Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 206: ·despair

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With joy all over his face, Ilya Sfil embraced Chedi's neck with small hands.

In the northernmost city with heavy snow, there is such a tranquility.

His blood-stained career ushered in such unimaginable warmth at the end.

If such a peaceful children's room is the whole world, then there will be no disputes or disputes.

"--Right? Understand? This is what the Holy Grail has done for you."

Alice Phil smiled at Chedi, who was intoxicated with happiness.

Just pray to the Holy Grail.

Pray that Alice Phil will be resurrected and recapture Ilia.

In the face of infinite magic, these are all insignificant miracles.

All the rest is happiness. On this planet where everything is destroyed, the last three human beings should be able to live happily forever.

"...I can't find the buds of the walnut tree anymore..."

Outside the window is no longer a white snow scene, only the black mud rolled up. Looking at this scenery, heir to himself. At this time, Iliasfil smiled and shook his head at him.

"Well, it doesn't matter. As long as Ilya can be with Chedi and her mother."

Touching the head of the most beloved child in his arms, the tears of the cut heir came out.

"Thank you... Chesi also loves Ilya the most. I only swear by this, really..."

His hands did not stop moving. As if they were not controlled by the brain, just like the set machine, cut heir to put Contender's muzzle against Ilya's small chin.

"--Goodbye, Ilya."

The girl's head burst with the sound of gunfire.

The cut tears on the wet cheeks were covered with pieces of silvery hair.

Alice Phil screamed. Her eyes widened, her hair scattered, and she shouted wildly and ecstatically.

"What--what did you do!"

Chedi overwhelmed his wife, who was a ghost girl, and pinched her slender neck with her hand.

"The Holy Grail is something that should not exist..."

Regardless of what is in this body, Alice Phil's personality, which coexists with the body, is still real. The despair and pain of the daughter's killing, and the hatred of the younger brother who killed the daughter are undoubtedly the true feelings of Alice Phil.

Chedi stared straight at her, accepted the fact, and at the same time exerted all her strength to pinch her sister's neck.

"...What are you doing...why reject the Holy Grail, and Ilya...why do you want this?"

"--because I--"

The sound squeezed from the throat was so empty, like a wind blowing through the hollow. No sorrow, no anger. This is of course, Wei Gong cuts off the heart to be empty. Abandoned the miracle he pursued, but also abandoned the interests completely contrary to the original intention. At this moment, there could be nothing left in his mind.

"I want to-save-the world."

There is only one point, that is to implement the belief to the end. But why does this sentence sound so empty?

Alice Phil stared at Chedi, her white face was already flushed. Whenever he looked at his crimson eyes with love and longing, he was also cursed and resented at the moment.

"--I curse you--"

Elegant and slender fingers grabbed the cut Si's shoulder. The five fingers that fell deep into the skin flew out of black mud.

"Wei Gong cut heirs... I curse you... pain... regret until death... absolutely, not forgiving you..."

"Ah, whatever."

Dirt-stained mud flows through the blood vessels to the heart and penetrates into the soul of this man who has lost everything. But even so cut heirs did not let go, he even forgot the meaning of tears on his cheeks. He strangled the woman in a black dress while telling.

"It's okay. I said-I will carry you."

Shaking hands broke the woman's cervical spine.

Again, the scene has changed.

——Invaded into the illusion of deep spirit, when I looked back, I realized that it was just a blink of an eye.

After waiting for God to cut off the heir, he found that he was standing in the original large prop warehouse.

The right hand also held Contender who had not pulled the trigger. What was in front of him was Yan Feng Qili, who remained motionless and kept her knees unconscious.

Chedi looked up at the ceiling, watching the black mud still dripping down the ground. Chedi was stained with Qili at the same time, then he should have seen the same thing at the moment.

If the earth really overflowed from the Holy Grail-the Holy Grail should be on it, on the stage of the auditorium, you can be sure that the advent ceremony is still going on.

Time must be seized.

Qi Li regained her consciousness and wanted to stand up, but was stopped by the muzzle that cut heir against her back.

Qi Li, who immediately understood the situation, gave a wry smile at the dramatic ending. After the tragic life-and-death contest just now, I did not expect that the key to the final victory was the accidental factor of who woke up first.

Or, is it that the person who first ends the nightmare by his own will wake up first.

"...Too stupid, I can't understand. Why should I reject it?"

Low, full of anger and hatred. This is the first time Wei Gong cut heir directly heard Yan Feng Qili's voice.

"...Do you think it would be beneficial to accept that thing?"

A hoarse and exhausted voice. This is also the first time Yan Feng Qili faced the voice of Wei Gong cut heirs.

Both of them had contact with the thing in the Holy Grail and understood their true identity. Cheri's communication with the self-proclaimed Holy Grail consciousness was all seen by Qi Li. Qi Li couldn't understand Qi's choice anyway.

"You guy...abandon everything, sacrifice everything, and finally come to this step! But why should you refuse something at your fingertips!"

"That thing will be a huge sacrifice in exchange for less worthwhile results-nothing more."

"Then let me!"

It was at this time that Qili felt abhorred from the bottom of his heart for Wei Gong's cut heir, a man who used to be very similar to himself, but now completely opposite to himself.

"What you don't need is useful to me! That thing... If something like that will appear, then I can definitely give it the answer without thinking!"

Qi Li understands Qi Si's intention. This man who made up his mind to refuse the wish machine even by killing his favorite person, Qi Li is very clear. And he did not allow him to do so, for this reason, he was willing to bet on his life so far.

"Please, don’t kill it! It longs for the birth of its own life!"

The priest prayed excitedly, even when he was not allowed to look back. The assassin stared down at him with cold eyes. ,, ..

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