousness and desire. My wish is "hope to be born in this world.""

"How can it be……"

too weird. This is too incredible.

If this is true, then it is not the "wish machine" that Chesi pursues.

"--Since you say conscious, then I ask you, how will the Holy Grail fulfill my wishes?"

As if encountering a problem, Alice Phil tilted her head slightly.

"This question-cut heir, you should understand better than anyone, don't you?"

"……what did you say?"

"You human being itself has been infinitely close to the Holy Grail. So, even if you communicate with me like now, you can remain rational. If you switch to ordinary human beings, you will be mentally collapsed when you are touched by the mud."

Alice Phil exhaled cheerfully and cheerfully.

Her smile somehow caused the heart of Chess to stir up.

"Don't you know the way to save the world long ago. So I will inherit your approach and fulfill the wish for you like you have always done."

"what are you saying?"

Chedi didn't understand. Because he didn't want to understand it anyway.

"Answer me, what the Holy Grail is going to do? If that thing comes to this world, what will happen?"

Regarding each other's unanswered questions, Alice Phil sighed helplessly and nodded.

"--No way. Then next, only let you ask your own heart."

The white and soft palms covered Qie's eyes——

Subsequently, the world was dark.

Two ships floated on the sea.

There are three hundred people on one ship, another two hundred people, a total of 500 crew members and passengers, and the heir to the palace. Suppose these 501 people are the last remaining human beings in this world.

Next, you only need to play a play based on the following propositions and roles.

"A fatal hole was opened at the bottom of the two ships at the same time, and only the one who had the ship repair technology was cut. When repairing one ship, the other ship would sink. So, which ship would you choose to repair?"

"...Of course the boat of three hundred people."

"When you make a decision, two hundred people on another boat will detain you and ask you to "repair this boat first", what will you do?"


Before waiting for an answer, a machine gun appeared in Chedi's hands.

The gun suddenly fired a bullet like an automatic machine. Chedi had to stare blankly at everything in front of her.

A bullet penetrated four people, and in an instant, two hundred people were shot.

"--Correct. This is Wei Gong cut heir."

Chedi motionlessly watched the ship carrying the corpse mountain sink into the sea. Every corpse on the deck seemed to be someone he knew.

"Then the remaining three hundred people abandoned the damaged ship and took two new ships to continue sailing. This time two hundred people in one ship and one hundred people in one ship. But at the bottom of the two ships, a big hole appeared again at the same time. "


"You were pulled by a hundred people in a boat and asked to repair the boat first. What would you do?"


A dazzling light flashed in front of my eyes, and as the bomb exploded, a hundred people turned into mud in the sea. This is how Wei Gong cuts heirs. Like his usual style, he carried out the killing.


"It's wrong... impossible!"

Where is right.

Two hundred people survived, and three hundred people were sacrificed for this purpose-the pointer of the balance was reversed.

"No, your calculations are correct. You did sacrifice the minority to save the majority. Well, the next question."

Ignoring the heir's protest, the game owner continued.

One hundred twenty people and eighty people were placed on the balance. Cut the **** to kill 80 people.

Next are eighty and forty people. The "Magic Killer" laid funerals for forty people. Every face they knew was the face of the people who had been killed by their own hands.

Sixty and twenty people--

Twenty-five people and fifteen people-the choice continues. The sacrifice continues. The piles of corpses increased.

" what you want me to see?"

For this low-level game, he immediately committed nausea, and he asked the self-proclaimed "Holy Grail Consciousness".

"Yes, this is your truth, the answer given by the inner heart of the guardian of the palace, that is, the wish that the Holy Grail must fulfill as a wish machine."


Looking at the red hands, heir screamed.

"This is not my wish! I hope there are other I can only rely on "miracles"..."

"The methods you fail to recognize cannot be included in your desires. If you wish to save the world, you can only use the methods you already know."

"What a joke! This...what kind of miracle!?"

"It's a miracle. What you expect but can't be realized on your own will be realized on a huge scale that humans can't accomplish. Isn't this a miracle?"

The remaining five people are all the most important people for Chedi. But he still had to choose between saving two people or three.

He screamed in despair and pulled the trigger, hitting Wei Gongjuxian in the face. Natalya Kaminsky's brains also suddenly splashed.

"Do you want to... come to this world and do such a thing to all mankind? Is this the realization of the ideal for me?"

"Exactly. Your wish is most suitable for the shape of the Holy Grail. Wei Gong cuts heirs, you are simply too suitable for the name "all evil in the world."

The remaining three, save one or two. Chedi held the knife handle with trembling hands.

Tears have dried up. With a hollow eye like a ghost, Cut Si tears the body of Jiuyu Mai. Repeat, wave the dagger repeatedly.

In this way, there are only two people left in the world.

No more weighing on the balance. No need to calculate the equivalent value. This was exchanged for 498 lives, the last hope.

After finishing all of this, the heir finally sighed with relief. He seemed to be a walking dead, surrounded by the warmth of the stove.

In the memorable, calm and warm room, "Sister" and "Sister's Daughter" burst into a smile.

In other words, this is what he seeks, a stable world.

There is no need to fight anymore, nor to hurt anyone. Completely happy land.

"You are back, cut heir. You are finally back!"

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